WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging platforms worldwide, connecting billions of users. Unfortunately, scammers have also taken advantage of this platform to deceive unsuspecting individuals. If you find yourself in a situation where you suspect someone is trying to scam you on WhatsApp, it’s important to know how to track them and take appropriate action. In this article, we will learn how to track a  scammer on WhatsApp.

The Best Location Tracker You Should Know

Before delving into the process of tracking scammers on WhatsApp, it’s essential to have a reliable location tracker at your disposal.

Localizer is a reliable online location tracker that allows users to check the location history of mobile numbers. Localizer’s user-friendly UI and advanced tracking capabilities make it ideal for monitoring mobile device location. Whether you’re seeking for a misplaced phone, want to monitor your device, or are worried about a loved one’s safety, Localizer provides the tools you need to quickly and reliably trace the location history of a mobile number.


Crucial Components

  • Tracking Location History: Localizer allows users to see a mobile number’s previous locations. The location of a device can be tracked over time by users upon retrieving timestamps and coordinates.
  • Real-Time Location Updates: Localizer provides historical location data along with real-time monitoring. Users can track the current location of a mobile number and get real-time updates with this tool.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Both novice and expert users will find the Localizer website easy to use due to its basic style.It is easier to retrieve and understand location history information thanks to the user-friendly design.
  • Safe and Secret: Localizer values its consumers’ privacy and security.The site’s security and protection methods for all submitted data and information guarantee the privacy of personal information and monitoring activities.

How Should a Localizer Be Used?

Use Localizer to track a mobile number’s location history by generally following these steps:

  • Visit this page to access the Localizer: Visit the website for Localizer.
  • Sign up or Log in: If you are a new user, create your Localizer account by clicking the “Sign Up” button. To complete the registration procedure, supply the required data and follow the guidelines. If you already have an account, click the “Log In” button to access it and enter your login credentials.
  • Enter your cellphone number in this space: Locate the area where you can enter the phone number you wish to track after logging in. For accurate results, please enter the right country code.
  • Start keeping an eye on things: Enter your mobile number and click the appropriate button to begin tracking. Localizer will begin sending location history data to the provided telephone number.
  • See the Locations’ History: The mobile number’s location history will show up on the Localizer interface once the tracking process is complete. Time stamps, locations, and further information about the tracked device’s previous journeys are provided.

How to Track a Scammer on WhatsApp?


Heer are how to track a scammer on Whatsapp:

  • Document evidence: If you suspect someone is trying to scam you on WhatsApp, it’s crucial to collect evidence. Take screenshots of suspicious conversations, save any audio or video files they may have sent, and note down any relevant information such as phone numbers, names, or aliases they use.
  • Verify the identity: Conduct a reverse image search on any profile pictures the scammer has shared to check if they are using stolen or fake images. You can use search engines like Google or specialized reverse image search tools to identify the source of the image.
  • Search for additional information: Use the phone number or other identifying information you’ve obtained to conduct an online search for any relevant information. Scammers sometimes use the same phone number or aliases on numerous platforms, so you may come across reports or cautions from other victims who have experienced the same scammer.
  • Contact local authorities: If you believe you have enough proof to identify the fraudster, report the event to your local law enforcement agency. Provide them with all the information you have gathered, including screenshots, phone numbers, and any other relevant details. They will guide you on further steps to take and may initiate an investigation.

Signs of a WhatsApp Scam


  • Unsolicited messages: Scammers often initiate contact without any prior interaction, offering enticing deals or promising large sums of money.
  • Requests for personal information: Scammers may ask for personal details such as bank account numbers, social security numbers, or passwords. Legitimate organizations would never request such information over WhatsApp.
  • Urgency and pressure tactics: Scammers create a sense of urgency, pressuring victims to act quickly without giving them time to think or verify the legitimacy of the offer.
  • Poor grammar and spelling: Many scammers operate from places where English is not the native language, leading in obvious grammatical and typographical problems in their messages.

Tips for Preventing WhatsApp Scams


  • Be cautious of unknown contacts: Avoid interacting with individuals you don’t know or those who contact you out of the blue.
  • Verify information independently: If someone claims to represent a corporation or organization, check their authenticity through legitimate methods before revealing any personal information.
  • Enable two-step verification: Enable the two-step verification feature on your WhatsApp account to add an extra layer of security.
  • Educate yourself: Stay informed about the latest WhatsApp scams and techniques scammers use. This knowledge will help you recognize and avoid potential scams.
  • Report suspicious activities: If you encounter a scam or suspicious activity on WhatsApp, report it to WhatsApp immediately. This helps the platform take action against scammers and protect other users.

How to Report a WhatsApp Scammer to WhatsApp?

  1. Open the chat with the scammer.
  2. Tap on the three-dot menu icon.
  3. Select “More” and then choose “Report”.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to report the scammer to WhatsApp.


WhatsApp scams are unfortunately prevalent, and it’s crucial to know how to track a scammer on Whatsapp and protect yourself from falling victim to their deceptive tactics. You may help combat scammers and protect yourself and others from their criminal conduct by recognizing warning signals and capturing evidence. Stay alert, heed the advice given, and remember that when using messaging apps like WhatsApp, your safety should always come first.

Is it possible to track a scammer’s location on WhatsApp?

Yes, it is possible to track a scammer’s location on WhatsApp using tools like Localizer or by working with law enforcement agencies.

Can I track a scammer’s location on WhatsApp by their phone number?

Yes, tools like Localizer can track a scammer’s location on WhatsApp using their phone number as a reference.

What steps should I take to track a scammer on WhatsApp?

Firstly, document evidence of the scam. Verify the scammer’s identity and search for additional information. Contact local authorities and use location tracking tools if necessary.

Are there any signs to look for to identify a scammer on WhatsApp?

Yes, signs of a WhatsApp scam include unsolicited messages, requests for personal information, urgency and pressure tactics, and poor grammar and spelling in their messages.

What should I do if I suspect someone is a scammer on WhatsApp?

If you suspect someone is a scammer on WhatsApp, gather evidence, report the incident to local authorities, and consider using location tracking tools to aid in the investigation. Additionally, report the scammer to WhatsApp.