Don’t know how to catch 3 of the transform Pokemon? We will answer all your questions. Trainers are continuously seeking to discover and capture the most extraordinary and versatile creatures to add to their teams. While the vast array of Pokemon offers a plethora of types, abilities, and strengths, a select group of Pokemon possess an unmatched skill that sets them apart from the rest – the power of transformation.

Join us as we embark on a captivating journey to explore three of the most awe-inspiring Transformative Pokemon. We will delve into their origins, abilities, and the strategic brilliance they bring to Pokemon battles. Prepare to be astonished by their adaptability, awed by their versatility, and inspired to seek out these extraordinary Pokemon to change the game! So, grab your Poké Balls, hone your skills, and get ready to uncover the secrets behind the transformative prowess of these extraordinary creatures.

Let’s begin our adventure! Top of Form

Part 1: What are Transform Pokemon?


In the captivating world of Pokemon, trainers encounter an array of fascinating creatures, each possessing unique attributes and abilities. However, among this diverse cast, there exists a special group known as Transform Pokemon – a category of species renowned for their extraordinary skill of shape-shifting.

These Pokemon possess the remarkable ability to mimic the appearance, moves, and abilities of other Pokemon they encounter. This distinct power allows them to adapt swiftly to any battle scenario, making them formidable adversaries and valuable assets in a trainer’s team.

Understanding Transform Pokemon

Transformative Pokemon, as their name suggests, are masters of disguise and adaptation. At their core, they possess the move “Transform,” which allows them to alter their appearance, stats, and type to match those of their opponents.

This unique move enables them to replicate any non-legendary, non-transformative Pokemon they encounter, essentially becoming a perfect copy of their foe. Consequently, they gain access to the opponent’s moves, strengths, and weaknesses, offering trainers a tactical advantage in battles.

Masters of Disguise

Among the Transform Pokemon, legendary shape-shifters stand in a class of their own. These enigmatic creatures possess unparalleled transformation abilities and often have fascinating lore surrounding their existence.

One such example is Ditto, a Pokemon known for its pink, gelatinous appearance, which can assume the form of any other Pokemon with precise accuracy. These legendary shape-shifters captivate trainers and researchers alike with their mysterious origins and profound impact on the Pokemon universe.

Lesser-Known Transformative Pokemon

While legendary shape-shifters may dominate the limelight, there are several lesser-known Transform Pokemon that deserve recognition for their unique qualities. Pokemon like Illusionist Zoroark, for instance, not only transform into other creatures but also possess the ability “Illusion,” which creates deceptive mirages to confuse opponents. These hidden gems can be delightful surprises in battles, catching opponents off-guard and turning the tide of the encounter.

You can learn more about them in this article from OldSchoolGamers.

Part 2: What is the April Fool’s Event?


The April Fool’s Day Event in Pokemon Go is a limited-time celebration that offers players the opportunity to earn significant rewards by completing a series of tasks. The event is divided into three steps, each with its own set of objectives and corresponding rewards.

Step 1

  1. Capture 10 Pokemon – Completing this task grants 25 Poke Balls, which are essential for capturing more Pokemon in the game.
  2. Collect 5 normal Pokemon – Players will receive 5 Potions, which are valuable for healing their Pokemon after battles and preparing them for future encounters.
  3. Perform 5 Nice Throws – Successfully executing 5 Nice Throws, a skill-based catching technique, rewards players with 5 Nanab Berries. Nanab Berries can be used to calm wild Pokemon, making them easier to catch.

Step 2

  1. Collect 10 Pokemon – Players will receive 15 Great Balls as a reward. Great Balls offer a higher catch rate than standard Poke Balls, increasing the likelihood of capturing more elusive Pokemon.
  2. Catch 3 Transform Pokemon – This step involves capturing three Ditto, the special Transform Pokemon discussed earlier. Completing this task awards players with 5 Super Potions, which are more potent than regular Potions and can be used to heal Pokemon with more health.
  3. Transfer 10 Pokemon – Transferring unwanted Pokemon to Professor Willow results in 5 Pinap Berries as a reward. Pinap Berries double the number of candies received upon capturing a Pokemon, making them highly valuable for Pokemon evolution and strengthening.

Step 3

  1. Collect Reward – Players are granted 10 Ultra Balls, an even more potent variant of Poké Balls, known for their high catch rate and usefulness when capturing rare and powerful Pokemon.
  2. Collect Reward – 5 Potions are given as a second reward, further helping trainers maintain their Pokemon’s health and readiness for battles.
  3. Collect Reward – The grand reward for completing all the steps is an impressive 3,500 XP (Experience Points), which contributes to a trainer’s level progression, unlocking access to stronger Pokemon, better items, and various in-game features.

Part 3: What Does Catch 3 of the Transform Pokemon mean?


In the midst of the exciting 2022 event in Pokemon Go, one particular task stood out as a true test of trainers’ skills – catching three Transform Pokemon, which translates to capturing three Ditto. This seemingly simple objective, however, proves to be one of the most challenging tasks in the game due to Ditto’s unique nature.

Capturing Three Ditto Pokemons

To accomplish the task of catching three Transform Pokemon, players must seek out and capture three Ditto Pokemons, each of which will be disguised as a different species. Identifying these elusive Dittos can prove to be quite tricky, as they constantly change their appearance to mimic other Pokemon in the game.

