Zapdos, one of the legendary birds, is an electric/flying-type Pokemon that has made its way into Pokemon GO. With its impressive stats and powerful movesets, Zapdos is a formidable addition to any Trainer’s team. In this article, we will explore Zapdos’s stats, weaknesses, best movesets, counters, tips on catching it, strategies for defeating it, and its effectiveness as a gym defender.

Stats and Weaknesses of Zapdos


Zapdos possesses formidable stats that contribute to its prowess in battles. Let’s delve deeper into Zapdos’s stats and weaknesses:

Base Stats

  • Attack: Zapdos has a base attack stat of 253, which is quite high. This allows it to unleash powerful electric-type moves and deal significant damage to opponents.
  • Defense: With a base defense stat of 188, Zapdos can withstand attacks from various opponents and endure longer in battles.
  • Stamina: Zapdos has a base stamina stat of 207, providing it with a decent amount of hit points (HP) and allowing it to endure attacks and stay in battles for extended periods.


Zapdos is an electric/flying-type Pokemon. This typing grants it certain advantages and disadvantages in battles:

  • Electric-type: As an electric-type Pokemon, Zapdos is capable of using a wide range of powerful electric-type moves.
  • Flying-type: Zapdos’s flying-type grants it immunity to ground-type moves, rendering them ineffective against it. This immunity can be advantageous, considering ground-type moves are super effective against electric-types.


  • Rock-type: Zapdos is vulnerable to rock-type moves, which deal super effective damage against it. Due to this weakness, rock-type Pokemon can deliver devastating blows to Zapdos. Trainers should be cautious when facing Pokemon like Tyranitar or Rampardos, which possess strong rock-type moves.
  • Ice-type: Zapdos is also weak to ice-type moves, which deal super effective damage. Ice-type Pokemon such as Mamoswine or Weavile can exploit this weakness and deal significant damage to Zapdos.
  • Double Weakness: Zapdos carries a double weakness to both rock and ice types. This means that attacks of these types are doubly effective against it, making Zapdos particularly vulnerable to Pokemon with high-level rock or ice movesets.

Best Moveset of Zapdos


To optimize the battle performance of Zapdos, it is essential to choose the best moveset that complements its stats and typing.

Ideal Moveset

  • Fast Move: Thunder Shock

Thunder Shock is the recommended fast move for Zapdos. It is an electric-type move that benefits from STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus), providing a 1.2x damage multiplier. Additionally, Thunder Shock charges energy quickly, allowing Zapdos to unleash its charged moves more frequently.

  • Charged Move: Thunderbolt

Thunderbolt is the preferred charged move for Zapdos. It is a powerful electric-type move that deals significant damage to opponents. With a base power of 90, Thunderbolt can be unleashed quickly due to the energy generated by Thunder Shock. It is a versatile move that can be used effectively against a wide range of Pokemon.

Alternate Charged Moves:

  • Drill Peck: Drill Peck is a flying-type charged move that can be an alternative option for Zapdos. It provides coverage against opponents that are weak to flying-type moves, such as grass, bug, and fighting-type Pokemon. However, Thunderbolt generally remains the more versatile and powerful choice.
  • Zap Cannon: Zap Cannon is an electric-type charged move with a higher base power of 140. However, it has a slower energy generation rate compared to Thunderbolt, making it less favorable in most scenarios. Zap Cannon can be used if a Trainer wants to maximize Zapdos’s single-hit damage potential, but it comes at the cost of reduced overall DPS (Damage Per Second).

It’s worth noting that with the introduction of new moves or potential balance changes in the game, the optimal moveset for Zapdos may evolve over time. Keeping an eye on updates and community discussions can help Trainers stay informed about any changes that might affect Zapdos’s moveset.

Best Counter Pokemon of Zapdos


When facing Zapdos in battles or raids, having the right counters can significantly increase your chances of success. Here are the top five Pokemon that serve as excellent counters against Zapdos:    


As a rock/dark-type Pokemon, Tyranitar is one of the best counters against Zapdos. It resists Zapdos’s electric-type moves and deals super effective damage with its rock-type moves. Moves like Smack Down and Stone Edge make Tyranitar a formidable choice to take down Zapdos.


