In this intriguing world of Pokemon evolution, where most creatures grow stronger through battles and experience points. However, amidst the vast array of evolutions, some exceptional Pokemon possess unique requirements to reach their full potential. One such enigmatic being is Gimmighoul, a tiny, treasure-obsessed Pokemon that exists in two distinct forms: the lone creature clutching a coin and the secretive one concealed within a chest. But beware, for it is only the elusive chest form that can be caught and evolved. 

Today, let’s explore how to evolve Gimmighoul. We will unravel the mystery behind developing Gimmighoul into its formidable evolved form, Gholdengo, revealing the price you must pay to unlock its true power. So, gather your courage and embark on this adventure of transformation!

How to Evolve Gimmighoul Fast


Evolving a Gimmighoul in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet requires a unique approach, distinct from the traditional battling and leveling up. Follow these three steps to unlock the path to Gholdengo’s power:

How to Evolve Gimmighoul: Catch a Gimmighoul in Chest Form


In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Gimmighoul is a fascinating Pokemon that comes in two distinct forms: the standard Gimmighoul holding a coin and the elusive Gimmighoul concealed within a treasure chest. While roaming Gimmighouls are relatively common, capturing them in their natural form is not possible in these games. To obtain a Gimmighoul, you must seek out the hidden chest form. These chest forms can be found in specific locations throughout the game world. Here’s how to catch one:

Step 1: Exploring Watch Towers

Gimmighoul chest forms are often found at the tops of watch towers, which serve as fast travel points in the game. As you explore the regions of Scarlet and Violet, be on the lookout for these watch towers. Climbing to the highest point will often reveal the hidden chest form of Gimmighoul. Keep in mind that not all watch towers house a Gimmighoul, but it’s worth checking each one you encounter.

Step 2: Unearthing Gimmighoul in Ruins

Another location where the elusive Gimmighoul chest form can be found is within ancient ruins scattered across the map. These ruins hold secrets and treasures, making them a natural habitat for Gimmighouls. Embark on an adventure of discovery and explore these ruins thoroughly to encounter the rare chest form of Gimmighoul.

Step 3: All Gimmighoul Chest Locations

To aid your quest, consider seeking out guides or online resources that provide a comprehensive list of all Gimmighoul chest locations in the game. These valuable resources will save you time and effort in your search, ensuring you don’t miss any opportunities to catch a Gimmighoul in its chest form.

The Importance of Gimmighoul’s Chest Form

While it may seem peculiar that Gimmighoul can only be caught in its chest form in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, there’s a reason behind this rarity. The chest form represents the Pokemon’s natural state, emphasizing its affinity for treasures and its mysterious nature. Capturing Gimmighoul in this form adds a sense of adventure to the game, encouraging players to explore hidden nooks and ancient ruins in search of this rare creature.

Remember, patience and perseverance are vital traits in your pursuit of a Gimmighoul in its chest form. Once you’ve managed to capture this elusive Pokemon, you’ll be one step closer to unleashing its true potential and discovering the path to evolving it into the formidable Gholdengo.

How to Evolve Gimmighoul: Collect 999 Gimmighoul Coins


Once you have a Gimmighoul in its chest form, the next step on your journey to unlocking its full potential is to amass 999 Gimmighoul Coins. These precious coins hold the key to evolving your Gimmighoul into the mighty Gholdengo. There are three primary ways to gather these coins, each requiring a mix of exploration, battles, and occasional visits to a specific NPC. Let’s delve into the details of each method:

1. Collect Coins from Roaming Gimmighoul

Roaming Gimmighouls, found throughout the game world, can be a consistent source of Gimmighoul Coins. Engage with them in battles, and upon victory, they will generously reward you with a small number of coins, typically ranging from 1 to 5.

Occasionally, you might strike lucky and receive larger hauls, up to 30 or even more. Keep an eye out for these creatures in ruins, high places, or clever hiding spots. They tend to respawn frequently, providing a steady stream of coins as you explore.

2. Battle or Capture Chest Form Gimmighoul

Engaging with Gimmighouls in their chest form presents another avenue for collecting coins. Defeating or capturing a Chest Form Gimmighoul can yield a more substantial number of coins, usually around 50 per encounter. The amount can vary, with drops ranging from 10 to 200 or possibly even more. It’s worth noting that the method of dealing with these Gimmighouls, whether through battle or capture, does not influence the number of coins granted.

While Gimmighoul Coins above 60 are exceedingly rare, occasional fortune may favor you with a bountiful reward. Keep your eyes peeled for these elusive creatures, primarily on watch towers and occasionally in ruins or unexpected locations.

3. Visit the NPC in Medali (West)

A reliable and supplementary method to acquire Gimmighoul Coins is by periodically visiting an NPC located in Medali (West). This friendly character will gladly gift you Gimmighoul Coins, with the amount depending on the time that has passed since your last visit. Be sure to make a habit of returning to this NPC at regular intervals to receive this generous offering.

