Pokemon Go, the popular augmented reality game, offers players a plethora of features and mechanics to explore. One crucial aspect of the game is the evolution of Pokemon, which allows them to grow stronger and unlock new abilities. Evolutionary items play a vital role in this process, and one such item is the King’s Rock. In this article, we will delve into the concept of evolutionary items, highlight the significance of Kings Rock in Pokemon Go, provide a list of Pokemon that require it for evolution, explain how to obtain it, and offer guidance on using Kings Rock-evolved Pokemon in raid battles.

What Are Evolutionary Items in Pokemon Go


Evolution is a fundamental aspect of the Pokemon franchise, and Pokemon Go stays true to this core concept. In the game, many Pokemon have multiple stages of evolution, and players can help their Pokemon reach their full potential by evolving them. However, some Pokemon require specific items called evolutionary items to undergo their transformation. These items play a crucial role in the evolution process, adding depth and strategy to the game.

Evolutionary items act as catalysts that trigger the evolution of specific Pokemon. They are essential for evolving certain Pokemon that cannot evolve through the usual leveling up or by using candies alone. Instead, these Pokemon require the presence of a specific evolutionary item during the evolution process.

Introduction to Kings Rock in Pokemon Go


Kings Rock is one of the evolutionary items in Pokemon Go. It takes its name from the King’s Rock item found in the mainline Pokemon games. In Pokemon Go, Kings Rock is primarily used to evolve certain Pokemon into their more powerful forms, unlocking new abilities, moves, and increased stats.

To use Kings Rock, players must have the item in their inventory and follow specific evolution procedures for the Pokemon that require it. When these requirements are met, the Pokemon can evolve into its enhanced form.

Kings Rock is particularly notable for its significance in evolving certain Pokemon with unique evolution paths. For example, Slowpoke evolves into Slowking when exposed to Kings Rock, while Poliwag evolves into Politoed using the same item. These evolutions add diversity to players’ Pokemon collections and offer new strategic options for battles and raids.

King’s Rock Pokemon Go Evolution List


Several Pokemon in Pokemon Go require Kings Rock to achieve their full evolutionary potential. Let’s explore some of these Pokemon, their evolution process, and the unique moves or abilities they gain.

Slowpoke evolves into Slowking

By using Kings Rock, Slowpoke can evolve into Slowking. This Water/Psychic-type Pokemon gains enhanced stats, a new appearance, and access to moves such as Water Gun, Psychic, and Ice Beam.

Poliwag evolves into Politoed

Kings Rock can be utilized to evolve Poliwag into Politoed. This Water-type Pokemon gains increased CP and access to moves like Bubble Beam, Weather Ball (Water), and Hydro Pump.

These are the currently known Pokemon in Pokemon Go that require Kings Rock to evolve. Please note that the evolution process and movesets may be subject to change in future updates, so it’s always a good idea to check for any potential updates or announcements from Niantic to stay informed about the latest developments in the game.

How to Get Kings Rock in Pokemon Go


To obtain Kings Rock in Pokemon Go, there are a few methods you can try:

Spin PokéStops

Kings Rock, along with other evolutionary items, has a chance to drop when you spin PokéStops. However, the drop rate for evolutionary items is relatively low, so you may need to spin multiple PokéStops before receiving Kings Rock. Keep in mind that the drop rate is random, so it may require some patience and persistence.

Research Breakthroughs

Another way to get Kings Rock is by completing Research Breakthroughs. These are special research tasks that, when completed, reward you with various items, including evolutionary items. Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough, you have a chance to receive Kings Rock as part of the reward.

Special Events

Pay attention to special events organized by Niantic in Pokemon Go. During these events, the chances of obtaining evolutionary items like Kings Rock are often increased. Keep an eye on event announcements, as they may offer boosted drop rates for these items or provide specific tasks or quests that reward them.


If you have friends who are willing to trade with you, it’s possible to receive Kings Rock through trading. If your friend has an extra Kings Rock and is willing to trade it to you, you can obtain it through the trading process. However, keep in mind that trading requires proximity and specific friendship levels in Pokemon Go.

Remember, obtaining Kings Rock and other evolutionary items in Pokemon Go can sometimes require patience and luck. It’s good to regularly spin PokéStops, participate in events, and complete research tasks to increase your chances of getting the item you need.

What Is the Fastest Way to Get Kings Rock Pokemon

Changing your location frequently may help you get King’s Rock. However, many gamers may be unable to play Pokemon Go because of an inconvenient location or terrible weather. In this case, it is advisable to try iFoneTool AnyGo to move your location anyplace.

iFoneTool AnyGo allows you to use location-based apps like augmented reality games, social platforms, and more. It will assist you with free GPS mobility simulation by providing a configurable path. You may also import and export GPX files to save your favorite routes.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can obtain King’s Rock as soon as possible!

How to Evolve Slowpoke into Slowking with Kings Rock


If you have acquired Kings Rock and wish to evolve Slowpoke into Slowking, follow this detailed guide:

Step 1: Obtain Kings Rock

As mentioned earlier, obtain Kings Rock through spins at PokéStops or by completing Research Breakthroughs.

