How to change team in Pokemon GO? Pokemon GO, Niantic’s augmented reality and location-based mobile game, provides players with the opportunity to capture a diverse array of Pokemon spanning multiple regions. Despite having been available for several years, new players continue to join each day, eager to explore the excitement surrounding the game.

Upon logging in and embarking on their journey to capture pocket monsters, players accrue experience points to advance their levels. Upon reaching level 5, players can make a significant decision by selecting one of three teams: Team Instinct, Team Valor, or Team Mystic. The choice of team can greatly influence the player’s experience in the game.   

Therefore, the question arises: which team should you choose, and how to change team in Pokemon GO?

How to Change Team in Pokemon Go: Choosing Team


When embarking on your Pokemon GO journey, the choice of team might seem like a significant decision. However, it’s important to note that, in practical terms, the team you choose doesn’t have a major impact on gameplay. There are no team-exclusive Pokemon, and it doesn’t alter the fundamental progression of the game.

Team Mystic: The Popular Choice

One factor to consider is the popularity of Team Mystic. Led by Blanche, this team is widely chosen by players. While this decision doesn’t affect the gameplay directly, it does influence the distribution of controlled Gyms in the game. Joining Team Mystic may result in encountering more Gyms led by Blanche’s team. However, this popularity can be leveraged to your advantage, as placing your Pokemon in Gyms controlled by Team Mystic allows you to earn PokeCoins and spin those Gyms for additional rewards.

Teams Overview: Valor, Instinct, and Mystic

Let’s delve into a brief overview of each team to help you make an informed decision:

  • Team Valor

Core Value: Strength and being the best.

Focus: Researching ways to make Pokemon stronger than their counterparts.

  • Team Instinct

Core Value: Trusting in Pokemon and trainers’ intuition.

Focus: Concentrated on understanding Eggs and the entire hatching process.

  • Team Mystic

Core Value: Belief in Pokemon intelligence.

Focus: Exploring the reasons behind Pokemon evolution.

Unique Personalities and Dialogue

Apart from their core values and focus areas, the team leaders inject their distinct personalities into the game. While most of the dialogue remains similar, these NPCs engage with trainers frequently, offering varied perspectives and insights. This adds a layer of individuality to the overall gaming experience, allowing players to connect with the unique characteristics of each team leader.

Now, let’s see how to change team in Pokemon Go!

How to Change Team in Pokemon Go: A Step-by-Step Guide


For Pokemon GO enthusiasts seeking a change in allegiance, the process of switching teams involves a crucial in-game item known as the Team Medallion. Here is how to change team in Pokemon Go:

1. Acquiring the Team Medallion

To initiate the team change, players must acquire the Team Medallion from the in-game shop. This item serves as the key to unlocking the option to switch teams.

2. Pricing and Limitations

The Team Medallion comes for 1000 PokeCoins, and players are allowed to make this purchase only once every 365 days. PokeCoins, however, are not easily obtained, requiring either a real-money investment or strategic gameplay.

3. Obtaining PokeCoins

Players have two primary options for obtaining the required PokeCoins:

  • Purchase 1200 PokeCoins for $9.99 through in-app transactions.
  • Earn PokeCoins slowly by strategically placing defender Pokemon in Gyms.

4. Gym Defender Strategy

When a player’s Pokemon is stationed in a Gym, they accumulate PokeCoins over time. The rate is one PokeCoin every 10 minutes, up to a maximum of 50 coins. To maximize earnings, players may need to deploy defender Pokemon in multiple Gyms concurrently.

5. Coin Redemption

Crucially, the accumulated PokeCoins are only rewarded to players when their Pokemon is knocked out of the Gym. This event triggers the redemption process, allowing players to collect the coins they’ve earned.

6. Locating the Team Medallion

Once the Team Medallion is successfully purchased, players can find it in the Items section of the in-game inventory. This marks the completion of the transaction, granting players the ability to switch teams and explore a new gaming experience within Pokemon GO.

What’s the Impact of Changing Team in Pokemon Go?

Whats-the-Impact-of-Changing-Team-in-Pokemon Go

Now that we’ve covered the mechanics of changing teams in Pokemon GO, let’s delve into the potential implications and considerations associated with such a decision.

1. Community Dynamics

Choosing a team in Pokemon GO often extends beyond personal preferences, as it can significantly impact one’s interaction with the player community. Popular teams may dominate local Gyms, fostering a sense of camaraderie among members. By changing teams, players may find themselves navigating new social dynamics within their local Pokemon GO community.

