Pokemon GO has taken the world by storm, captivating trainers of all ages with its unique blend of augmented reality and the beloved Pokemon franchise. While catching Pokemon in the virtual world is undeniably thrilling, there’s something truly special about being able to bring these creatures to life on paper through the art of drawing. Whether you aspire to create fan art, design your own Pokemon, or simply enjoy the meditative process of sketching, this guide will walk you through the steps on how to draw Pokemon.

Drawing a Pokemon requires a combination of observation, creativity, and technique. Each Pokemon possesses very distinct features, characteristics, and personalities that make them stand out in its own right. By understanding the fundamental principles of drawing, coupled with a keen eye for detail, you’ll be able to capture the essence of these fantastic creatures in your artwork. In this article, we will explore various techniques, tips, and resources to help you bring your favorite Pokemon to life on paper. 

Whether you’re a seasoned artist looking to enhance your Pokemon-themed portfolio or a beginner taking your first steps into the world of drawing, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge to create stunning Pokemon artwork. Grab your pencils, unleash your imagination, and let’s embark on an artistic journey into the world of Pokemon GO!

Part 1: Understanding Pokemon Anatomy


To successfully draw Pokemon, it is essential to grasp the underlying anatomy of these unique creatures. Each Pokemon possesses distinct features that contribute to its overall design and visual appeal. By understanding their anatomy, you’ll be able to accurately capture their proportions and bring them to life on paper. Here are key aspects to consider:

Body Proportions

Familiarize yourself with the general body proportions of Pokemon. They typically have a head, torso, and limbs, albeit with varying shapes and sizes. Some Pokemon may have elongated bodies, while others may be more compact or have exaggerated features. Understanding these proportional differences will help you maintain the overall balance and structure of your drawings.

Facial Features

Pay attention to the facial characteristics of each Pokemon. Observe their eyes, nose, mouth, and any unique facial markings or accessories. These features play a crucial role in conveying the Pokemon’s emotions and personality. Take note of the shape and positioning of these elements to ensure accuracy in your drawings.

Limbs and Appendages

Pokemon often possess diverse limb structures, such as arms, legs, wings, or tentacles. Study how these limbs connect to the body and examine their length, thickness, and joint locations. Understanding the range of motion and specific features of each Pokemon’s limbs will enable you to depict their movements and poses convincingly.

Tails and Appendages

Many Pokemon have tails, antennae, or other appendages contributing to their distinct appearances. Observe the shape, length, and position of these appendages, as they are integral to the overall balance and aesthetics of the Pokemon. Consider the texture, pattern, or any special features present on these appendages, as they add depth and detail to your artwork.

Unique Features

Pokemon often possess unique physical attributes or characteristics that set them apart. These can include horns, crests, fins, spikes, or any other defining traits. Pay attention to these specific features and incorporate them into your drawings accurately. These details are what make each Pokemon visually captivating and instantly recognizable.

Remember, while understanding anatomy is crucial, don’t be afraid to inject your style and creativity into your drawings. Once you have a solid foundation of Pokemon anatomy, you can experiment with different poses, expressions, and artistic interpretations. Practice observing and sketching various Pokemon from different angles to improve your understanding of their anatomy and bring versatility to your artwork.

Part 2: Initial Sketching


When it comes to drawing Pokemon in Pokemon GO, the initial sketch is the foundation upon which your artwork will be built. This stage allows you to establish the basic shapes, proportions, and overall structure of the Pokemon. Follow these steps to create a solid initial sketch:

Reference Gathering

Collect visual references of the Pokemon you wish to draw. These references can be official artwork, screenshots from Pokemon GO, or even figurines. Having references at hand will help you accurately depict the Pokemon’s features and ensure consistency throughout your drawing.

Basic Shapes

Begin by sketching basic shapes to define the Pokemon’s overall form. Use circles, ovals, rectangles, and triangles to represent the head, torso, limbs, and other major body parts. These shapes serve as a guide to establish the proportions and help you visualize the Pokemon’s pose or stance.

Gesture and Pose

Add a gesture or dynamic pose to your initial sketch to bring life and movement to the Pokemon. Consider the character’s personality, type, and any signature moves it may have. Use curved or straight lines to indicate the direction and flow of the body. This stage allows you to capture the essence of the Pokemon’s energy and attitude.

Proportions and Anatomy

Refine the basic shapes and establish accurate proportions. Pay close attention to the relative sizes of different body parts and ensure they align with the Pokemon’s anatomy. Compare your sketch to the references and make adjustments as needed. Focus on getting the head, limbs, and torso in the correct positions and sizes.

