Pokemon Go, the popular mobile game, offers players the opportunity to catch, train, and evolve a wide variety of Pokemon. One such Pokemon is Wurmple, a Bug-type creature with a unique evolution line that branches into either Silcoon or Cascoon. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of Wurmple’s evolution in Pokemon Go, including evolution methods, catching strategies, battle utility, and more. So, grab your Poké Balls, and let’s dive into the world of Wurmple!  

Wurmple Evolution Pokemon Go Name Trick


In Pokemon Go, the Wurmple evolution name trick is a method that allows players to control the evolution of Wurmple into either Silcoon or Cascoon. Normally, the evolution is random, but by using specific names for your Wurmple, you can guarantee a particular evolution.

When evolving Wurmple into Silcoon, rename it to “Silcoon” (without the quotation marks). If you want it to evolve into Cascoon, rename it to “Cascoon” (again, without the quotation marks). With the renamed Wurmple, your Wurmple will transform into the corresponding evolution based on the name you gave it.

It’s important to note that the Wurmple evolution name trick can only be used once per evolution. In other words, if you have multiple Wurmple and want to evolve some into Silcoon and others into Cascoon, you’ll need to use different names for each Wurmple.

Wurmple Evolution Line in Pokemon GO


In Pokemon Go, Wurmple has a unique evolution line that branches into two different Pokemon: Silcoon and Cascoon.

1、Wurmple: Wurmple is a Bug-type Pokemon that resembles a small caterpillar. It has a cream-colored body with a red nose and small spikes on its back.

2.1、Silcoon: When Wurmple evolves into Silcoon, it undergoes a metamorphosis and transforms into a cocoon-like Pokemon. Silcoon has a purple body with a silk casing around it. It remains in this stage for a certain duration before further evolving.

2.2、Cascoon: Alternatively, Wurmple can evolve into Cascoon, another cocoon-like Pokemon. Cascoon has a blue body with a silk casing similar to Silcoon. It also remains in this stage for a certain duration before progressing further.

3.1、Beautifly: Silcoon evolves into Beautifly, a Bug/Flying-type Pokemon. Beautifly has a vibrant, butterfly-like appearance with large wings that showcase various colors. It has a predominantly yellow body with black stripes and red eyes. Beautifly is known for its elegance and graceful flying abilities.

3.2、Dustox: Cascoon evolves into Dustox, a Bug/Poison-type Pokemon. Dustox has a dark purple body with red eyes and large, moth-like wings. It has a more mysterious and sinister appearance compared to Beautifly. Dustox is known for its toxic dust and powders, which it uses for defense and offense.

Wurmple Pokemon Card Value


The above are the top 3 valuable Wurmple Pokemon cards on the market. The value of a Wurmple Pokemon card can vary depending on several factors, including its rarity, condition, demand from collectors, and the specific set it belongs to. Here are some factors to consider when assessing the value of a Wurmple card:

1、Rarity: Pokemon cards are typically categorized into common, uncommon, rare, and ultra-rare (or higher) rarities. Wurmple cards are likely to fall into the common or uncommon rarity categories, which generally have lower values compared to rarer cards. However, certain promotional or special edition Wurmple cards may have higher rarity and value.

2、Set: Pokemon cards are released in various sets, each with its own availability and demand. Older sets or those with limited print runs may be more valuable due to their scarcity. Conversely, newer sets with larger print runs may have lower values. The specific set that features the Wurmple card can influence its value.

3、Condition: The condition of the card is crucial in determining its value. Cards in mint or near-mint condition, with no visible damage, scratches, or bends, generally command higher prices. Cards with noticeable wear or damage may have reduced value.

4、Demand: The popularity and demand for Wurmple as a character or collector’s item can impact its value. If Wurmple has a loyal fan base or if collectors are actively seeking Wurmple cards, it may lead to increased demand and higher prices.

