Tile trackers have become popular tools for locating lost items such as keys, wallets, and bags. These small Bluetooth devices can be attached to belongings, allowing users to track their location via a smartphone app. However, one common question that arises is how often Tile trackers update their location. In this article, we will explore the frequency of location updates for Tile trackers, how they work with Life360, and how Tile handles out-of-range trackers. Additionally, we will introduce a tool called iFoneTool AnyGo, which allows you to spoof your location for various purposes.

What Are Tile Trackers?


Before we get into the frequency of location updates, let’s define what Tile trackers are. Tile is a brand that sells small Bluetooth-enabled devices that may be conveniently connected to personal things. These devices communicate with a smartphone app, allowing users to find their belongings via Bluetooth technology. When within Bluetooth range, the app shows the estimated distance between the smartphone and the Tile tracker.

How Often Does Tile Update Location?


Tile trackers typically update their location whenever they are within Bluetooth range of a paired smartphone. This means that as long as the Tile tracker and the smartphone are nearby, the location information is continuously updated. However, it’s important to note that the frequency of updates may vary depending on several factors.

The Tile tracker’s proximity to the smartphone is the main factor influencing the update frequency. The updates are practically real-time and more frequent when the tracker is in range. Updates can occur exactly once every few seconds or at least once every few minutes, depending on the situation.

It’s worth noting that Tile trackers use Bluetooth technology, which has a restricted range. The range varies between 100 and 400 feet, depending on the Tile model. If the tracker moves outside of this range, it gets unable to update its location until it returns to the range of a paired smartphone.

How Tile Works with Life360?


Tile and Life360 have partnered to provide integration between their respective platforms, enhancing the functionality of both services. Here’s how Tile works with Life360:

  • Integration Setup: To start using Tile with Life360, you must have both the Tile and Life360 apps chock-full on your phone. After that, you may link your Tile account with your Life360 account within the Life360 app.
  • Adding Tile Trackers: After the integration setup, you can add Tile trackers to your Life360 circle. This allows you to track the location of both your family members and your Tile-attached belongings within the Life360 interface.
  • Tracking Tile Locations: When you add a Tile tracker to your Life360 circle, its location information appears alongside your family members’ locations on the Life360 map. This integration provides convenience by allowing you to monitor the location of both people and items in one place.
  • Real-Time Updates: When a Tile tracker is within Bluetooth range of a paired smartphone, it sends location updates to the Tile app, which forwards them to the Life360 app. This allows you to track your items as they move around by receiving real-time updates on their location via the Life360 interface.
  • Notifications and Alerts: Life360 offers customisable notifications and alerts based on the location of Tile trackers. You may set up particular notifications to receive alerts when a Tile tracker enters or exits certain regions, allowing you to keep track of your possessions more efficiently.

By combining the capability of Tile trackers with Life360’s location-sharing features, this integration provides a comprehensive solution for tracking both your loved ones and your valuable possessions. It makes it easier to monitor various places and has improved security capabilities to protect your Tile tracker-attached stuff.

How Does Tile Track Out-of-Range Trackers?

When a Tile tracker gets out of range of an attached smartphone, it relies on the network of Tile users to assist locate the missing item. The Tile app uses a crowdsourcing function known as the “Tile Community” to locate out-of-range trackers by leveraging the devices of other Tile users.

When a Tile tracker appears as missing in the app, it goes into “Lost Mode.” In this mode, if another Tile user’s device comes within Bluetooth range of the lost tracker, the location data is anonymously communicated to the owner via the Tile app. This allows you to track down goods even if they are well beyond the Bluetooth range of the owner’s smartphone.

The Best Tool to Spoof Your Location

If you are interested in spoofing your location for various purposes, iFoneTool AnyGo is a reliable tool to consider.

AnyGo is a software program that lets you modify your iPhone or iPad’s GPS position without jailbreaking it. With AnyGo, you can simulate your position anywhere in the world, protecting your privacy, testing location-based apps, and accessing location-specific information.

Key Features

  • Works Without Jailbreak: Unlike some other GPS spoofing methods, iFoneTool AnyGo does not require you to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad. This means you can modify your GPS location without compromising the security or warranty of your device.
  • Support for Multiple Apps: AnyGo integrates with a wide range of location-based apps and services, including social media networks, dating apps, and navigation systems.It allows you to alter your location quietly within these apps, providing you better control over your privacy.
  • Easy to Use: iFoneTool AnyGo has a user-friendly interface that makes it suitable for both novice and advanced users. The intuitive controls and straightforward navigation ensure a seamless experience while modifying your GPS location.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: iFoneTool AnyGo is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems, catering to a wide range of users.

How to Use iFoneTool AnyGo?

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location!


In conclusion, this passage introduce how often does Tile update location. Tile trackers provide a convenient way to locate lost items, and their location updates occur when they are within Bluetooth range of a paired smartphone. The frequency of updates can be real-time or occur every few seconds to minutes. Integration with Life360 allows users to view Tile tracker locations alongside family members’ locations within the Life360 app. When out of range, Tile trackers leverage the Tile Community to help locate lost items.

Additionally, iFoneTool AnyGo offers a reliable solution for spoofing your location on iOS devices. Whether you use Tile trackers or explore location-based functionalities, understanding these aspects can enhance your experience and provide greater control over your location information.

How often does tile update its location?

Tiles typically update their location whenever they are within the range of a Bluetooth-enabled device that has the Tile app installed. The update frequency can vary depending on several factors, but it is generally designed to provide real-time or near-real-time location updates.

What determines the update frequency of a Tile’s location?

The update frequency of a Tile’s location is influenced by factors such as the availability of Bluetooth signals in the area, the proximity of other devices running the Tile app, and the specific Tile model being used. Additionally, the settings and preferences of the user’s device and the Tile app can also play a role in determining the update frequency.

Can I control how often a Tile updates its location?

The update frequency of a Tile’s location is primarily determined by the Tile’s design and the technology it uses. As a user, you have some control over the update frequency through the Tile app settings, which may offer options to adjust settings like power consumption or update intervals. However, the actual update frequency may still be subject to the limitations of the underlying technology.

Is the location update of a Tile instantaneous?

While Tiles aim to provide real-time or near-real-time location updates, there can be a slight delay between the Tile’s movement and the update reaching the user’s device. This delay is typically minimal and can vary depending on the signal strength, the number of devices in the area, and other environmental factors.

Can Tiles update their location when out of Bluetooth range?

No, Tiles rely on Bluetooth signals to update their location. If a Tile is out of Bluetooth range and cannot establish a connection with a nearby device running the Tile app, it will not be able to update its location. However, some Tile models may leverage crowdsourcing features, where other Tile users’ devices can anonymously detect the Tile and update its location when it comes within their range, even if the original owner’s device is out of range.