Gardevoir, a majestic Psychic/Fairy-type Pokemon, has captured the hearts of many trainers in Pokemon Go. With its graceful appearance and formidable abilities, Gardevoir is a versatile choice for battles, whether it’s raid battles, PvP battles, or defending gyms. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various aspects of Gardevoir in Pokemon Go, including its best movesets, evolutionary line, Mega Evolution, evolution process, acquiring methods, counters, and raid battle strategies.  

Stats of Gardevoir Pokemon



Gardevoir has a base attack stat of 237. This stat determines the damage output of Gardevoir’s moves when it attacks other Pokemon. With a high attack stat, Gardevoir can deal significant damage to its opponents.


Gardevoir has a base defense stat of 195. This stat influences the amount of damage taken by Gardevoir when it is attacked by other Pokemon. A higher defense stat allows Gardevoir to withstand more hits and sustain itself in battles.


Gardevoir has a base stamina stat of 169. Stamina, also known as hit points (HP), determines the amount of damage Gardevoir can withstand before fainting. With a higher stamina stat, Gardevoir can endure longer in battles, giving it more opportunities to deal damage.

Overall, Gardevoir’s base stats lean more towards its offensive capabilities, with a high attack stat. However, it still possesses decent defense and stamina stats, allowing it to hold its own in battles and survive against various opponents.

Best Moveset of Gardevoir in Pokemon GO


Raid Battles

In raid battles, where the goal is to defeat powerful raid bosses, Gardevoir can excel as a Psychic or Fairy-type attacker. The recommended moveset for raid battles includes:

  • Fast Move: Charm

Charm is a Fairy-type fast move that deals high damage and generates energy quickly. It is the ideal choice for Gardevoir’s fast move in raid battles, as it benefits from Gardevoir’s Fairy typing and high attack stat.

  • Charged Move 1Dazzling Gleam

Dazzling Gleam is a Fairy-type charged move that deals damage to multiple opponents. It offers good coverage against Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type raid bosses, which are common in raids.

  • Charged Move 2Psychic

Psychic is a Psychic-type charged move that deals high damage. It is especially effective against Poison and Fighting-type raid bosses. Psychic is a reliable move that benefits from STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) due to Gardevoir’s Psychic typing.

Gym Defense

When using Gardevoir to defend gyms, its Psychic and Fairy typing can provide solid resistance against various attacking Pokemon. The recommended moveset for gym defense includes:

  • Fast Move: Charm

Similar to raid battles, Charm is an excellent choice for Gardevoir’s fast move in gym defense. It deals significant Fairy-type damage and can quickly wear down opponents.

  • Charged Move 1: Synchronoise

Synchronoise is a Psychic-type charged move that deals damage to all opponents in gym battles. It provides good coverage against a wide range of Pokemon types and can surprise attackers.

  • Charged Move 2: Moonblast

Moonblast is a Fairy-type charged move that deals high damage. It is particularly effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting-type Pokemon, which are commonly used to attack gyms.

PvP Battles

In player-versus-player battles, a different approach is required to outsmart opponents. The recommended moveset for Gardevoir in PvP battles includes:

  • Fast Move: Charm

Charm remains the preferred fast move for Gardevoir in PvP battles. It allows Gardevoir to deal consistent Fairy-type damage and generate energy efficiently.

  • Charged Move 1: Shadow Ball

Shadow Ball is a Ghost-type charged move that provides coverage against Psychic and Ghost-type Pokemon. It can catch opponents off guard and deal significant damage.

  • Charged Move 2: Synchronoise or Moonblast

The choice between Synchronoise and Moonblast depends on the meta and the specific opponents you expect to face. Synchronoise provides wider coverage, while Moonblast deals high Fairy-type damage.

