Arlo is one of the formidable leaders of Team Rocket in Pokemon Go. He poses a significant challenge to trainers seeking to prove their worth. In this article, we will delve into the world of Arlo, exploring every aspect of him.          

Introduction and Background of Arlo in Pokemon GO


In the vast world of Pokemon Go, one name strikes fear into the hearts of trainers: Arlo. Arlo has established a reputation for challenging trainers with his cunning strategies and powerful Shadow Pokemon. To truly master the art of battling in Pokemon Go, understanding Arlo’s background and team composition is essential.

Arlo’s journey began as a member of Team Rocket, an infamous organization known for their nefarious activities. Over time, Arlo rose through the ranks, honing his skills and earning the respect of his peers. Now, he stands as one of the three leaders, ready to test the mettle of any trainer brave enough to face him.

Arlo’s team composition is carefully crafted to create a formidable challenge. Each Shadow Pokemon he commands possesses unique strengths and movesets, making every encounter a thrilling and strategic battle. From the fiery Charizard to the elusive Scyther, Arlo’s team showcases a diverse range of species and types.

To overcome Arlo’s relentless onslaught, trainers must not only possess a deep understanding of Pokemon types and moves but also develop a well-rounded team capable of countering his tactics. Preparation, knowledge, and adaptability are the keys to emerging victorious in the battle against Arlo.

Arlo’s Shadow Pokemon Lineup 


Arlo, as one of Team Rocket’s leaders in Pokemon Go, possesses a diverse lineup of Shadow Pokemon that he deploys in battle. Each Pokemon in his lineup presents unique challenges and requires careful consideration when assembling a counter team. Let’s delve into the specifics of Arlo’s Shadow Pokemon lineup and explore their individual strengths and weaknesses.


Charmeleon, a Fire-type Pokemon, is often found in Arlo’s lineup. Its moveset includes Fire-type attacks like Flamethrower and Dragon Claw. Trainers should be cautious of its strong Fire-type attacks, which can be devastating to Grass, Bug, and Ice-type Pokemon.


Scyther, a dual Bug/Flying-type Pokemon, is another formidable member of Arlo’s team. It employs moves like Fury Cutter and X-Scissor to deal damage. Scyther’s Bug and Flying-type moves can be particularly effective against Grass, Psychic, and Dark-type Pokemon.


Mawile, a Steel/Fairy-type Pokemon, adds a unique challenge to Arlo’s lineup. Its moveset includes Steel-type attacks like Iron Head and Fairy-type moves like Play Rough. Mawile’s Steel typing makes it resistant to many types, but it can be vulnerable to Fire and Ground-type attacks.


Bagon, a Dragon-type Pokemon, is a powerful member of Arlo’s team. It can unleash moves like Dragon Breath and Twister. Trainers should be prepared with Ice, Fairy, or Dragon-type Pokemon to counter Bagon’s Dragon-type attacks.


Salamence, a formidable Dragon/Flying-type Pokemon, is a true force to be reckoned with. It boasts powerful moves like Dragon Tail and Hydro Pump. Salamence’s dual typing and high attack stats make it a challenge to overcome, but Ice, Fairy, and Dragon-type Pokemon can exploit its weaknesses.


Blastoise, a Water-type Pokemon, is occasionally seen in Arlo’s lineup. It utilizes moves like Water Gun and Hydro Cannon to deal damage. Grass and Electric-type Pokemon can pose a threat to Blastoise, while Fire-type attacks are particularly effective against it.


Steelix, a Steel/Ground-type Pokemon, is a formidable addition to Arlo’s team. It employs moves like Dragon Tail and Earthquake to deal heavy damage. Trainers should be cautious of its Steel and Ground typing, which can make it resistant to many types. Water and Fighting-type Pokemon can exploit its weaknesses.


Scizor, a Bug/Steel-type Pokemon, is a powerful presence in Arlo’s lineup. It wields moves like Fury Cutter and Iron Head. Its Bug and Steel typing grants it resistances, but Fire, Flying, and Electric-type attacks can deal significant damage.

