Pokemon Go, the immensely popular augmented reality mobile game, allows players to capture and collect a wide variety of Pokemon. Among the most sought-after and powerful creatures in the game are the legendary Pokemon. These rare and iconic Pokemon possess incredible abilities and are highly coveted by trainers. Let’s delve into the world of legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go!   

Introduction to Legendary Pokemon


Legendary Pokemons in Pokemon Go are the epitome of strength and rarity. These elusive creatures are highly sought after by players who aspire to build formidable teams and conquer the game’s most challenging battles. Catching a legendary Pokemon is a momentous achievement that showcases a trainer’s skills, dedication, and strategic prowess.

In Pokemon Go, legendary Pokemon are not simply powerful additions to a trainer’s collection; they also serve as symbols of inspiration and wonder. Each legendary Pokemon possesses unique abilities, captivating designs, and rich lore that further immerses players in the rich tapestry of the Pokemon world.

The journey to encounter and capture legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go is an adventure in itself. Trainers must engage in cooperative raid battles, face formidable opponents, and employ clever strategies to increase their chances of success. These legendary raid battles foster a sense of community as players team up with fellow trainers, forming alliances and friendships in pursuit of a common goal.

List of Present Legendary Pokemon


As of the time of writing, Pokemon Go features an impressive lineup of legendary Pokemon. These include fan favorites from different generations of the Pokemon franchise. Some notable legendary Pokemon currently available in the game are:

Articuno Zapdos Moltres Mewtwo

Raikou Entei Suicune Lugia

Ho-Oh Regirock Regice Registeel

Latias Latios Kyogre Groudon

Rayquaza Dialga Palkia Giratina

Cresselia Heatran Cobalion Terrakion

Virizion Tornadus Thundurus Landorus

Reshiram Zekrom Kyurem Xerneas

Yveltal Zygarde

This list is subject to change as new legendary Pokemon are periodically introduced to the game through events and updates.

What is Legendary Raid Battle


Legendary raid battles are special cooperative gameplay experiences in which trainers team up to face and capture powerful legendary Pokemon. These raids take place at specific raid gyms and are marked by an egg timer countdown indicating the time until the raid begins. Once the raid commences, a legendary Pokemon appears as the raid boss.

To successfully defeat a legendary raid boss, trainers must form a group and work together to deplete its health within a limited time. These battles require coordination, strategy, and a well-prepared team of Pokemon. The number of trainers required to defeat a legendary raid boss can vary depending on the strength of the raid boss and the skill level of the participants.

How to Prepare for Legendary Raids


Preparing for Legendary Raids in Pokemon Go requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some tips you can refer to:

Build a Strong Battle Team

Legendary raid bosses are formidable opponents, so it’s essential to have a well-rounded team of Pokemon with effective counters. Research the raid boss’s type and weaknesses, and assemble a team of Pokemon that can exploit those weaknesses. Consider using Pokemon with high combat power (CP) and strong movesets that are super effective against the raid boss’s type.

Power Up and Evolve Pokemon

Invest in powering up and evolving your Pokemon to maximize their combat potential. Use Stardust and Candy to increase their CP, and utilize Evolution items when necessary. Evolving certain Pokemon can significantly enhance their stats and improve their performance in raid battles.

Know the Movesets

Familiarize yourself with the raid boss’s potential movesets. Legendary raid bosses can have different charged moves that can deal significant damage to your Pokemon. Knowing their movesets will help you anticipate and counter their attacks effectively.

Stock Up on Healing Items

Legendary raid battles can be intense and challenging, often requiring multiple attempts to defeat the raid boss. Make sure you have a supply of healing items such as Max Potions, Max Revives, and Golden Razz Berries to restore your Pokemon’s health and revive them during the battle.

Maximize Friendship Bonuses

Establishing high friendship levels with other trainers can provide significant bonuses during raid battles. Take advantage of friendship-related features like sending and receiving gifts, participating in raids together, or joining in-game events. These bonuses can enhance your Pokemon’s attack power and durability during the raid battle.

Learn Raid Mechanics

Familiarize yourself with the mechanics of raid battles. Understand concepts such as dodging, rejoining battles after fainting, and using optimal Pokemon counters.

How to Catch Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go


Catching legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go can be a challenging task, as they have a low catch rate and require careful strategy and execution. Here are some tips to help you increase your chances of successfully capturing legendary Pokemon:

Complete the Raid Battle

Legendary Pokemon are typically encountered after successfully completing a raid battle. Form a group of trainers to take on the raid boss and focus on dealing as much damage as possible during the battle. The more damage you contribute, the more premier balls you’ll receive for the catch encounter.

Use Golden Razz Berries

Golden Razz Berries are highly effective in increasing your chances of capturing legendary Pokemon. Feed them to the Pokemon before attempting to catch it.

