When it comes to ensuring the safety of your vehicle, knowing its current location can be of utmost importance. One method to track your car’s location is by using its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). In this article, we will delve into the details of VIN number, explore the possibility of tracking your car location using VIN number, discuss the reasons why you might want to track your car’s location and provide a step-by-step guide on how to track your car location using VIN. Additionally, we will highlight the best way to track your car’s location effectively.

What Is a VIN?


The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique code assigned to every vehicle. It acts as a fingerprint for your car, providing specific information about its manufacturer, model, year of production, and other essential details. VINs typically consist of 17 alphanumeric characters and can be found on various parts of the vehicle, such as the dashboard, engine block, or door frame.

Is It Possible to Track Car’s Location by VIN Number?

While the VIN number is primarily used for identification and documentation purposes, it is not directly designed to track a car’s location. The VIN is primarily used by law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, and vehicle manufacturers to identify and track the history of a vehicle. However, there are methods to indirectly track a car’s location using the information associated with its VIN.

Why Would You Track Your Car Location? Why-Would-You-Track-Your-Car-Location

There are several reasons why you might want to track your car’s location. Some common scenarios include:

  • Vehicle Theft Recovery: One of the primary reasons for tracking your car’s location is in the unfortunate event of theft. By tracking the location of your stolen vehicle, you can provide crucial information to law enforcement authorities, increasing the chances of recovery.
  • Safety and Security: Tracking your car’s location can provide a sense of safety and security. Knowing where your vehicle is at all times can be reassuring, especially in unfamiliar areas or high-crime neighborhoods.
  • Monitoring Teenage Drivers: If you have teenage drivers in your family, tracking your car’s location can help ensure their safety. By monitoring their whereabouts, you can ensure they are driving responsibly and staying within designated areas.
  • Fleet Management: Businesses that own a fleet of vehicles often track their locations to optimize operations. This can include monitoring routes, ensuring timely deliveries, and managing vehicle usage efficiently.
  • Car Rental Services: If you operate a car rental business, tracking the location of your fleet is essential for logistics, scheduling, and ensuring the return of rented vehicles.
  • Emergency Situations: In case of emergencies, tracking your car’s location can be crucial for providing accurate information to emergency services. This can help expedite assistance and potentially save lives.
  • Personal Convenience: Tracking your car’s location can be convenient in various situations. For example, if you frequently forget where you parked your car in crowded parking lots, knowing its exact location can save time and frustration.

The Best Way to Track Your Car Location

Localizer is a robust online location tracker that lets users view the location history of mobile numbers. Localizer’s user-friendly interface and advanced tracking features make it a practical choice for people who need to track the location of their mobile devices. Whether you’re concerned about a loved one’s safety, want to keep an eye on your device, or need to find a lost phone, Localizer provides the tools you need to easily and correctly trace the location history of your phone number.


Key Features:

  • Real-Time Tracking: Localizers provide real-time tracking of the vehicle’s location, allowing users to monitor its movements accurately and instantaneously.
  • GPS Accuracy: Localizers utilize Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to determine the precise location of the vehicle. They offer high levels of accuracy, often within a few meters.
  • Mapping and Geolocation: Localizers typically integrate with mapping services, displaying the vehicle’s location on a map interface. This feature allows users to visualize the vehicle’s position in real-time.
  • Historical Tracking Data: Localizers store historical tracking data, enabling users to review past routes, locations, and timestamps. This feature is useful for analyzing vehicle movements and generating reports.
  • Geofencing: Geofencing allows users to set virtual boundaries or geographically defined areas. Localizers can send notifications or alerts when the vehicle enters or exits these designated areas. Geofencing helps monitor vehicle movement and provides security and safety benefits.

How to Use Localizer?

To track a mobile number’s location history with Localizer, follow these general steps:

  • Visit the Localizer website:  Access Localizer website.
  • Sign Up or Log In: If you’re a new user, use the “Sign Up” button to set up your Localizer account. Complete the registration process by providing the required information and following the instructions. If you already have an account, click the “Log In” button and enter your credentials to access it.
  • Enter mobile number: After logging in, navigate to the specified field and enter the mobile number you want to track. For accurate results, make sure you enter the correct country code.
  • Start tracking: Enter your mobile number and click the appropriate button to start the tracking process. Localizer will start getting the location history information for the provided cell phone number.
  • View location history: After the tracking method is completed, the location history of the mobile phone number is displayed on the locator interface. You can see the timestamp, location, and other relevant information about the past location of the tracked device.

Other Ways to Track Your Car Location by VIN Number?


While directly tracking a car’s location using the VIN number is not possible, you can use the following steps to indirectly track your car’s location:

  • Step 1: Gather Necessary Information:

Collect all the essential information related to your vehicle, including the VIN number, vehicle make, model, and registration details. This information will be useful for the subsequent steps.

  • Step 2: Contact Law Enforcement:

In the event of a stolen vehicle, promptly report the theft to the local law enforcement agency. Provide them with all the relevant information, including the VIN number. They will initiate an investigation and use the VIN to track the vehicle through their databases.

  • Step 3: Contact Insurance Company:

Notify your insurance company about the theft and provide them with the necessary details, including the VIN number. Insurance companies often collaborate with law enforcement agencies and have resources to track stolen vehicles.

  • Step 4: Utilize GPS Tracking Systems:

Consider installing a GPS tracking system in your vehicle. These systems use GPS technology to track the location of your car in real-time. While the VIN number is not directly involved in this method, GPS tracking can provide you with accurate information about your vehicle’s whereabouts.


While it is not possible to directly track your car’s location using the VIN number, there are alternative methods available. By promptly reporting vehicle theft to law enforcement, working closely with your insurance company, and considering the installation of a GPS tracking system, you can effectively track your car’s location and increase the chances of recovery in case of theft. Remember to prioritize your vehicle’s security and take necessary precautions to safeguard your valuable asset.

Can I track my car’s location in real-time using the VIN number?

No, tracking car location in real-time using the VIN number alone is not possible. The VIN number provides vehicle information, but it does not have a built-in GPS tracking capability.

How can I track my car’s location using the VIN number?

To track your car’s location, you’ll need a GPS tracking device installed in your vehicle or a tracking service that utilizes GPS technology. The VIN number is not directly used for tracking.

Are there any online services that can track a car’s location using the VIN number?

No, legitimate online services cannot track a car’s location solely based on the VIN number. Any services claiming to do so are likely scams. GPS tracking devices or services are required for accurate location tracking.

Can I contact the car manufacturer to track my car using the VIN number?

No, car manufacturers typically do not offer location tracking services based on the VIN number. They may assist with theft recovery through collaboration with law enforcement, but tracking capabilities are not provided.

What information can I obtain by using the VIN number?

The VIN number provides valuable information about a vehicle’s history, such as its manufacturer, model year, engine type, and more. However, it does not provide real-time or current location information.