The Journey Towards Evolution

Collecting 999 Gimmighoul Coins may seem like a daunting task, but with persistence and a willingness to explore the vast world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll gradually accumulate the required amount. Keep in mind that evolving Gimmighoul into Gholdengo is not solely about reaching a numerical goal; it symbolizes the growth of your bond with this remarkable Pokemon.

You can also check out this guide from IGN for more information.

How to Evolve Gimmighoul: Leveling up a Gimmighoul into Gholdengo


Congratulations on successfully collecting 999 Gimmighoul Coins! You are now ready to take the final step in evolving your Gimmighoul into the awe-inspiring Gholdengo. This process involves leveling up your cherished Gimmighoul once it has reached the pinnacle of its potential. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieving this monumental evolution:

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Items

Before proceeding, ensure you have a Gimmighoul in your party and acquire a Rare Candy or EXP Candy. Both of these items serve the purpose of instantly granting experience points to your Pokemon, leveling them up instantly. Alternatively, you can also choose to battle with your Gimmighoul and earn experience points through traditional means. Regardless of the method, it’s essential to have your Gimmighoul ready for its transformation.

Step 2: Use the Rare Candy or EXP Candy

If you’ve obtained a Rare Candy or EXP Candy, use it on your Gimmighoul. Simply select the item from your bag, target your Gimmighoul, and watch it gain experience rapidly. This sudden boost in experience will elevate your Gimmighoul’s level, setting the stage for its evolution into Gholdengo.

Step 3: Battle for Experience

If you opt for the traditional method, engage in battles with your Gimmighoul as an active participant. Defeating opponents and overcoming challenges will earn your Gimmighoul experience points, gradually raising its level. Continue battling until it reaches the required level for evolution.

Step 4: Witness the Marvelous Evolution

Once your Gimmighoul has been leveled up using either the Rare Candy, EXP Candy, or through battles, the moment of transformation has arrived. Watch with awe and anticipation as your cherished Gimmighoul transcends into its ultimate form, Gholdengo. The evolution is a magnificent sight, signifying the culmination of your efforts and the fulfillment of your bond with this extraordinary Pokemon.

NintendoLife has explained the steps well in their guide, you can check it out here.

Coins Consumed in the Evolution

During the evolution process, the 999 Gimmighoul Coins you painstakingly collected will be consumed. This symbolic gesture signifies the Gimmighoul’s devotion to treasures and serves as a tribute to its enigmatic nature. Though the coins vanish, the power and potential unlocked by the evolution into Gholdengo far surpass the material value of those coins.

A Testament to Your Journey

The evolution of Gimmighoul into Gholdengo is not merely a display of strength but a testament to the bond you’ve nurtured with this unique Pokemon. The adventures shared, battles won, and treasures uncovered have shaped your Gimmighoul into the remarkable creature it is today. As Gholdengo stands before you, a paragon of power and loyalty, you can take pride in your role as a Pokemon Trainer and cherish the memories of your journey together.


By reading this article, do you learn more about how to evolve Gimmighoul? The journey to evolving Gimmighoul into Gholdengo is one of adventure, perseverance, and discovery. From seeking the elusive chest form in watch towers and ruins to collecting 999 Gimmighoul Coins, each step brings you closer to unlocking the full potential of this treasure-obsessed Pokemon.

Throughout your quest, you have formed a deep bond with Gimmighoul, nurturing its growth through battles and care. As it evolves into the majestic Gholdengo, the culmination of your efforts is rewarded with a Pokemon of immense power and loyalty.

Remember, the transformation of Gimmighoul is not solely about reaching numerical milestones but a testament to the bond between you and your Pokemon. Cherish the memories of your journey together and embrace the newfound abilities of Gholdengo as you continue to explore the captivating world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

As you forge ahead, let the lessons learned from your experiences with Gimmighoul and Gholdengo inspire you to tackle future challenges with courage and determination. The adventure never truly ends in the world of Pokemon, and with each evolution, you grow not only as a Trainer but as a friend to your cherished companions.

Bonus Tip

By the way, iFoneTool AnyGo is a tool that can change location without moving outside, allowing players to explore different features of the game at home However, it’s important to note that using such tools may violate the terms of service of Pokemon Go, potentially leading to penalties or bans from the game. Players should consider the risks and implications before utilizing such tools.

How do I catch Gimmighoul in its chest form?

Gimmighoul in its chest form can be found at the tops of watch towers or within certain ruins in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

What are Gimmighoul Coins used for?

You need 999 Gimmighoul Coins to evolve Gimmighoul into Gholdengo, its final form.

How can I obtain Gimmighoul Coins?

You can collect Gimmighoul Coins by defeating roaming Gimmighoul, capturing chest form Gimmighoul, or periodically visiting an NPC in Medali (West).

What is the range of Gimmighoul Coins obtained from battles?

Battling or capturing chest form Gimmighoul can grant around 50 Gimmighoul Coins, with rare chances of receiving up to 200 or more.

Can I evolve Gimmighoul without using coins?

No, evolving Gimmighoul into Gholdengo requires using the 999 Gimmighoul Coins collected during the game.