Pokemon Go trainers are constantly on the lookout for powerful and rare Pokemon to bolster their teams. One such Pokemon that has garnered attention is Kartana. As a Grass/Steel-type Pokemon, Kartana possesses unique characteristics and a distinctive appearance. In this article, we will delve into various aspects of Kartana in Pokemon Go, including its background, shiny form, counters, catching methods, and its role in PvP battles. Whether you’re a collector or a competitive battler, understanding Kartana’s attributes will prove invaluable in your Pokemon Go journey. 

Introduction and Background of Kartana in Pokemon GO


Kartana is a unique and fascinating Pokemon known for its distinct design, characteristics, and lore. Let’s explore these aspects of Kartana:


Kartana is a Grass/Steel-type Pokemon and is part of the Ultra Beast category. It has a humanoid appearance with a paper-thin body made entirely of blades and leaves. Its body is primarily white in color, featuring sharp edges and intricate patterns resembling origami. Kartana’s head is triangular, with large, menacing eyes and a small mouth. Despite its delicate appearance, Kartana possesses incredible strength and agility.


Kartana’s characteristics align with its Grass/Steel typing. As a Grass-type, it has an affinity for nature and is associated with plants and foliage. The Steel typing grants it durability and resistance to certain types of attacks. Kartana is known for its high base Attack and Speed stats, making it a formidable physical attacker and a swift Pokemon on the battlefield. Its thin, paper-like body allows it to move swiftly and silently, making it a stealthy opponent.


In Pokemon lore, Kartana hails from the Alola region, which is known for its unique and exotic Pokemon species. It is one of the Ultra Beasts, extraterrestrial creatures that possess immense power and mysterious origins. Kartana is classified as UB-04 Blade in the Ultra Beast classification system. According to the Pokédex, Kartana is said to be a highly aggressive Pokemon that slices through opponents with its sharp, sword-like blades.

In the Pokemon Sun and Moon games, Kartana is associated with the Ultra Recon Squad, a group of characters from the Ultra Megalopolis who have a connection to the Ultra Beasts. The Ultra Recon Squad plays a significant role in exploring the mysteries surrounding the Ultra Beasts and their connection to the Alola region.

Kartana’s lore reflects its role as a legendary Pokemon, renowned for its power, elegance, and enigmatic nature. Its unique design and characteristics make it a captivating addition to the Pokemon world.

It’s worth noting that the lore and story elements of Pokemon can evolve and expand with new games, episodes, and updates. Therefore, it’s always exciting to discover new information and stories about Pokemon like Kartana as the franchise continues to grow.

Kartana’s Shiny Form in Pokemon GO


Kartana’s shiny form in Pokemon Go features a noticeable color change from its regular form. In its shiny form, Kartana’s white body transitions to a vibrant pinkish-red color. The blades and leaves that make up its body appear in a shade of deep red, giving it a striking and distinct appearance.

Shiny Pokemon are rare variants with different coloration than their standard counterparts. While shiny Pokemon don’t have any inherent stat advantages or gameplay benefits, they are highly sought after by collectors and trainers who enjoy the aesthetic appeal of these unique color schemes.

To obtain a shiny Kartana in Pokemon Go, you typically need to encounter and catch it during specific events or raids where shiny variants are available. These events often have increased shiny rates, making it slightly easier to find a shiny Kartana compared to encountering one in its regular form.

Counters of Kartana in Pokemon GO


Kartana, as a Grass/Steel-type Pokemon, has several weaknesses that can be exploited by certain types and moves. Here are some Pokemon that can effectively counter Kartana in battles:


Fire-type Pokemon have a significant advantage against Kartana due to its Grass typing. Moves like Fire Blast, Flamethrower, or even Fire Spin can deal super-effective damage and potentially KO Kartana. Examples of strong Fire-types that can counter Kartana include Reshiram, Chandelure, or Charizard with Fire-type moves.


Fighting-type Pokemon can exploit Kartana’s Steel typing, which is weak to Fighting-type moves. Dynamic Punch, Close Combat, or Focus Blast can deal heavy damage to Kartana. Pokemon like Lucario, Conkeldurr, or Machamp with Fighting-type moves can be effective counters.


Kartana’s Steel typing makes it vulnerable to Ground-type moves. Earthquakes or Earth Power can deal significant damage to Kartana. Pokemon such as Garchomp, Excadrill, or Swampert with Ground-type moves can be strong counters.


Fairy-type Pokemon resist Kartana’s Grass and Fighting-type moves and can deal super-effective damage with their Fairy-type moves. Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, or Play Rough can be effective against Kartana. Examples of Fairy-types that can counter Kartana include Togekiss, Gardevoir, or Clefable.


While Water-types are not super effective against Kartana, they can still resist its Grass-type moves and have enough bulk to withstand its attacks. Water-type moves like Hydro Pump, Surf, or Aqua Tail can be used to wear down Kartana’s HP. Pokemon such as Kyogre, Gyarados, or Swampert with Water-type moves can be effective choices.

How to Catch Kartana in Pokemon GO


Kartana is not available to be caught in Pokemon Go in the wild like most other Pokemon. Instead, it is typically encountered through special events or raids. Here is a general step-by-step guide on how to catch Kartana if it becomes available in Pokemon Go:

Participate in Raids

Kartana often appears in raids. Make sure you have a raid pass, which you can obtain for free once per day by spinning a Gym’s photo disc, or you can purchase Premium Raid Passes from the in-game shop. Raids are typically available at specific Gym locations and have a countdown timer indicating when they will begin.

