Pokemon GO, the popular augmented reality mobile game, continues to captivate trainers worldwide with its engaging gameplay and interactive features. One of the most exciting events in the game is the Pokemon GO Raid Hour, an hour-long window of intense raid battles and exclusive rewards. This article provides a comprehensive guide to Raid Hour, its purpose, and how it works, along with valuable tips on preparation and maximizing rewards. Additionally, we’ll explore the legendary raid hours, unique raid events, and strategies to optimize catching during Community Day.  

Introduction to Pokemon GO Raid Hour


Pokemon GO Raid Hour is an exciting and highly anticipated event in the popular augmented reality game, Pokemon GO. It offers trainers a dedicated hour of intense raid battles and exclusive rewards. Raid Hour serves as a platform for trainers to come together, collaborate, and challenge powerful raid bosses in their quest to catch rare and formidable Pokemon.

During Raid Hour, the frequency of raid battles is significantly increased, providing trainers with more opportunities to engage in thrilling battles and capture sought-after Pokemon. Trainers can team up with friends or join forces with fellow players in their community to tackle raid bosses that require teamwork and strategic coordination.

Raid Hour not only promotes community engagement but also offers a chance for trainers to enhance their Pokemon collections with rare, legendary, and powerful Pokemon. It presents an exciting challenge for trainers of all levels, from new players seeking their first raid victory to seasoned trainers looking to strengthen their teams.

With its unique blend of cooperative gameplay, intense battles, and exclusive rewards, Pokemon GO Raid Hour brings trainers together, fosters collaboration, and adds an extra layer of excitement to the Pokemon GO experience. It’s an event that encourages trainers to test their skills, build camaraderie, and embark on thrilling adventures in the pursuit of becoming a Pokemon Master.

Raid Line-up and Schedule of February 2024 Raid Hour


In February 2024, Pokemon GO Raid Hour promises an exciting line-up of raid battles, featuring a diverse range of Pokemon. Let’s take a look!

6-Star Raids

1、Mega Latios: from January 31, 10 AM to February 15, 10 AM

2、Mega Latias: from January 31, 10 AM to February 15, 10 AM

Elite Raids

Enamorus Incarnate: February 14, 2024, 12 PM, 1 PM, 5 PM, 6 PM

Mega Raids

1、Mega Absol: February 15 – 22

2、Mega Garchomp: February 22 – March 1

5-Star Raids

1、Darkrai: February 15 – 20

2、Cresselia: February 20-21, February 26 – March 1

3、Uxie: February 21 – 22

4、Mesprit: February 21 – 22

5、Azelf : February 21 – 22

6、Heatran: February 22-23, February 26 – March 1

7、Giratina: February 23-24

8、Origin Forme Palkia: February 24 (Pokemon GO Tour: Sinnoh)

9、Origin Forme Dialga: February 24 (Pokemon GO Tour: Sinnoh)

Pokemon GO Raid Hour Events


Pokemon GO Raid Hour events introduce various features, bonuses, and additional incentives.

Increased Raid Spawn Rates

During Raid Hour events, trainers can expect to encounter increased raid spawn rates, which means more raid battles available within the designated hour. This allows trainers to engage in battles more frequently and increase their chances of capturing rare and powerful Pokemon. The heightened raid spawn rates create a dynamic and fast-paced environment, fostering an atmosphere of collaboration as trainers team up to take down challenging raid bosses.

Bonus Features and Rewards

Raid Hour events often present trainers with bonus features and rewards. These bonuses can range from increased experience points (XP) gained from raid battles, enhanced chances of obtaining rare items such as TMs (Technical Machines) or Rare Candies, or boosted stardust rewards for powering up Pokemon. These incentives provide valuable resources for further progression and Pokemon development.

Unique Raid Bosses

Certain Raid Hour events may also introduce unique raid bosses that are exclusive to that particular event. These raid bosses might be Pokemon with special movesets, increased shiny rates, or themed around specific events or holidays. Trainers can look forward to encountering and capturing these exclusive raid bosses during the designated Raid Hour, adding a sense of anticipation and excitement to the event.