Gardevoir’s Triple Axel in Pokemon Go


One of the notable moves in Gardevoir’s arsenal is Triple Axel. Here’s a discussion about Gardevoir and its use of the Triple Axel move:

  • Move Description: Triple Axel is a three-hit Ice-type charged move. Each hit deals damage separately, potentially inflicting significant damage on the opponent. It has a base power of 47 and costs 35 energy to use.
  • Type Coverage: Triple Axel provides Gardevoir with coverage against Dragon, Flying, Grass, and Ground-type Pokemon, all of which are weak to Ice-type moves. This move allows Gardevoir to counter specific threats that it may struggle against with its Psychic and Fairy-type moves alone.
  • RaidBattles: Triple Axel can be useful in raid battles against certain raid bosses weak to Ice-type moves like Dragonite, Salamence, Rayquaza, and Ground-type raid bosses like Groudon.
  • Synergy with Fairy and Psychic Moves: While Triple Axel adds Ice-type coverage to Gardevoir’s moveset, it’s essential to consider the synergy with its Fairy and Psychic-type moves. Gardevoir’s fast move, Charm, is a powerful Fairy-type move that can deal massive damage to Dragon and Dark-type Pokemon. Psychic-type moves like Psychic or Future Sight can target Poison and Fighting-type Pokemon effectively. Balancing the use of Triple Axel with its other moves is crucial for optimal performance.
  • Energy Management: Triple Axel has a relatively high energy cost, requiring 35 energy to use. Pairing it with lower energy-cost moves or using it strategically at the right moment can maximize its effectiveness.
  • TM Availability: Gardevoir’s moveset can be customized using Technical Machines (TMs). If you desire Triple Axel for your Gardevoir, it’s important to check whether it is available as a TM move in PokemonGo. Keep in mind that TM availability may change with updates and events, so it’s essential to stay informed.

Evolutionary Line of Gardevoir in Pokemon GO


Gardevoir’s evolutionary line begins with Ralts, a small Psychic/Fairy-type Pokemon known for its empathic abilities. Ralts evolves into Kirlia, and depending on its gender and certain conditions, it can further evolve into either Gardevoir or Gallade.


Ralts is the first stage of Gardevoir’s evolutionary line. It is a small, humanoid Pokemon with a white, dress-like body and green hair. Ralts possesses psychic powers, allowing it to sense the emotions of those around it. Ralts can be encountered in the wild, hatched from eggs, or obtained through other in-game events.


When Ralts reaches a certain level, it evolves into Kirlia. Kirlia retains its Psychic/Fairy typing and gains more refined psychic abilities. Kirlia appears more elegant and gains a more intricate design compared to Ralts. It has the potential to evolve into either Gardevoir or Gallade, depending on its gender and other factors.


If a female Kirlia reaches a certain level, it evolves into Gardevoir. Gardevoir features a graceful and feminine appearance, resembling a mystical princess. It retains its Psychic/Fairy typing and possesses powerful psychic abilities. Gardevoir is highly regarded for its beauty, elegance, and strong connection to its trainer.


If a male Kirlia is exposed to a Sinnoh Stone (an evolution item) and then reaches a certain level, it evolves into Gallade. Gallade is a unique Psychic/Fighting-type Pokemon, distinguishing it from Gardevoir. Gallade has a more masculine appearance, resembling a knight or warrior. It is known for its excellent swordsmanship skills and its chivalrous nature.

Mega Evolution of Gardevoir Pokemon


In Pokemon Go and other Pokemon games, Gardevoir has access to Mega Evolution. Mega Evolution is a temporary transformation that enhances a Pokemon’s stats and abilities during battles. When Mega Evolving Gardevoir, it becomes Mega Gardevoir, assuming a more majestic and ethereal appearance. Mega Gardevoir gains increased Attack and Defense stats, making it even more formidable in battles.

To Mega Evolve Gardevoir, players need to collect Gardevoir Mega Energy through various activities, such as participating in Mega Raids or completing research tasks. Once trainers obtain enough Mega Energy, they can Mega Evolve Gardevoir for a limited period during battles. This evolution can provide trainers with a powerful ally.

