In the world of Pokémon, there are countless fascinating creatures with unique abilities and powers. Among them, Mew and Mewtwo stand out as two of the most powerful and enigmatic Pokémon. Both of them possess incredible abilities, but who would come out on top in a battle between these legendary beings? 

In this article, we will explore the characteristics of Mew and Mewtwo, their origins, powers, abilities, and intelligence, and finally, we will attempt to answer the question: Mew vs Mewtwo, who would win?

What Is a Mew?


Mew is a mythical Pokémon known for its small, cat-like appearance and its ability to learn any move. It is said to contain the DNA of all existing Pokémon species, making it the ancestor of all Pokémon. Mew is known for its elusive nature and is often associated with mysteries and secrets. In the Pokémon world, Mew is revered as a symbol of rarity and power.

What Is a Mewtwo?


Mewtwo, on the other hand, is a genetically enhanced clone of Mew. Created by scientists in an attempt to amplify Mew’s powers, Mewtwo is larger and more powerful than its predecessor. It has a more menacing appearance, with a muscular physique and a more humanoid shape. Mewtwo possesses incredible psychic abilities and is known for its immense strength and intelligence.

What Are the Differences Between Mew and Mewtwo?


The most apparent difference between Mew and Mewtwo lies in their physical appearance. Mew is smaller and has a more playful and innocent look, while Mewtwo is larger and possesses a more intimidating presence. Additionally, Mewtwo has a more humanoid shape, resembling a bipedal creature, whereas Mew has a more feline-like appearance.

Origin: Mew vs Mewtwo

Mew and Mewtwo have distinct origins that contribute to their unique characteristics. Mew is believed to be the ancestor of all Pokémon, existing long before humans discovered the world of Pokémon. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, and it is said to reside in rare and hidden locations. Mewtwo, on the other hand, was created in a laboratory through scientific experimentation. Its creation involved genetic manipulation and cloning, resulting in a Pokémon with enhanced powers and abilities.

Powers: Mew vs Mewtwo

Both Mew and Mewtwo possess extraordinary powers, but there are some notable differences between them. Mew is known for its ability to learn any move, making it incredibly versatile in battle. It can adapt to various situations and counter its opponents effectively. Mew is also a master of psychic abilities and can levitate, making it difficult to hit in battle.

Mewtwo, on the other hand, has unparalleled psychic powers. It can create powerful psychic blasts, control the minds of other Pokémon, and even manipulate the weather. Mewtwo’s psychic abilities are so potent that they can bend spoons and cause massive destruction with a mere thought. Its raw power and destructive potential make it a formidable opponent in battle.

Abilities: Mew vs Mewtwo

In addition to their powers, Mew and Mewtwo possess unique abilities that set them apart. Mew can transform into any Pokémon and mimic their abilities. This ability allows Mew to adapt to different situations and surprise its opponents. Mewtwo, on the other hand, has an ability called “Pressure,” which puts mental pressure on its opponents, causing them to use more energy when attacking. This ability can quickly drain the stamina of its adversaries.

Intelligence: Mew vs Mewtwo

Both Mew and Mewtwo are incredibly intelligent Pokémon, but Mewtwo’s intelligence is on a different level. Mewtwo’s enhanced intellect is a result of its genetic modification, granting it superior analytical and strategic thinking abilities. Mewtwo is known to be highly calculating and can devise complex battle strategies to exploit its opponents’ weaknesses. Mew, although intelligent, relies more on its adaptability and instinct in battle.

Mew vs Mewtwo: Which Would Win?

Now, the question remains: in a battle between Mew and Mewtwo, who would emerge victorious? The answer to this question is not straightforward. While Mewtwo possesses superior raw power and psychic abilities, Mew’s versatility and adaptability could prove to be significant advantages in a battle. Mew’s ability to transform into any Pokémon and mimic their abilities can potentially give it an edge over Mewtwo.

Furthermore, Mew’s elusive nature and ability to levitate make it difficult to hit, allowing it to dodge Mewtwo’s attacks. On the other hand, Mewtwo’s immense psychic powers and its ability to control the minds of other Pokémon could be devastating against Mew. Mewtwo’s sheer power and intellect could overwhelm Mew if it can land a decisive blow.

Ultimately, the outcome of a battle between Mew and Mewtwo would depend on various factors, including the strategies employed by both Pokémon, their level of experience, and the circumstances of the battle. It is impossible to determine a definitive winner without considering these variables.

How to Get Mew in Pokémon Go?

In Pokémon Go, obtaining Mew is no easy task. Initially, Mew was only available through special events or promotional activities. However, with the introduction of Special Research tasks, players now have the opportunity to encounter and catch Mew. By completing a series of challenging and specific tasks assigned through the Special Research feature, players can eventually encounter Mew and add it to their collection.

How to Get Mewtwo in Pokémon Go?

Similar to Mew, acquiring Mewtwo in Pokémon Go requires some effort. Mewtwo is often available through Raid Battles, where players team up with other trainers to defeat the powerful Pokémon. These Raid Battles can be challenging, and coordination among players is crucial to success. Once players defeat Mewtwo in the raid, they will have the opportunity to catch it. Additionally, Mewtwo sometimes appears in special events or exclusive raids, providing players with more chances to capture this legendary Pokémon.

What is the Fastest Way to Get Mew and Mewtwo?

Maybe you can’t go out to play Pokemon Go because of the inconvenient location or bad weather, but you can use iFoneTool AnyGo to change your location anywhere.

With iFoneTool AnyGo, you can use location-based apps like AR games, social platforms, and more. It will help you to simulate GPS movement with a customized route. You can also save your favorite routes by importing/exporting GPX files.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can get both Mew and Mewtwo as soon as possible!


In conclusion, the battle between Mew and Mewtwo is a clash of two legendary Pokémon with incredible powers and abilities. While Mewtwo possesses immense raw power and superior psychic abilities, Mew’s versatility, adaptability, and elusive nature make it a formidable opponent. The outcome of a battle between them would depend on various factors, and it is impossible to determine a clear winner.

In Pokémon Go, obtaining Mew and Mewtwo requires players to complete specific tasks or participate in challenging raids. These Pokémon are highly sought after due to their rarity and power, making the journey to capture them all the more exciting for trainers.

Whether it’s in the realm of Pokémon battles or the world of Pokémon Go, both Mew and Mewtwo continue to captivate fans with their unique qualities and fascinating abilities. Regardless of who emerges victorious in a battle, there is no denying that both Mew and Mewtwo hold a special place in the hearts of Pokémon enthusiasts worldwide.

Who is stronger, Mew or Mewtwo?

Mewtwo is generally considered stronger due to its enhanced powers and raw psychic abilities.

Can Mew defeat Mewtwo in a battle?

It is possible for Mew to defeat Mewtwo, as Mew’s versatility and adaptability can give it an edge in battle.

How can I obtain Mew in Pokémon Go?

To obtain Mew in Pokémon Go, players need to complete a series of challenging Special Research tasks.

How can I obtain Mewtwo in Pokémon Go?

Mewtwo can be obtained through Raid Battles in Pokémon Go, where players team up to defeat and capture the legendary Pokémon.

Are Mew and Mewtwo related?

Yes, Mewtwo is a genetically enhanced clone of Mew, created with the intention of amplifying Mew’s powers.