Step 2: Select the Right Slowpoke  

Ensure you have a Slowpoke that you wish to evolve into Slowking. Check its IVs (Individual Values) and moveset for optimal performance.

Step 3: Prepare Candies

Gather enough Slowpoke candies to evolve your Slowpoke into Slowking. The required amount is 50 candies.

Step 4: Execute the Evolution

Go to your Pokemon collection, select the Slowpoke you want to evolve, and tap on the “Evolve” button. As long as you have the Kings Rock and sufficient candies, the evolution process will commence, and your Slowpoke will become Slowking.

How to Evolve Poliwag into Politoed


To evolve Poliwag into Politoed in Pokemon Go, you will need a Kings Rock evolutionary item. Here’s how you can evolve Poliwag into Politoed:

Obtain Kings Rock

As mentioned earlier, there are a few ways to obtain a King’s Rock. You can try spinning PokéStops and hope for it to drop as a random item. Completing Research Breakthroughs is another method, as these can reward you with evolutionary items like Kings Rock. Additionally, keep an eye out for special events that may increase your chances of obtaining Kings Rock.

Make sure you have enough Poliwag Candy

Evolving Poliwag into Politoed requires Poliwag Candy. You’ll need 100 Poliwag Candy to perform the evolution, so make sure you have enough before proceeding.

Tap on the “Evolve” button

On the Poliwag’s individual screen, you should see an “Evolve” button at the bottom of the screen. If you have a Kings Rock in your inventory and the required amount of Poliwag Candy, the “Evolve” button should be available. Tap on it to initiate the evolution process.

Confirm the evolution

A confirmation prompt will appear, notifying you that the evolution is permanent and cannot be undone. If you’re ready to proceed, confirm the evolution.

How to Use King’s Rock Pokemon in Raid Battles  


Using Kings Rock-evolved Pokemon in raid battles can be a strategic choice to maximize damage output. Here are some guidelines to help you make the most of these Pokemon in raid battles:

Understand Strengths and Weaknesses

Each Kings Rock-evolved Pokemon has its own set of strengths and weaknesses based on its type. Slowking, being a Water/Psychic type, is strong against Fire, Rock, and Fighting types. Politoed, as a Water type, has advantages against Fire, Ground, and Rock types. Research the raid boss you’re battling and identify its weaknesses. Choose the Kings Rock Pokemon that can exploit these weaknesses for maximum damage.

Optimal Counters

Assemble a team of optimal counters for the raid boss, considering the weaknesses you identified. Include Kings Rock Pokemon alongside other strong Pokemon that offer type advantages. For example, if you’re battling a Fire-type raid boss, consider using Tyranitar or Kyogre alongside your Kings Rock Pokemon. Utilize Pokemon with movesets that exploit the raid boss’s weaknesses and deal super effective damage.

Movesets and Charge TMs

Pay attention to the movesets of your Kings Rock Pokemon. Moves that have type advantages against the raid boss will deal more damage. Slowking can learn moves like Water Gun, Psychic, and Ice Beam, while Politoed can utilize moves such as Bubble Beam, Weather Ball (Water), and Hydro Pump. Use Charge TMs to obtain the desired moves if necessary, ensuring your Kings Rock Pokemon have optimal movesets for the raid battle.

Power-Up Considerations

Power up your Kings Rock Pokemon to higher levels before raid battles to increase their stats and damage output. However, balance this with the availability of resources. Prioritize powering up Pokemon that will have the most impact in raid battles overall. Assess the cost-benefit ratio and allocate resources accordingly.


In conclusion, Kings Rock-evolved Pokemon can be formidable assets in raid battles. By understanding their strengths, assembling optimal counters, utilizing strong movesets, coordinating with other players, and employing effective strategies, you can maximize their damage output and increase your chances of success in raid battles. Keep adapting your strategies based on the specific raid boss and updates in the game to stay on top of the Pokemon Go raiding scene.

How do I obtain Kings Rock in Pokémon Go?

Kings Rock can be obtained by spinning PokéStops, completing Research Breakthroughs, or participating in special events. The drop rate is random, so it may require multiple attempts.

Which Pokémon require Kings Rock to evolve?

Currently, Poliwhirl evolves into Politoed, and Slowpoke evolves into Slowking when exposed to Kings Rock. These evolutions offer new typings, moves, and increased stats.

Can I use Kings Rock on multiple Pokémon?

No, Kings Rock is a one-time use item. Once it is used to evolve a Pokémon, it will be consumed in the process.

Can I trade Kings Rock with other players?

Yes, Kings Rock can be traded with other players in Pokémon Go. If your friend has an extra Kings Rock, they can trade it to you, allowing you to evolve your Pokémon.

What are the benefits of using Kings Rock in Pokémon Go?

Using Kings Rock to evolve Pokémon unlocks their enhanced forms with improved stats, new typings, and access to a broader move pool. It adds variety and strategic options to your Pokémon collection.