Assemble a Team

Before attempting a Kartana raid, assemble a team of powerful Pokemon that have type advantages against Kartana’s Grass/Steel typing. Fire, Fighting, and Ground-type Pokemon are effective against Kartana. Coordinate with other trainers to form a raid group for better chances of success.

Battle and Defeat Kartana

Once you’ve found a Kartana raid, join the raid lobby and battle against Kartana. Work together with your raid group to reduce its health to zero within the time limit. If successful, you will move on to the capture phase.

Capture Kartana

After defeating Kartana, you will enter the capture encounter. Use Premier Balls, which you get as a reward based on performance in the raid, to attempt to catch Kartana. Apply Golden Razz Berries to increase your chances of successful capture and ensure you have a supply of regular Poké Balls or other types of Poké Balls as a backup.

Use Golden Razz Berries and Aim Accurately

To increase your chances of capturing Kartana, feed it Golden Razz Berries before each throw. Aim your throws carefully to hit Kartana within the shrinking capture circle for a higher chance of success. Consider using curveball throws and practice your throwing technique to improve your accuracy.

What is the Fastest Way to Obtain Kartana in Pokemon GO

Trainers can participate in as many raids to enhance the chances of encountering Kartana. In this case, if you can constantly change your location, you can raid more gyms on a bigger scale. But we notice that many players stay indoors and it is difficult for them to go to other places. If you are in the same trouble, you can utilize iFoneTool AnyGo to transport your region for further adventure.

iFoneTool AnyGo allows you to use location-based apps like augmented reality games, social platforms, and more. It will assist you with free GPS mobility simulation by providing a configurable path. You may also import and export GPX files to save your favorite routes.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can get Kartana in Pokemon GO as soon as possible!

What is Kartana’s Role in PvP Battles


Kartana can be a formidable Pokemon in PvP battles in Pokemon Go, especially in certain leagues. Let’s explore its performance, optimal league placement, recommended movesets, and team composition:

Performance of Kartana in Pokemon GO

Kartana’s high base Attack and Speed stats make it an excellent physical attacker and a swift Pokemon on the battlefield. Its dual typing of Grass and Steel provides valuable resistance to common types like Electric, Grass, Water, Normal, Psychic, Fairy, Flying, Rock, and Dragon. This allows Kartana to effectively counter a variety of threats.

Optimal League Placement

Kartana’s optimal league placement depends on its CP and the available leagues in Pokemon Go. Kartana’s CP would most likely place it in the Master League or the Premier Cup, where there are no CP restrictions. These leagues allow Kartana to fully utilize its high stats and compete against other powerful Pokemon.

Recommended Movesets

Fast Move

Bullet Seed – This Grass-type fast move provides energy quickly, allowing Kartana to charge its powerful charged moves rapidly.

Charged Move

Leaf Blade – A Grass-type charged move that benefits from STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus). It deals significant damage and has a relatively low energy cost.

Smart Strike – A Steel-type charged move that provides good coverage against Fairy, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon, which are common in PvP battles.

Other potentially charged moves for Kartana include Sacred Sword, Night Slash, and Aerial Ace, depending on the specific matchups you want to cover or the role you want Kartana to fulfill.

Team Composition of Kartana Pokemon GO

To maximize Kartana’s potential in PvP battles, it’s crucial to consider team composition and synergy with other Pokemon. Some factors to consider when building a team around Kartana include:

Coverage: Kartana’s Grass/Steel typing makes it weak to Fire, Fighting, and Ground-type moves. To cover these weaknesses, consider including Pokemon that can resist or counter these types effectively.

Support Pokemon: Kartana can benefit from support Pokemon that provide additional coverage, such as a Water-type Pokemon that can handle Fire-types or a Fairy-type Pokemon that can counter Fighting-types. This helps create a well-rounded team that can handle a variety of threats.

Synergy: Look for Pokemon that can complement Kartana’s strengths and cover its weaknesses. For example, Pokemon with access to moves like Thunderbolt or Flamethrower can handle Kartana’s weaknesses to Water and Fire-types, respectively.

Remember to consider the PvP metagame and adapt your team composition based on the prevalent threats and strategies in your specific league.


Kartana’s presence in Pokemon Go brings excitement to trainers seeking powerful and rare Pokemon. Its background, shiny form, counters, catching methods, and role in PvP battles all contribute to its allure. By understanding Kartana’s attributes and incorporating effective strategies, trainers can harness its potential and enhance their Pokemon Go experience. So, whether you’re on a quest to complete your Pokédex or aiming to dominate in PvP battles, Kartana is a Pokemon worth pursuing.

How do I catch Kartana in Pokémon GO?

Kartana is typically encountered through special events or raids. Stay informed about upcoming events and raid rotations to maximize your chances of encountering and capturing Kartana.

What are Kartana’s typings in Pokémon GO?

Kartana is a Grass/Steel-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO, giving it a unique set of strengths and vulnerabilities in battles.

Is Kartana available in its shiny form in Pokémon GO?

Yes, Kartana does have a shiny form in Pokémon GO. Its shiny form features a vibrant pinkish-red coloration, making it a highly sought-after addition to any trainer’s collection.

What are some effective counters for Kartana in battles?

Fire-types, Fighting-types, Ground-types, Fairy-types, and Water-types can all be effective counters against Kartana. Exploit its weaknesses and use Pokémon with advantageous typings to defeat it in battles.

What is Kartana’s role in PvP battles?

In PvP battles, Kartana can serve as a powerful attacker. Its high Attack stat and access to strong Grass and Steel-type moves make it a formidable force. It can counter specific types effectively and contribute to a well-rounded team strategy.