How to Evolve Ralts into Gardevoir in Pokemon GO


To evolve Ralts into Gardevoir in Pokemon Go, you need to follow these steps:

1、Capture Ralts: Encounter and catch Ralts in the wild, hatch it from eggs, or obtain it through special events. Ralts can typically be found in areas with high spawn rates of Psychic or Fairy-type Pokemon.

2、Collect Candy: As with most Pokemon in Pokemon Go, you will need to collect a specific type of candy to evolve Ralts. In this case, you need Ralts Candy, which can be obtained by catching more Ralts, transferring duplicates to Professor Willow, or walking with Ralts as your Buddy Pokemon.

3、Accumulate Candy: The number of Ralts Candy required to evolve Ralts into Gardevoir is 25. So, you’ll need to accumulate 25 Ralts Candy in your inventory before you can proceed with the evolution.

4、Evolve Ralts: Once you have acquired enough Ralts Candy, go to your Pokemon collection screen. Find the Ralts you wish to evolve and tap on it. Then, select the “Evolve” option. Confirm your decision, and Ralts will evolve into Gardevoir.

It’s important to note that evolving Ralts into Gardevoir is a permanent process, and you cannot revert it back to Ralts once the evolution is complete. Therefore, make sure you are certain about evolving your Ralts before proceeding.

How to Get Gardevoir in Pokemon Go


To get a Gardevoir in Pokemon Go, you have a few options:


The most common way to obtain a Gardevoir is by evolving a Ralts. Ralts is a relatively rare Pokemon, but it can be found in the wild, typically in areas with increased spawn rates for Psychic or Fairy-type Pokemon. Once you have enough Ralts candy, you can evolve Ralts into Kirlia, and then further evolve Kirlia into Gardevoir.

2、Encounters and Raids

Gardevoir occasionally appears in the wild as a spawn, although it is relatively rare. Keep an eye on the game’s in-game events, as there may be special events or event-themed spawns that increase the chances of encountering Gardevoir. Additionally, Gardevoir may also appear as a raid boss during raid battles. Keep an eye on raid rotations and participate in raids that feature Gardevoir as a raid boss to have a chance to catch one.

3、Research Tasks and Special Events

Gardevoir may also be featured in special research tasks or as a reward for completing specific in-game challenges during events. Keep an eye on the game’s research tasks and event announcements to see if there are any opportunities to obtain a Gardevoir through special quests or events.


If you have friends or fellow players who have a Gardevoir, you can trade Pokemon with them to obtain one. Trading requires physical proximity or being Ultra Friends or higher in the game, and both players will need to spend Stardust to complete the trade. If you don’t have a Gardevoir yet, trading with another player who has one can be a way to obtain it.

What is the Fastest Way to Get Gardevoir in Pokemon Go

Whether you choose to obtain Gardevoir from evolving from Ralts or from raid battles, constantly changing your location is helpful. Searching more places can increase your chances of encountering Ralts and participating in more raids. However, many gamers may be unable to play Pokemon Go due to awkward locations or inclement weather. In this instance, we propose using iFoneTool AnyGo to change your location from anywhere.

iFoneTool AnyGo allows you to use location-based programs such as AR games, social platforms, and more. It will allow you to imitate GPS movement using a custom route for free. You can also save your preferred routes by importing and exporting GPX files.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can obtain Gardevoir Pokemon in Pokemon Go as soon as possible!

Best Counters to Gardevoir in Pokemon GO


In Pokemon Go, the following Pokemon are strong counters to Gardevoir:

1、Steelix: Steelix is a Steel/Ground-type Pokemon that resists Gardevoir’s Fairy and Psychic-type moves. It has high Defense and can dish out damage with its Ground-type moves like Earthquake.

2、Metagross: Metagross is a Steel/Psychic-type Pokemon with high Attack and Defense stats. It resists Gardevoir’s Psychic-type moves and can deal super-effective damage with its Steel-type moves like Meteor Mash.

3、Tyranitar: Tyranitar is a Dark/Rock-type Pokemon with high Attack and Defense. It resists Gardevoir’s Fairy-type moves and can hit back hard with its Dark-type moves like Crunch.