The Challenge of Identifying Ditto

Ditto’s shape-shifting abilities make it a master of disguise, perpetually transforming into various common Pokemon species. This transformation often leaves players unaware that they have encountered a Ditto, resulting in the need for careful observation and attention to detail during Pokemon encounters.

Common Pokemon that can be Ditto

To increase the chances of catching a Ditto, trainers should familiarize themselves with the common Pokemon species that Ditto typically disguises itself as. Some of these likely candidates include:

  • Gastly
  • Natu
  • Ekans
  • Finneon
  • Surskit
  • Dwebble
  • Swirlix

Being aware of these possibilities can aid players in their quest to capture the elusive Transform Pokemon.

Catching the Right Pokemon

While encountering one of the likely candidates raises the possibility of finding Ditto, it’s important to note that not every instance of these Pokemon will be Ditto. The elusive Transform Pokemon might also appear as a regular species during encounters. Trainers must exercise patience and perseverance as they attempt to catch the right Pokemon to complete the task.

5x Super Potions Await

The quest to catch three Dittos may prove challenging, but the reward for success is well worth the effort. Once trainers achieve this objective, they will be rewarded with 5x Super Potions, a valuable addition to their inventory. These Super Potions are more potent than regular Potions, proving to be highly beneficial in healing and maintaining the health of their Pokemon during battles and adventures.

DualShockers has an amazing article that will you with a lot of insights on the Transform Pokemon.

Part 4: Tips for Easily Catching Transform Pokemon Go


Increasing the chances of catching three Transform Pokemon, specifically Ditto, can be a challenging endeavor due to its unpredictable disguises. However, there are some strategies and tools that players can utilize to improve their odds:

Familiarize Yourself with Common Disguises

Learn the list of common Pokemon species that Ditto can mimic. By being aware of these likely candidates, players can be more observant during encounters and increase the likelihood of encountering Ditto.

Frequent Areas with Varied Spawns

Visit locations where different types of Pokemon spawn frequently. Diverse spawn areas offer a wider range of potential Ditto disguises, improving the chances of finding the elusive Transform Pokemon.

Catch as many Pokemon as Possible

The more Pokemon you catch, the higher the chances of encountering a Ditto in disguise. Keep capturing Pokemon of various species to maximize the likelihood of encountering Ditto.

Utilize Incense and Lure Modules

Using Incense or Lure Modules can attract more Pokemon to your location, increasing your chances of encountering Ditto. This strategy is particularly useful during events or when you want to focus on catching specific types of Pokemon.

Engage in Field Research Tasks

Certain Field Research tasks may reward encounters with specific Pokemon, including Ditto disguises. Participate in these tasks to increase your opportunities to find Ditto.

Participate in Special Events

During specific events, the chances of encountering Ditto disguises might be increased. Stay informed about upcoming events and take advantage of these opportunities.

Bonus Tip: iFoneTool AnyGo

As mentioned, iFoneTool AnyGo is a tool that enables virtual location changes, allowing players to explore different features of the game without physically moving. However, it’s important to note that using such tools may violate the terms of service of Pokemon Go, potentially leading to penalties or bans from the game. Players should consider the risks and implications before utilizing such tools.

Ultimately, catching three Transform Pokemon requires patience, awareness, and persistence. By employing the above strategies and understanding Ditto’s disguises, players can increase their chances of adding these elusive creatures to their collection. Remember to abide by the game’s fair play policies and enjoy the adventure of capturing Ditto in a respectful and legitimate manner.


Transform Pokemon, with their shape-shifting abilities, bring a captivating and strategic element to the Pokemon universe. Catching three of these elusive creatures, such as Ditto, presents a thrilling challenge for trainers. By familiarizing themselves with Ditto’s disguises, employing diverse catching strategies, and participating in events, you can enhance your chances of encountering these extraordinary Transform Pokemon.

However, it is essential to remember the importance of fair play and abide by the game’s policies when exploring different tools and methods. As trainers continue their journey in Pokemon Go, the quest for Transform Pokemon adds an exciting dimension, rewarding perseverance and observation with valuable in-game rewards.

What are Transform Pokemon in Pokemon Go?

Transform Pokemon are unique species capable of shape-shifting, mimicking the appearance, moves, and abilities of other Pokemon they encounter. Notable examples include Ditto, Zoroark, and Mew.

How do I increase the chances of catching Ditto in Pokemon Go?

To improve your odds of encountering Ditto, catch diverse Pokemon species, visit areas with varied spawns, and participate in special events that may increase Ditto’s appearance rates.

Can I use location spoofing tools to find more Transform Pokemon?

While some players use location spoofing tools like iFoneTool AnyGo to virtually change their location, these tools violate Pokemon Go’s terms of service and may lead to penalties or bans.

Are there specific Pokemon disguises that Ditto commonly adopts?

Yes, Ditto often disguises itself as common Pokemon like Gastly, Natu, Ekans, Finneon, Surskit, Dwebble, and Swirlix, among others. Being familiar with these disguises can aid in Ditto’s capture.

What rewards do I get for catching 3 Transform Pokemon in Pokemon Go?

Completing the task of catching three Transform Pokemon (Ditto) in Pokemon Go rewards players with 5x Super Potions, which are potent healing items for their Pokemon during battles and adventures.