Another rock-type Pokemon, Rampardos, boasts incredibly high attack stats, making it a powerful counter against Zapdos. With moves like Smack Down and Rock Slide, Rampardos can exploit Zapdos’s double weakness to rock-type moves and deal massive damage.


Mamoswine, an ice/ground-type Pokemon, is an excellent choice to counter Zapdos. Its ice-type moves, such as Powder Snow and Avalanche, deal super effective damage. Additionally, Mamoswine’s ground typing provides it with immunity to electric-type moves, further bolstering its effectiveness against Zapdos.


Weavile, a dark/ice-type Pokemon, possesses the advantage of being doubly super effective against Zapdos due to its typing. With moves like Ice Shard and Avalanche, Weavile can deal significant damage. Its dark typing also grants it resistance against electric-type moves from Zapdos.


Rhyperior, a ground/rock-type Pokemon, serves as a solid counter to Zapdos. With moves like Mud-Slap and Rock Wrecker, Rhyperior can exploit Zapdos’s weaknesses to both ground and rock-types. Its high attack stats and solid defense make it a reliable choice to withstand Zapdos’s attacks.

How to Catch Zapdos in Pokemon GO


Catching Zapdos in Pokemon GO requires some preparation and strategy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to catch Zapdos:

Find a Zapdos Raid: Zapdos is typically encountered in Raid Battles as a Tier 5 Raid Boss. Keep an eye on the in-game Raid Battle invitations or use Raid Finder tools to locate nearby Zapdos Raids.

Assemble a Strong Raiding Party: Zapdos is an electric/flying-type Pokemon, which makes it weak to rock-type and ice-type moves. Prioritize assembling a team of Pokemon with strong rock-type or ice-type movesets.

Battle Zapdos: Once you’ve gathered your raiding party, participate in the Zapdos Raid Battle. Work together with your fellow Trainers to defeat Zapdos within the time limit. Utilize the recommended counters and strategies to deal as much damage as possible.

Earn Premier Balls: After successfully defeating Zapdos, you will get Premier Balls as reward based on your performance in the raid. Aim to earn as many Premier Balls as possible, as these will be used to catch Zapdos.

Use Golden Razz Berries: Before attempting to catch Zapdos, feed it Golden Razz Berries to increase your chances of a successful capture. Golden Razz Berries significantly boost the catch rate, making them essential for legendary Pokemon encounters.

Time Your Throws: When attempting to catch Zapdos, wait for it to attack or perform a specific animation. This will give you an opportunity to time your throws more accurately. Aim for excellent or great throws to increase your chances of catching Zapdos.

Consider Curveballs and Medals: Curveball throws, where you spin the Poké Ball before throwing, can provide an additional catch rate bonus. Additionally, if you have earned medals related to catching electric or flying-type Pokemon, they can further increase your chances of success.

What is the Fastest Way to Obtain Zapdos in Pokemon GO

The only way to get Zapdos is through raids. To obtain Zapdos rapidly, it is recommended that you communicate with other trainers and join organized raid groups. A larger search increases the likelihood of participating in more raids. However, many players are unable to play the sport outside due to difficult terrain or inclement weather. In this case, we recommend using iFoneTool AnyGo to find your location from anyplace.

iFoneTool AnyGo allows you to access location-based applications like augmented reality games, social media, and more. It allows you to imitate GPS movement using a customizable path for free. You can also save your preferred routes by importing and exporting GPX files.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! Your phone map will also receive its update!

And you can obtain Zapdos in Pokemon Go as soon as possible!

How to Beat Zapdos in Pokemon GO


To defeat Zapdos in Pokemon GO, you’ll need a well-prepared team of Pokemon with the right moves and types. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to beat Zapdos:

Know Zapdos’s Moveset

Familiarize yourself with Zapdos’s moveset to understand its strengths and weaknesses. Zapdos primarily uses electric-type moves, but it may also have access to flying-type moves. This knowledge will help you choose the most effective counters.

Choose the Right Counters

You can refer to the previous section to choose the best counter Pokemon against Zapdos.

Power Up Your Pokemon

Before the battle, make sure your chosen counters are powered up to a high level. Increasing their CP and using Stardust and Candy to enhance their stats will boost their performance against Zapdos.