2. Strategic Advantages

Beyond the social aspect, each team in Pokemon GO has its unique strategic advantages. Team Valor’s focus on strength, Team Instinct’s emphasis on intuition, and Team Mystic’s commitment to intelligence offer distinct playstyles. Before making a team change, players should consider the strategic elements and identify which team aligns best with their gameplay preferences.

3. Team Leader Engagement

One often overlooked aspect of team selection is the engagement with the charismatic team leaders—Candela, Spark, and Blanche. Changing teams provides an opportunity to experience the unique dialogues and personalities of different leaders. Players may find that the distinctive charm of a particular leader resonates more with their gaming style.

4. Team Gym Dynamics

Team allegiance plays a crucial role in Gym dynamics, as players from the same team can collaborate to fortify and control Gyms effectively. By switching teams, players alter their role in these cooperative efforts. Consideration should be given to the potential impact on Gym battles and territorial control within the Pokemon GO world.

5. Long-Term Strategy

The Team Medallion’s one-year cooldown adds an element of permanence to the team change decision. Players should weigh the long-term implications and consider if their current desire to switch teams aligns with their evolving preferences over an extended period.

Team Changes and In-Game Diversity


As players contemplate the prospect of changing teams in Pokemon GO, it’s essential to recognize the impact on in-game diversity. Each team embodies a unique philosophy and approach to the Pokemon world, contributing to the overall richness of the gaming experience.

Team-Specific Research Tasks

Team-based research tasks, often introduced during special events, offer players opportunities to engage with their chosen team’s values and objectives. By changing teams, players can unlock a fresh set of research tasks, providing a novel and immersive dimension to their gameplay.

Special Team Events

Niantic periodically introduces special events tailored to specific teams. These events often include exclusive bonuses, rewards, or challenges for members of a particular team. Changing teams allows players to participate in these team-centric events, offering a unique and exciting aspect to their Pokemon GO adventure.

Team Unity and Collaboration

Team-based collaboration extends beyond Gym battles. Members of the same team often work together during community events, raids, and challenges. Changing teams presents an opportunity to explore different dynamics of teamwork, fostering new alliances and shared experiences with fellow trainers.

Leaderboard Competition

For competitive players, Gym leaderboards and team-based competitions add an extra layer of motivation. A change in team allegiance can rejuvenate a player’s competitive spirit, offering a chance to climb the ranks and showcase their skills in a different team context.

Personalized Aesthetics

Team Mystic’s cool blue, Team Valor’s fiery red, and Team Instinct’s vibrant yellow contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the game. Changing teams allows players to personalize their visual experience, choosing a team whose colors and emblem resonate with their preferred aesthetic.

Bonus Tip: What’s the fastest way to Change Team in Pokemon Go?

How to change team in Pokemon Go as soon as possible? Just several clicks in iFoneTool AnyGo, a Free app that can help you to change GPS location anywhere in the world. So You can go to anywhere you want and get what you want in the fastest and safest way.

How to use iFoneTool AnyGo? Here are 3 easy steps to download it for free.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.


In the vibrant world of Pokemon GO, the decision to change teams opens up a dynamic and multifaceted journey for players. Whether driven by a desire for strategic advantages, a change in community dynamics, or simply seeking a fresh perspective, the Team Medallion serves as the gateway to new experiences.

How to change team in Pokemon GO?

To change teams in Pokemon GO, you need to purchase a Team Medallion from the in-game shop. This item costs 1000 PokeCoins and can be bought once every 365 days. Once acquired, the Team Medallion allows you to switch to a different team of your choice.

Can I earn PokeCoins to buy the Team Medallion without spending real money?

Yes, you can earn PokeCoins by placing defender Pokemon in Gyms. Defenders accumulate one PokeCoin every 10 minutes, up to a maximum of 50 coins. These coins are rewarded only when your Pokemon is knocked out of the Gym. Alternatively, you can purchase PokeCoins through in-app transactions.

How often can I change teams using the Team Medallion?

The Team Medallion has a cooldown period of 365 days, meaning you can use it to change teams once a year. It’s important to consider this cooldown when deciding to switch teams, as the decision is not reversible until the cooldown period expires.

Does changing teams affect my Pokemon collection in the game?

No, changing teams in Pokemon GO does not impact your Pokemon collection or overall game progress. It is a cosmetic change that primarily influences Gym interactions, team-specific events, and community dynamics. Your Pokemon, experience points, and achievements remain unaffected.

Are there any advantages to choosing a specific team in Pokemon GO?

While there are no direct gameplay advantages to choosing a specific team, each team has its unique philosophy and focus. Consider your preferred playstyle and the social dynamics in your local community, as team popularity can influence Gym control.