For common Wurmple Pokemon cards, here are some prices on Amazon for your information:


How to Catch Wurmple in Pokemon Go


Catching Wurmple in Pokemon Go requires a combination of exploration and luck. Follow these steps:

  • Find Wurmple’s habitat: Wurmple is a Bug-type Pokemon that can be found in various locations, including parks, forests, residential areas, and areas with high Pokemon spawn rates. Keep an eye out for areas with rustling grass, as it indicates Pokemon activity.
  • Look for Wurmple on the map: Once you’re in an area with Pokemon spawns, check your in-game map. You’ll see various Pokemon represented by icons. Look for the icon that represents Wurmple. It typically appears as a small, caterpillar-like creature.
  • Approach Wurmple: Move closer to the Wurmple on the map by physically walking toward it. As you get closer, the Pokemon’s icon will expand, and you’ll be able to interact with it.
  • Tap on Wurmple: When you’re within range of the Wurmple, tap on its icon to enter the encounter screen.
  • Catch Wurmple: In the encounter screen, you’ll see an augmented reality view of Wurmple overlaid on your device’s camera feed. Swipe your finger across the screen to throw Poké Balls at Wurmple and try to capture it. Aim for the center of the target circle to increase your chances of a successful catch.
  • Use items if desired: You can enhance your chances of catching Wurmple by using items such as Razz Berries to make it easier to catch or by using stronger Poké Balls like Great Balls or Ultra Balls.
  • Complete the capture: Continue throwing Poké Balls until you successfully catch Wurmple. If the Wurmple breaks free, you can try again. If you’re successful, you’ll see a capture animation, and Wurmple will be added to your Pokemon collection.

What is the Fastest Way to Obtain Wurmple

If you’re eager to obtain Wurmple, participating in Pokemon Go events that feature increased Bug-type spawns is an effective method. Events such as Bug Out or specific Community Days often boost the appearance of Bug-type Pokemon, including Wurmple. During these events, if you want to increase your chances of meeting Wurmple, you can constantly change your locations. However, many players may be unable to play Pokemon Go owing to inconvenient locations or severe weather. In this case, we recommend utilizing iFoneTool AnyGo to change your location from anywhere.

iFoneTool AnyGo enables you to use location-based applications such as augmented reality games, social platforms, and more. It allows you to simulate GPS movement with a personalized path for free. You may also save your favorite routes by importing and exporting GPX files.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can obtain Wurmple Pokemon in Pokemon Go as soon as possible!

How to Evolve Wurmple into Silcoon or Cascoon in Pokemon GO


In Pokemon Go, the evolution of Wurmple into either Silcoon or Cascoon is normally random, with an equal chance of either evolution occurring. However, if you want to guarantee a specific evolution, you can use the Wurmple evolution name trick. Here’s how you can evolve Wurmple:

Catch a Wurmple

Encounter and catch a Wurmple in the game. Wurmple is a Bug-type Pokemon that can be found in various locations.

Rename Wurmple

After catching the Wurmple, go to your Pokemon collection and select it. Tap on the pencil icon next to its name to rename it.

Choose the Evolution Name

To evolve Wurmple into Silcoon, rename it to “Silcoon” (without the quotation marks). If you want it to evolve into Cascoon, rename it to “Cascoon” (again, without the quotation marks).

Confirm the Name Change

Once you’ve entered the desired evolution name, save the new name by tapping the checkmark or confirming the change.

Evolve Wurmple

With the renamed Wurmple, you can now evolve it. Go to the Wurmple’s profile and tap the “Evolve” button. The evolution will occur, and your Wurmple will transform into the corresponding evolution based on the name you gave it.

It’s important to note that the Wurmple evolution name trick can only be used once per evolution. In other words, if you have multiple Wurmple and want to evolve some into Silcoon and others into Cascoon, you’ll need to use different names for each Wurmple.

Which Evolution of Wurmple is Better in Pokemon GO


The question of which evolution of Wurmple is better, Silcoon or Cascoon, ultimately depends on personal preference and the specific needs of your Pokemon team. Both Silcoon and Cascoon have distinct characteristics and abilities that can be advantageous in different situations. Let’s compare them:


  • Type: Silcoon evolves into Beautifly, a Bug/Flying-type Pokemon. This typing gives Beautifly advantages against Grass, Bug, and Fighting-type Pokemon, but it is weak to Rock, Electric, Flying, Fire, and Ice-type moves.
  • Stats: Beautifly tends to have higher Special Attack and Speed stats, making it more suited for special attack-based strategies and outspeeding opponents.
  • Moveset: Beautifly can learn a variety of Bug, Flying, and Psychic-type moves, including powerful moves like Bug Buzz, Air Slash, and Psychic.