Coordinate with Other Trainers: Zapdos is a powerful raid boss, so it’s best to team up with other Trainers to increase your chances of success. Coordinate your raiding party to ensure a diverse and strong lineup of counters.

Dodge and Time Your Charged Attacks: During the battle, be mindful of Zapdos’s attacks and use dodging strategically to minimize damage. Time your own charged attacks after Zapdos has finished its own attack animation to maximize your damage output.

Utilize Weather Boosts: Take advantage of weather conditions that boost the power of your counters. For example, if it’s cloudy, rock-type moves will be boosted, making your rock-type counters even more effective.

Maximize Premier Balls: After defeating Zapdos, you’ll be rewarded with Premier Balls for the catch encounter. Earn as many Premier Balls as possible by dealing significant damage, controlling the gym, and contributing to the raid. More Premier Balls mean more attempts to catch Zapdos.

How is Zapdos as a Gym Defender


Zapdos can be a formidable gym defender in Pokemon GO due to its unique typing, high stats, and access to powerful moves. Here’s an evaluation of Zapdos’s effectiveness as a gym defender:


Zapdos has an electric/flying typing, which grants it several advantages and disadvantages as a gym defender. Its electric typing allows it to hit back hard against water and flying-type attackers, which are common in gym battles. Additionally, its flying typing grants it immunity to ground-type moves.


Zapdos’s moveset plays a crucial role in determining its effectiveness as a gym defender. Thunder Shock is the recommended fast move due to its high energy generation rate. For charged moves, Zapdos can have access to Thunderbolt, Zap Cannon, and Drill Peck. Thunderbolt is the most well-rounded choice, providing good damage and coverage against various attackers. Zap Cannon has higher base power but slower energy generation, making it less reliable. Drill Peck provides coverage against fighting and grass-types but is generally less effective overall.

Overall Performance

Zapdos’s high base stats, particularly in attack and defense, contribute to its effectiveness as a gym defender. It can dish out significant damage to attackers while also taking a decent amount of hits. Its electric typing can catch opponents off guard, especially if they are unprepared with strong counters.

However, Zapdos’s overall effectiveness as a gym defender is somewhat limited due to its weaknesses to common gym attackers. Rock and ice-type Pokemon, such as Tyranitar, Rampardos, Mamoswine, and Weavile, can exploit Zapdos’s double weakness to rock-type moves and deal heavy damage. Electric-type attackers, like Electivire or Magnezone, can also take advantage of Zapdos’s weakness to their own type.


Zapdos, with its impressive stats, powerful movesets, and legendary status, is a sought-after Pokemon in Pokemon GO. By understanding its strengths, weaknesses, and counters, Trainers can maximize their chances of catching Zapdos and defeating it in battles. While Zapdos may not be the most effective gym defender, it remains a valuable asset in raids and player-versus-player battles. So, gather your team, prepare your counters, and embark on an electrifying adventure with Zapdos in Pokemon GO!

How can I obtain Zapdos in Pokémon GO?

To obtain Zapdos in Pokémon GO, you need to participate in Zapdos Raid Battles. Keep an eye out for Raid invitations, join raid groups, and defeat Zapdos to have a chance to catch it.

What are Zapdos’s weaknesses in Pokémon GO?

Zapdos is weak to rock and ice-type moves. Pokémon with rock-type or ice-type movesets, such as Tyranitar or Mamoswine, are effective counters against Zapdos.

Can Zapdos be shiny in Pokémon GO?

Yes, Zapdos can be encountered as a shiny Pokémon in Pokémon GO. Shiny Zapdos has a different coloration, with a golden-orange body instead of the usual yellow.

Is Zapdos a good gym defender in Pokémon GO?

Zapdos can be a decent gym defender due to its high stats and electric/flying typing. However, its weaknesses to rock and ice-type attacks make it vulnerable to common gym attackers, limiting its overall effectiveness.

What are the best moves for Zapdos in Pokémon GO?

For Zapdos’s fast move, Thunder Shock is recommended. As for charged moves, Thunderbolt is the most versatile choice. Zap Cannon has higher power but slower energy generation, while Drill Peck provides coverage against fighting and grass-types.