Guidelines and Landmarks

Add guidelines or construction lines to help you position the facial features and other key elements of the Pokemon. These guidelines can be simple straight lines or arcs that indicate the direction of the eyes, nose, mouth, or any other prominent features. Use these landmarks to maintain symmetry and ensure accuracy in your drawing.

Detail Refinement

Once you are satisfied with the overall proportions and pose, start refining the sketch by adding more details. Begin with the face, focusing on the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then gradually add details to the body, such as fur, scales, or patterns, depending on the Pokemon’s characteristics. Keep your lines loose and light at this stage, as you will be refining them further in subsequent steps.

The initial sketch serves as a guideline and can be adjusted and modified as you progress. Don’t worry about achieving perfection at this stage; it’s more important to capture the essence and basic structure of the Pokemon. Once you are satisfied with the initial sketch, you can move on to adding details and bringing your Pokemon to life in the next stages of the drawing process.

Part 3: Adding Details and Expressions


Knowing how to draw Pokemon and adding minute details and expressions is important. Once you have established the basic structure of your Pokemon through the initial sketch, it’s time to bring your artwork to life by adding intricate details and expressive features. These details will enhance the visual appeal of your drawing and capture the unique characteristics of the Pokemon. Follow these steps to add details and expressions:

Face and Eyes

The face of a Pokemon conveys its emotions and personality. Focus on refining the features of the face, such as the eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth. Pay attention to the shape and size of the eyes, as they greatly influence the expression. Experiment with different eye shapes, eyelashes, or iris patterns to achieve the desired effect. Adjust the eyebrows and mouth to reflect the Pokemon’s mood, whether it’s happy, determined, mischievous, or serious.

Texture and Patterns

Pokemon have various textures, patterns, and markings on their bodies. Study your references closely to identify these unique characteristics. Incorporate patterns such as spots, stripes, scales, or fur texture where applicable. These details add depth and realism to your artwork. Use light and loose lines to indicate texture and avoid heavy shading at this stage.

Limbs and Appendages

Refine the limbs and appendages of your Pokemon, adding muscle definition, joints, and any distinctive features they possess. Pay attention to the thickness, shape, and details of the limbs. If your Pokemon has claws, wings, or other appendages, emphasize their structure and texture. Ensure that the limbs are consistent with the overall pose and maintain proper proportions.

Tail and Accessories

If your Pokemon has a tail or any accessories, refine them with attention to detail. Capture the unique shape, length, and any additional features like spikes, fins, or patterns. These elements contribute to the Pokemon’s overall silhouette and visual identity. Give them depth and dimension by using shading techniques or subtle lines.

Facial Expressions

Experiment with different expressions to bring your Pokemon to life. Adjust the position of the eyebrows, mouth, and other facial features to convey a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to determination or curiosity. Play with the shape of the eyes and the curvature of the mouth to capture the desired expression accurately.

Clean Up and Finalize

As you add details, continuously evaluate your drawing as a whole. Refine and clean up any rough or unnecessary lines. Erase any construction or guideline marks that are no longer needed. Ensure that the proportions, shapes, and details are coherent and consistent throughout your artwork.

By paying attention to these details and expressions, you’ll create dynamic and captivating Pokemon drawings. Remember to refer to your references frequently, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and techniques to make the Pokemon truly your own.

Part 4: Shading and Coloring: Bringing Your Pokemon Drawings to Life


Once you have finalized the details and expressions in your Pokemon drawing, the next step is to add shading and coloring. These techniques will add depth, dimension, and a realistic touch to your artwork. Follow these steps to effectively shade and color your Pokemon drawings:

Study Light and Shadow

Before you begin shading, it’s crucial to understand how to draw Pokemon and how light interacts with different surfaces. Study the position of the light source in your reference and visualize how it affects the Pokemon’s form. Identify areas that would be in shadow and those that would catch highlights.

Select Your Tools

Depending on your preference and availability, choose the shading and coloring tools that work best for you. These can include graphite pencils, colored pencils, markers, or digital art software. Experiment with different tools to achieve the desired effect.

Layering and Blending

Start shading by using light, gentle strokes. Begin with the base color and gradually build up layers to create depth and volume. Use a range of values, from light to dark, to represent the various tones and shadows in your Pokemon’s body. Blend the shades smoothly to avoid harsh transitions.

Consider Texture

Adjust your shading technique based on the texture of the Pokemon. Smooth surfaces may require a more even and consistent shading approach, while rough or scaly textures could benefit from slightly more pronounced and varied shading strokes. Pay attention to how different parts of the Pokemon’s body, such as fur, skin, or scales, reflect or absorb light differently.