  • Type: Cascoon evolves into Dustox, a Bug/Poison-type Pokemon. This typing grants Dustox resistances to Fighting, Grass, Poison, and Bug-type moves, but it is weak to Flying, Psychic, Rock, Fire, and Electric-type moves.
  • Stats: Dustox typically has higher Defense and Special Defense stats, making it more resilient and capable of taking hits. Its offensive stats are generally lower than Beautifly’s.
  • Moveset: Dustox can learn Poison, Bug, Psychic, and Flying-type moves. It has access to moves like Bug Buzz, Sludge Bomb, and Psychic.

Ultimately, the decision between Beautifly and Dustox depends on the specific needs of your team and the type of coverage you desire. Beautifly’s higher Special Attack and Speed stats make it more suitable for offensive strategies, while Dustox’s higher Defense and Special Defense stats make it a more defensively oriented choice. Consider the types of Pokemon you expect to encounter in battles, the roles you want your team members to fulfill, and the movesets you prefer.

How to Find Wurmple Nest Locations in Pokemon GO


In Pokemon Go, nest locations refer to specific areas where certain Pokemon spawn more frequently than usual. However, it’s important to note that nest spawns change periodically. Here are some methods to potentially find Wurmple nest locations:

Research Online

Search for online communities, forums, or social media groups dedicated to Pokemon Go. These platforms often have players sharing information about nest sightings and locations. Look for recent reports or ask for information specifically about Wurmple nests in your area.

Check Pokemon Go Nest Atlas

The Silph Road’s Pokemon Go Nest Atlas is a user-driven database where players can report and discover nest locations. Visit the website and search for Wurmple nests in your area. Keep in mind that nest information may not always be up-to-date, so verify the most recent reports.

Explore Parks and Local Hotspots

Wurmple is commonly found in parks, nature reserves, and other green areas. Visit different parks and local hotspots known for their Pokemon Go activity. Pay attention to areas with increased Pokemon spawns or areas where Bug-type Pokemon are more prevalent.

Attend Community Days or Events

Pokemon Go Community Days and special events often feature specific Pokemon with increased spawns. Check the Pokemon Go official website, in-game news, or community groups to stay informed about upcoming events that may involve Wurmple. During these events, Wurmple might appear more frequently, making it easier to locate and catch.

Use Incense or Lures

Incense is an in-game item that attracts Pokemon to your location for 30 minutes. Lures can be placed on PokéStops to increase Pokemon spawns around the area. Using Incense or Lures in areas with high Pokemon activity may increase your chances of encountering Wurmple, including any potential nests.

How to Utilize Wurmple’s Evolutions in Battles


Beautifly and Dustox, the evolved forms of Wurmple, can be utilized effectively in battles. Beautifly’s Bug/Flying typing grants it advantages against certain types, while Dustox’s Bug/Poison typing provides different strengths. Understanding their movesets, stats, and typings is crucial for deploying them strategically in raids, gym battles, or PvP encounters. Consider their strengths and weaknesses, such as Beautifly’s higher offensive capabilities or Dustox’s defensive prowess, and build your team accordingly. Experiment with movesets, leverage their unique abilities and coordinate them with other Pokemon to maximize their effectiveness in battles.


Wurmple’s evolution line in Pokemon Go offers a fascinating branching path that leads to either Silcoon or Cascoon. Whether you prefer the elegant Beautifly or the enigmatic Dustox, understanding their characteristics, evolution methods, and battle utility is essential. Use the name trick, explore Wurmple nest locations, and employ strategies to increase your odds of obtaining the desired evolution. With this comprehensive guide, you are now equipped to catch, evolve, and utilize Wurmple and its evolutions effectively in Pokemon Go. Embark on your journey as a Pokemon trainer and let Wurmple’s evolution line shine in your battles!

How does Wurmple evolve in Pokémon Go?

Wurmple evolves into either Silcoon or Cascoon. The evolution is normally random, but there is a name trick to control the outcome.

What is the name trick for evolving Wurmple?

By renaming Wurmple to “Silcoon,” it will evolve into Silcoon. Renaming it to “Cascoon” guarantees it will evolve into Cascoon.

Can I evolve Wurmple into both Silcoon and Cascoon?

No, each Wurmple can only evolve into one of the two evolutions. The evolution is determined by its name during the evolution process.

Are Silcoon and Cascoon different in terms of abilities or stats?

Silcoon and Cascoon have different appearances but share the same typing and similar stats. The main difference lies in their movesets and final evolutions.

Is there any benefit to evolving Wurmple into Silcoon or Cascoon?

Silcoon and Cascoon eventually evolve into Beautifly and Dustox, respectively. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, giving players options for their team composition.