Getting banned from Snapchat can be a frustrating experience, especially if you rely on the app for communication and social interaction. In this guide, we’ll explore what it means to be banned on Snapchat, the reasons behind it, and most importantly, how to get unbanned.

What is “Being Banned” on Snapchat


Being “banned” on Snapchat refers to the restriction or suspension of your account due to violations of the platform’s community guidelines or terms of service.

Examples of account locking and restrictions on Snapchat may include:

Content Removal: If you violate Snapchat’s Community Guidelines by posting inappropriate content such as nudity, violence, or hate speech, so Snapchat may remove the offending content from your account.

Account Termination: In severe cases where the violation is significant or repeated, Snapchat may terminate your account entirely, and preventing you from accessing any features or content on the platform.

Limited Visibility: Snapchat may limit the visibility of your account or certain content if it violates community guidelines but does not warrant complete removal. This could involve restricting who can view your snaps or stories.

Reporting to Law Enforcement: If your activity on Snapchat poses an imminent threat to human life or violates laws, Snapchat reserves the right to report this information to law enforcement authorities.

Circumvention Prevention: If your account is terminated for violating community guidelines, Snapchat prohibits you from creating a new account or attempting to bypass the termination in any way. So any attempts to circumvent the ban may result in further restrictions or legal action.

These actions are taken to maintain a safe and positive environment on Snapchat and to ensure that users adhere to the platform’s community guidelines and terms of service.

Why Being “Banned” from Snapchat


Snapchat’s commitment to user safety and community standards is paramount in maintaining a secure and positive platform. Instances where accounts are locked or banned typically stem from behaviors that contravene the platform’s Community Guidelines. This could include sending spam, engaging in deceptive practices, or using third-party apps to access Snapchat services. By enforcing strict measures, Snapchat aims to safeguard its community from harmful content and ensure a respectful environment for all users.

When violations occur, Snapchat takes decisive action to address the issue, either temporarily locking accounts or permanently banning them. This proactive approach serves to remove inappropriate content promptly and hold individuals accountable for abusive behavior. Ultimately, these measures contribute to fostering a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable experience for Snapchat’s diverse user base.

How to Get Unbanned from Snapchat

If you find yourself banned from Snapchat, don’t panic.

There are steps you can take to try and get your account unbanned:

Create a New Account:


If your account has been permanently banned, your best option may be to create a new account. Keep in mind that creating a new account means losing your existing contacts, memories, and streaks.

Submit an Appeal for a Banned Account:


If you believe your Snapchat account was unfairly or mistakenly banned, you can submit an appeal for review. To initiate the appeal process, open the Snapchat app and attempt to log in. If your account is locked, you’ll see a pop-up screen prompting you to appeal the decision. Tap on ‘Appeal Decision‘ to begin the process.

Once you’ve submitted your appeal, Snapchat’s safety team will review your case. If your appeal is successful, you’ll receive an email notification informing you that your account has been reinstated, and any strike against your account will be removed.

However, if your appeal is denied, Snapchat will notify you via email, and your account will remain banned. So if you believe the ban was unjust, you can reach out to Snapchat’s support team through their website’s “Contact Us” or “Support” section. Provide detailed information about your account and the ban, along with a polite explanation of why you think the ban should be lifted.

Wait for Unlock:

After submitting an appeal, you’ll need to wait for Snapchat to review your case. This process can take time, so be patient. If Snapchat determines that your account was banned unfairly, they may lift the ban and restore access to your account. However, if they find that the ban was justified, your account will remain banned.

If your Snapchat account has been temporarily locked, you have the option to wait for it to be unlocked. To do this, you can try logging back in via the Snapchat app or on the web by visiting the provided link and selecting ‘Unlock.’

However, before attempting to log back in, it’s essential to understand some common reasons why your account may have been locked in the first place. By addressing these issues, you can prevent your account from being permanently locked.  It’s important to note that Snapchat’s support team won’t be able to unlock your account for you, so it’s crucial to follow the provided instructions and address any underlying issues promptly.

Who Can Unlock your Snapchat Account


Only Snapchat’s official support team has the authority to unlock Snapchat accounts legitimately. So it’s crucial to be wary of scammers who falsely claim to offer unlocking services. These scammers often pose as hackers or Snapchat employees, promising to unlock your account for a fee or even for free. So they may contact you through social media platforms or online forums, soliciting payment via gift cards, PayPal, or other dubious methods.

Remember, Snapchat will never ask for money in exchange for support services. It’s essential to never share your username or password with anyone claiming to provide account unlocking services. Doing so could compromise your account security and put your other online accounts at risk of cyberattacks or fraud. So always verify the legitimacy of any service provider claiming to offer account assistance, and rely only on official channels provided by Snapchat for support.

The Best Way To Change Your Location on Snapchat Safely


Are you looking to spice up your Snapchat experience by adding a new location to your snaps? With iFoneTool AnyGo, you can easily change your location on Snapchat without risking your account’s security. Whether you want to explore new geo-filters or surprise your friends with snaps from exotic locations, iFoneTool AnyGo makes it simple and safe to change your virtual location on Snapchat.

Using advanced GPS spoofing technology, iFoneTool AnyGo allows you to teleport to any location in the world with just a few clicks. Whether you’re planning a virtual vacation or want to impress your friends with snaps from far-flung destinations, iFoneTool AnyGo has you covered. Additionally, with its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with Snapchat, changing your location has never been easier or more convenient.

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Then open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location!

Say goodbye to boring snaps and hello to endless possibilities with iFoneTool AnyGo. Simply download the app, then select your desired location, and start snapping away. With iFoneTool AnyGo, the world is your playground, and your Snapchat adventures are much byond your imagination.


Being banned from Snapchat can be a frustrating experience, but it’s essential to understand why it happened and how you can address it. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can increase your chances of getting unbanned from Snapchat and regaining access to the platform. Remember to always follow Snapchat’s community guidelines and terms of service to avoid future bans and maintain a positive experience for yourself and others.

Why was my Snapchat account banned?

Snapchat bans accounts for various reasons, including violations of community guidelines, suspicious activity, or using third-party apps.

Can I appeal a ban on my Snapchat account?

Yes, you can appeal a ban through the Snapchat app by tapping ‘Appeal Decision’ on the login screen. Provide relevant details for review.

How long does it take for Snapchat to review an appeal?

The review process varies, but Snapchat typically responds to appeals within a few days. Be patient and await their decision.

What should I do if my account is temporarily locked?

If your account is temporarily locked, try logging back in via the app or website and selecting ‘Unlock.’ Avoid violating guidelines to prevent permanent lockout.

Can I create a new Snapchat account if my previous one was banned?

Technically, yes, but circumventing a ban is against Snapchat’s terms of service. It’s best to appeal the ban or contact Snapchat support for assistance.