Highlights and Reflections

Use an eraser or white pencil to create highlights and reflections on the Pokemon’s body. Identify areas where the light source directly hits the surface and add small, well-placed highlights to enhance the three-dimensional effect. Depending on its characteristics, this will give your Pokemon a shiny or glossy appearance.

Color Selection

If you choose to color your Pokemon drawing, refer to your references for accurate color representation. Select colors that closely match the Pokemon’s official or desired color palette. Consider the lighting conditions and the Pokemon’s type or habitat when choosing colors for shading and highlighting.

Color Blending

When coloring, apply multiple layers of color to achieve depth and richness. Experiment with blending techniques such as cross-hatching, stippling, or using a colorless blender (if using colored pencils). Gradually build up the colors, paying attention to smooth transitions and gradual shifts in tone.

Details and Accents

Once the base shading and coloring are complete, refine the details. Add subtle lines, textures, or small accents to enhance specific features. This can include scales, patterns, or special markings that define the Pokemon’s identity.

Practice and patience are key when it comes to shading and coloring. Don’t be discouraged if it takes time to achieve the desired results. With each drawing, you’ll develop a better understanding of light, shadow, and color interplay.

Part 5: Resources and Inspiration for Pokemon Drawing


To enhance your Pokemon drawing skills and find inspiration, there are various resources available that can provide guidance and spark creativity. Here are some valuable sources to explore:

Official Pokemon Artwork

Seek inspiration from official Pokemon artwork, including promotional images, trading cards, and video game illustrations. These visuals offer a wealth of information on Pokemon designs, color palettes, and unique features. Study the official art to understand different Pokemon species and their characteristics.

Pokemon GO Game

Immerse yourself in the Pokemon GO game itself. Capture screenshots of your favorite Pokemon encounters or study the 3D models within the game. This allows you to examine various angles, poses, and expressions of the Pokemon you wish to draw.

Pokemon Trading Card Game

It showcases stunning artwork of Pokemon. Explore the vast collection of cards, paying attention to the intricate details and artistic styles. The TCG can inspire dynamic poses, compositions, and color schemes.

Art Communities and Social Media

Engage with online art communities and social media platforms dedicated to Pokemon art. Join forums, groups, or subreddits where artists share their Pokemon creations. Interacting with fellow artists can provide feedback, tips, and inspiration. Instagram, DeviantArt, and Pinterest are popular platforms to discover Pokemon artwork.

Pokemon Art Books

Consider investing in Pokemon art books, which offer comprehensive collections of artwork and concept designs. These books often include behind-the-scenes insights into the creative process behind Pokemon designs. They can be a valuable resource for studying the anatomy, poses, and details of various Pokemon.

Tutorials and Drawing Guides

Explore online tutorials and drawing guides specifically tailored to drawing Pokemon. Many artists and art websites provide step-by-step instructions, tips, and techniques for capturing the essence of different Pokemon species. Follow these tutorials to improve your skills and gain new insights.

Live Events and Workshops

Keep an eye out for Pokemon-related events, conventions, or workshops focused on art and drawing. These events often feature demonstrations, workshops, and opportunities to meet other artists and enthusiasts. Attending such events can provide valuable hands-on learning experiences and inspire you to create.

Use these resources as references and inspiration while developing your unique artistic style. It’s important to respect copyright and intellectual property rights when using official Pokémon artwork, focusing on learning and growing as an artist.


Knowing how to draw Pokemon is an enjoyable and rewarding artistic journey. By understanding Pokemon anatomy, mastering initial sketching, adding details and expressions, and incorporating shading and coloring techniques, you can create captivating Pokemon artwork. Remember to explore resources, seek inspiration, and practice regularly to enhance your skills.

How to draw Pokemon as a beginner?

As a beginner, start by practicing basic shapes and proportions. Gradually add details and refine your drawing skills by studying references and experimenting with different poses and expressions.

How can I make my Pokemon drawings look more dynamic?

To make your drawings more dynamic, pay attention to the pose and gestures of the Pokemon. Incorporate fluid lines and curves to capture movement and energy. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to create a sense of depth and action in your artwork.

What is the best way of developing my own style while drawing Pokemon?

Developing your style takes time and practice. Start by studying different art styles and techniques, including those used by professional Pokemon artists. Use different shading, coloring, and line work styles. As you gain experience, your unique style will naturally emerge.

Are there any specific techniques for how to draw Pokemon in different forms?

Drawing Pokemon in different forms can be an exciting challenge. To depict shininess, focus on adding reflective highlights and adjusting the color palette accordingly. Pay attention to distinct features or transformations and emphasize them through details, colors, or visual cues.