In-game Events or Celebrations

Moreover, Raid Hour events often coincide with larger in-game events or celebrations, such as community days or special holiday events. These synergistic events can offer additional rewards and exclusive bonuses, further enhancing the Raid Hour experience. Trainers can take advantage of these combined events to maximize their rewards and progress in various aspects of the game simultaneously.

Remember to stay informed about upcoming Raid Hour events through official announcements from Niantic!

How to Prepare for Pokemon GO Raid Hour


Here is a guide on how to prepare yourself for a successful Raid Hour. It includes tips on gathering supplies, organizing your Pokemon team, and choosing the right raid battles to participate in.

Research the Raid Boss Line-up

Stay informed about the raid boss line-up for the upcoming Raid Hour. Check official announcements or community platforms to know which Pokemon will be featured. This allows you to prepare your team in advance and focus on Pokemon that are strong against the raid bosses.

Gather Essential Supplies

Stock up on essential supplies such as Raid Passes, Potions, Revives, and Golden Razz Berries. Raid Hour can be intense, and having an ample supply of these items ensures you can participate in multiple raid battles without interruption.

Organize Your Pokemon Team

Assess the raid boss’s typing, moveset, and weaknesses. Build a team of Pokemon with advantageous types and moves that can exploit the raid boss’s vulnerabilities. Consider using Pokemon with high CP, strong moves, and good defensive stats. Additionally, ensure your team is properly leveled up and powered up to maximize their effectiveness in battle.

Coordinate with Others

Raid Hour is a community-driven event, so coordinate with other trainers to form raid groups. Join local Pokemon GO communities or use online platforms to find fellow trainers participating in Raid Hour. Collaborating with others increases your chances of success, as larger raid groups can take down raid bosses more efficiently.

Plan Your Route

Familiarize yourself with the raid locations and plan your route in advance. Identify nearby gyms that are hosting raids during Raid Hour and optimize your path to minimize travel time between raids. This ensures you can participate in as many raid battles as possible within the limited time frame.

Prioritize Raid Battles

Evaluate the raid boss line-up and prioritize the raid battles that offer the most valuable rewards or Pokemon you need. Legendary Pokemon or rare Pokemon with exclusive moves are often sought after. Focus on participating in raids that align with your goals and offer the most significant benefits.

Maximize Your Battle Efficiency

During raid battles, optimize your battle efficiency by using recommended teams, taking advantage of type advantages, and utilizing charged attacks strategically. Dodging can also be useful to minimize damage and extend the lifespan of your Pokemon in battle. Practice your battle techniques to improve your overall performance.

How to Maximize Catching during Raid Hour 

During Raid Hour, constantly changing your location can play a crucial part in maximizing your catching efficiency. Maybe you are unable to go out playing Pokemon Go due to an inconvenient location or inclement weather, but you may utilize iFoneTool AnyGo to move your location anywhere.

You are able to use location-based apps such as AR games, social platforms, and more with iFoneTool AnyGo. It can assist you in free GPS mobility simulation with a customizable path. You may also import/export GPX files to store your favorite routes.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can fully enjoy the Pokemon GO Raid Hour!

How to Take Advantage of Raid Hour Bonuses


Raid Hour often presents trainers with various bonuses and features. This section provides valuable tips on how to leverage these bonuses effectively.

Plan Your Time

Raid Hour events have a limited duration, typically lasting for one hour. It’s crucial to plan your time effectively to make the most of the event.

Use Lucky Eggs

If the Raid Hour offers increased XP rewards, consider using a Lucky Egg before starting your raid battles. Lucky Eggs double the amount of XP earned for a limited time, allowing you to gain even more experience points during the event. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re aiming to level up quickly.

Focus on High-Level Raids

If the Raid Hour offers extended raid battle durations, prioritize participating in high-level raids, such as Tier 4 or Tier 5 raids. These raids typically have more challenging raid bosses but offer greater rewards.