Best Counters of Arlo’s Team in Pokemon GO


To emerge victorious against Arlo and his formidable lineup of Shadow Pokemon, trainers must assemble a team with effective counters. By exploiting Arlo’s team’s weaknesses and leveraging type advantages, trainers can increase their chances of success. Here are some of the best counters for each of Arlo’s Shadow Pokemon:  


  • Water-type Pokemon such as Kyogre and Swampert can resist Charmeleon’s Fire-type attacks and deal super effective damage with their Water-type moves.
  • Rock-type Pokemon like Tyranitar and Rhyperior can also withstand Charmeleon’s Fire-type attacks and deliver powerful Rock-type moves.


  • Rock-type Pokemon, particularly those with Rock-type fast moves like Smack Down, such as Rampardos and Terrakion, can exploit Scyther’s double weakness to Rock-type attacks.
  • Electric-type Pokemon like Raikou and Zapdos can also deal significant damage to Scyther.


  • Ground-type Pokemon such as Garchomp and Excadrill can resist Mawile’s Steel and Fairy-type attacks while delivering strong Ground-type moves.
  • Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure and Heatran can also exploit Mawile’s Steel typing with their Fire-type attacks.


  • Ice-type Pokemon like Mamoswine and Weavile can exploit Bagon’s double weakness to Ice-type moves, dealing heavy damage.
  • Fairy-type Pokemon such as Togekiss and Gardevoir can also be effective against Bagon with their Fairy-type attacks.


  • Ice-type Pokemon remains the best counter against Salamence due to its Dragon and Flying typing. Powerful options include Mamoswine and Glaceon.
  • Fairy-type Pokemon like Togekiss and Granbull can also deal super effective damage to Salamence with their Fairy-type moves.


  • Grass-type Pokemon such as Roserade and Venusaur can resist Blastoise’s Water-type attacks and deliver super effective Grass-type moves.
  • Electric-type Pokemon like Electivire and Zekrom can also exploit Blastoise’s Water typing.


  • Water-type Pokemon such as Kyogre and Kingler can resist Steelix’s Ground-type moves and deal super effective damage with their Water-type attacks.
  • Fighting-type Pokemon like Machamp and Lucario can also be effective against Steelix with their Fighting-type moves.


  • Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure and Blaziken can exploit Scizor’s double weakness to Fire-type attacks.
  • Flying-type Pokemon such as Dragonite and Honchkrow can deal super effective damage to Scizor with their Flying-type moves.

How to Prepare for Arlo’s Battle in Pokemon GO


Preparing for Arlo’s Battle in Pokemon Go requires careful planning and consideration. By following these steps, trainers can increase their chances of success:

Build a Well-Rounded Team

Create a team of Pokemon that covers a variety of types and moves. Include Pokemon with advantageous types against Arlo’s lineup, such as Water, Rock, Ice, Fairy, and Electric Pokemon. Ensure that your team has a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities.

Power Up and Evolve Pokemon

Prioritize powering up and evolving Pokemon that are strong counters against Arlo’s team. Focus on improving their CP, leveling them up, and unlocking their optimal moves.

Utilize Charged Attacks and Second Charged Moves

Equip your Pokemon with charged attacks that exploit the weaknesses of Arlo’s lineup. Consider unlocking a second charged move to provide additional coverage and flexibility in battle.

Strategically Use Shields

Shields can play a vital role in battles. Anticipate the moves Arlo’s Pokemon will use and strategically deploy your shields to protect your Pokemon from devastating attacks.

Stock Up on Healing Items

Ensure you have a sufficient supply of Potions, Revives, and Max Revives to heal and revive your Pokemon after battles. This will allow you to continue battling without interruption.

Practice Battle Strategies

Engage in practice battles against other trainers or in PvP battles to refine your strategies and familiarize yourself with different matchups. This will help you make quick and effective decisions during the battle against Arlo.

Coordinate with Friends

Consider teaming up with fellow trainers to take on Arlo. Coordinating your efforts and sharing information can enhance your chances of success.

Stay Calm and Adapt

During the battle, stay calm and adapt to the situation. Observe the moves Arlo’s Pokemon are using and adjust your strategy accordingly. Be mindful of the battle’s dynamics and make decisions accordingly.