4、Scizor: Scizor is a Bug/Steel-type Pokemon that resists Gardevoir’s Fairy and Psychic-type moves. It can deal significant damage with its Steel-type moves like Iron Head.

5、Houndoom: Houndoom is a Dark/Fire-type Pokemon that resists Gardevoir’s Fairy-type moves. It can use its Dark-type moves like Foul Play to deal super-effective damage.

How to Use Gardevoir in Raid Battles


Gardevoir can be a valuable asset in raid battles due to its Psychic and Fairy typing, which provide excellent coverage. Here’s a brief guide on how to effectively use Gardevoir in raid battles:

Choose the optimal moveset

The recommended moveset for raid battles includes Charm as the fast move. For charged moves, Dazzling Gleam is a solid choice for its wide coverage against Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type raid bosses. Assess the raid boss’s weaknesses and select the moves that exploit them.

Power up and optimize your Gardevoir

Prioritize powering up your Gardevoir to increase its attack and defense stats. Consider using Stardust and Rare Candy to level it up and unlock additional Charged Moves. Additionally, utilize TMs (Technical Machines) to ensure your Gardevoir has the desired moveset.

Team composition and battle strategy

Gardevoir works best as a specialized counter against specific raid bosses. Research the raid boss’s type, moveset, and strengths to build a well-rounded team. Gardevoir’s Fairy typing makes it an excellent choice against Dragon-type raid bosses. Coordinate with your teammates to maximize the efficiency of your collective Pokemon lineup.

Dodging and timing charged moves

Be mindful of the raid boss’s attacks and use the dodge mechanic effectively to reduce damage taken. Time your charged moves to maximize damage output, ideally when the raid boss is vulnerable or after you’ve successfully dodged a particularly powerful attack.

Take advantage of weather boosts and Friendship bonuses

In Pokemon Go, weather conditions can boost certain types of moves. Keep an eye on the in-game weather and select Gardevoir’s moveset accordingly for additional damage output. Moreover, if you have high-level Friendships with other trainers, you can benefit from increased attack bonuses during raids.


Gardevoir’s unique combination of Psychic and Fairy typing, along with its powerful moveset, makes it a valuable asset in Pokemon Go battles. By understanding its best movesets, evolution process, acquiring methods, and raid battle strategies, trainers can fully harness the potential of Gardevoir in their Pokemon Go journey. With its elegance and power, Gardevoir stands as a remarkable Pokemon choice for trainers seeking a formidable addition to their team.

How do I evolve Ralts into Gardevoir in Pokémon Go?

To evolve Ralts into Gardevoir, you need to collect 25 Ralts Candy and then select the “Evolve” option in your Pokémon collection screen. Ensure you have enough candy before proceeding with the evolution.

What are the best moves for Gardevoir in Pokémon Go?

The ideal moveset for Gardevoir in raids includes Charm as the fast move, and Dazzling Gleam or Psychic as charged moves. This combination allows Gardevoir to deal high Fairy-type damage and provides coverage against various raid bosses.

Can Gardevoir be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Yes, Gardevoir can be shiny in Pokémon Go. Shiny Gardevoir has a slightly different coloration, with a green dress instead of the usual white. Keep an eye out for special events or encounter opportunities to increase your chances of finding a shiny Gardevoir.

Is Gardevoir useful in raid battles?

Yes, Gardevoir can be a valuable asset in raid battles. Its Psychic and Fairy typing make it effective against raid bosses weak to those types, such as Fighting and Dragon-type Pokémon. With a proper moveset and strategy, Gardevoir can contribute significantly to a raid battle.

How can I obtain Gardevoir Mega Energy in Pokémon Go?

To obtain Gardevoir Mega Energy, you need to participate in Mega Raids featuring Mega Gardevoir or complete specific research tasks. By defeating and catching Mega Gardevoir, you can earn Gardevoir Mega Energy, which is used to Mega Evolve your Gardevoir temporarily for battles.