Stock Up on Raid Passes

During Raid Hour events, make sure you have an ample supply of Raid Passes. The increased raid spawns mean more raid battles to participate in, so having enough Raid Passes allows you to take advantage of every raid opportunity that arises. Consider acquiring extra Raid Passes through in-game events or purchasing them in the shop.

Coordinate with Trainers

Join local Pokemon GO groups or use online platforms to find raid groups or create your own. Raiding with a larger group increases your chances of defeating raid bosses and obtaining better rewards.

Maximize Rewards

Pay attention to any enhanced raid rewards. This could include increased chances of obtaining rare items like TMs, Rare Candies, or Golden Razz Berries. Raid battles during Raid Hour may also provide extra stardust or bonus items.

Pokemon GO Legendary Raid Hours


Special Legendary Raid Hours in Pokemon GO present trainers with exceptional opportunities to encounter and capture powerful legendary Pokemon.

During Legendary Raid Hours, specific legendary Pokemon take the spotlight, offering trainers an elevated chance of encountering them in raid battles. This concentrated focus allows trainers to strategically plan their raid battles and prioritize capturing these legendary Pokemon.

The increased encounter rate during Legendary Raid Hours creates an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation among trainers. It fosters a sense of community as trainers come together to tackle these formidable raid bosses, pooling their resources, knowledge, and Pokemon teams to increase their chances of success.

Capturing a legendary Pokemon during a Legendary Raid Hour is a significant achievement. These Pokemon are often known for their extraordinary combat prowess, unique move sets, and iconic status within the Pokemon universe. Adding a legendary Pokemon to one’s collection not only demonstrates skill and dedication but also unlocks powerful combat options for future battles and strategic team-building opportunities.

Trainers can maximize their chances of capturing legendary Pokemon during these special Raid Hours by organizing raid groups, coordinating with other trainers, and ensuring they have a well-prepared team of Pokemon with advantageous types and movesets. By utilizing optimal battle strategies and leveraging their knowledge of the legendary Pokemon’s weaknesses, trainers can increase their chances of a successful raid battle and capture.

Special Legendary Raid Hours provide an exhilarating opportunity for trainers to engage in epic battles and capture legendary Pokemon that are otherwise elusive. These events offer a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, as trainers forge their path toward becoming formidable trainers and collectors of the most iconic and powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO.


Pokemon GO Raid Hour is an exhilarating event that brings trainers together for intense raid battles and exclusive rewards. By understanding the purpose and mechanics of Raid Hour, preparing effectively, and utilizing strategies to maximize rewards, trainers can elevate their Pokemon GO experience to new heights. Whether participating in Legendary Raid Hours or capitalizing on unique Raid Hour events, trainers can embark on thrilling adventures and expand their collections with the most powerful Pokemon in the game.

What is Pokémon GO Raid Hour?

Pokémon GO Raid Hour is a special event where raid battles featuring powerful Pokémon are intensified for one hour. Trainers have increased chances of encountering and capturing rare Pokémon during this time.

How often does Raid Hour occur in Pokémon GO?

Raid Hour events typically occur once a week or during special occasions. Niantic announces the specific date and time of Raid Hour events in advance, allowing trainers to plan and participate.

Are there any special bonuses during Raid Hour?

Yes, Raid Hour often comes with special bonuses such as increased XP, boosted raid rewards (like TMs and Rare Candies), or extended raid battle durations. These bonuses enhance the overall raiding experience for trainers.

Can I solo raid during Raid Hour?

While certain raid bosses can be soloed, Raid Hour events are designed to encourage collaboration among trainers. It is recommended to join or form raid groups to increase your chances of defeating powerful raid bosses.

How can I find raid groups for Raid Hour events?

You can find raid groups for Raid Hour events by joining local Pokémon GO communities, using online platforms, or leveraging social media. These platforms enable trainers to connect with others and coordinate raid battles effectively.