How to Beat Arlo in Pokemon GO


To beat Arlo in Pokemon Go, it’s important to have a well-prepared team and employ effective battle strategies. Here are some tips to help you defeat Arlo:

Choose Effective Counters: Build a team of Pokemon that have type advantages against Arlo’s lineup. Focus on Pokemon with high CP and optimal movesets.

Utilize Fast Moves: Use fast moves that deal super effective damage or generate energy quickly. This will allow your Pokemon to charge their charged attacks faster and maintain an advantage in battle.

Exploit Weaknesses: Identify the weaknesses of Arlo’s Pokemon and exploit them. Use charged attacks that are super effective against their types to deal heavy damage. Focus on dealing damage quickly to take down Arlo’s Pokemon efficiently.

Shield and Dodge Strategically: Use your shields strategically to protect your Pokemon from powerful charged attacks. Prioritize shielding against moves that can quickly take down your Pokemon. Additionally, master the timing of dodging to minimize damage and maximize your Pokemon’s survivability.

Switch Pokemon Wisely: Be prepared to switch Pokemon during the battle if needed. Switch to a Pokemon with a type advantage against Arlo’s current Pokemon to gain the upper hand. Use this opportunity to deal damage while taking minimal damage yourself.

Use Potions and Revives: Heal your Pokemon with Potions, Super Potions, and Max Potions after battles. Revive fainted Pokemon with Revives or Max Revives to keep your team at full strength for subsequent battles.

Time Your Charged Attacks: Time your charged attacks to hit Arlo’s Pokemon when they are vulnerable and unable to shield. Coordinate your charged attacks with the timing of their charged attacks to maximize damage output.

Coordinate with Friends: Consider teaming up with other trainers to battle Arlo together. Coordinating your efforts and sharing information can increase your chances of success.

What is the Fastest Way to Build a Team against Arlo

Searching as many locations as you can is possible to increase your chances of finding the desired Pokemon to face Arlo. Almost all of the required Pokemon are powerful and formidable, only appearing in raid battles. Trainers must participate in many raids to have the opportunity to capture it. However, many players choose to stay at home, thus they cannot move too far in the game. We provide you with a solution in the form of an app that allows you to relocate your location anyplace. With iFoneTool AnyGo, you can move your area for further exploration and increase your chances of meeting the raid boss.

With iFoneTool AnyGo, you can use location-based apps like AR games, social platforms, and more. It will help you to simulate GPS movement with a customized route for free. You can also save your favorite routes by importing/exporting GPX files.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated in your Pokemon Go.

And you can build a powerful team against Arlo as soon as possible!


Arlo, as one of Team Rocket’s leaders, presents a formidable challenge in Pokemon Go battles. By understanding his background, team composition, and Shadow Pokemon lineup, trainers can develop effective strategies and assemble a winning team. Through careful preparation, knowledge of optimal counters, and strategic execution, trainers can emerge victorious against this powerful opponent. With perseverance and dedication, trainers can conquer Arlo and continue their journey to become Pokemon Go champions.

How often does Arlo appear in Pokémon Go?

Arlo appears as one of the rotating leaders in the Team GO Rocket lineup. The leaders change every month, so Arlo may not be available at all times.

What are the rewards for defeating Arlo in Pokémon Go?

Defeating Arlo grants various rewards, including a chance to catch a Shadow Pokémon, rare candies, TMs (Technical Machines), and other valuable items.

What are the best counters to use against Arlo in Pokémon Go?

Effective counters against Arlo’s team may include Water, Rock, Ice, Fairy, Electric, Grass, and Fire type Pokémon. It’s important to exploit his Pokémon’s weaknesses and use high CP Pokémon with optimal movesets.

Can I battle Arlo remotely in Pokémon Go?

Remote battles were available due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Niantic may have made changes to remote battle mechanics, so it’s best to check the current game updates.

Can I encounter shiny Pokémon when battling Arlo in Pokémon Go?

Yes, it is possible to encounter shiny Shadow Pokémon when battling Arlo. However, the chances of encountering a shiny Pokémon are generally low and rely on luck.