Aim for Curveballs and Excellent Throws

When attempting to catch a legendary Pokemon, aim for curveballs and try to hit Excellent or Great throws. Curveballs give you an additional catch bonus, while hitting smaller target circles increases the likelihood of a successful catch.

Use the Circle Lock Technique

The Circle Lock Technique involves waiting for the legendary Pokemon to attack or perform a move and then throwing the Poké Ball when the target circle is at its smallest. This technique increases the chances of a successful catch.

Maximize Premier Balls

The number of premier balls you receive for the catch encounter is determined by various factors. Try to maximize the number of premier balls you receive by dealing significant damage, controlling gym ownership, and participating in team control bonus events.

Attend Special Events

Pokemon Go frequently hosts special events that feature increased spawn rates or exclusive encounters with legendary Pokemon. Keep an eye on in-game announcements, social media, and community forums to stay informed about these events.

What is the Fastest Way to Obtain Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go?

Taking a broader search increases the trainer’s chances of participating in multiple legendary raids. However, many players may be unable to play the game outside due to difficult locations or bad weather. In this instance, we propose using iFoneTool AnyGo to change your location from anywhere.

iFoneTool AnyGo enables you to use location-based applications such as augmented reality games, social platforms, and more. With it, you can simulate GPS movement with a personalized path for free. You may also save your favorite routes by importing and exporting GPX files.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! Your phone map will also receive its update!

And you can obtain whatever legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go as soon as possible!

How to Trade for Legendary Pokemon


Trading provides an alternative method of obtaining legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Here are some tips for trading:

1、Find Trading Partners: Connect with local players or join online communities to find potential trading partners. Coordinate with them to establish mutually beneficial trades involving legendary Pokemon.

2、Understand Trade Mechanics: Familiarize yourself with the trade mechanics in Pokemon Go. Legendary Pokemon are classified as Special Trades, which require a significant amount of Stardust to complete. Ensure you have enough Stardust and maintain a good friendship level with the trading partner to reduce the overall cost of the trade.

3、Be Willing to Negotiate: Trading for legendary Pokemon often involves negotiation. Be open to discussing trade offers and finding a mutually agreeable exchange that benefits both parties.

How to Unlock a Second Charged Move for Legendary Pokemon


Unlocking a second charged move for legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go can greatly enhance their versatility in battles. Here’s a guide for your reference:

Gather Candy and Stardust

Unlocking a second charged move requires both Candy and Stardust. The amount needed varies depending on the Pokemon species. Make sure you have enough Candy and Stardust to cover the cost.

Locate the Pokemon‘s Individual Page

Open the Pokemon’s individual page by selecting it from your Pokemon collection. On the Pokemon’s individual page, tap on the “Pokemon” icon located at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the move list of the Pokemon. Scroll down the move list until you reach the charged moves section. Here, you’ll see the moves the Pokemon currently knows. Look for the “+” symbol beside the charged move slots. Tap on it to unlock the second charged move for the Pokemon.

Confirm the Unlock

A confirmation screen will appear, showing you the amount of Candy and Stardust required to unlock the second charged move. Review the cost and, if you’re ready, confirm the unlock.

Spend Candy and Stardust

Once you confirm the unlock, the required amount of Candy and Stardust will be deducted from your inventory. Make sure you have enough resources before proceeding.

Choose the Second Charged Move

After unlocking the second charged move, you’ll be prompted to choose the move from a list of available options. Consider the Pokemon’s type, strengths, and weaknesses to select a move that complements its existing moveset.

Pay the Stardust Cost

Each time you change the selected move, there is a small Stardust cost associated with it. Confirm the move selection and pay the Stardust cost if you’re satisfied with your choice.


Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go offer a thrilling and rewarding gameplay experience. Participating in legendary raid battles, employing effective catching strategies, and utilizing trading options can help you obtain these highly coveted creatures. Remember to prepare your Pokemon, coordinate with fellow trainers, and gather the necessary resources to increase your chances of success. With dedication and strategy, you’ll be well on your way to building a formidable team of legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

How do I encounter legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

Legendary Pokémon are typically encountered through raid battles. Gather a group of trainers, take on powerful raid bosses, and upon successful completion, you’ll have a chance to catch a legendary Pokémon.

What are the best strategies for defeating legendary raid bosses?

To defeat legendary raid bosses, it’s important to assemble a team of Pokémon with effective counters based on the raid boss’s type and weaknesses. Coordinate with other trainers, maximize damage output, and utilize optimal battle techniques such as dodging and rejoining battles.

Can I use legendary Pokémon in Gym Battles and Raids?

Yes, you can use legendary Pokémon in gym battles and raids, including raids against other raid bosses. Their impressive stats and powerful movesets make them valuable assets in these battles.

Are legendary Pokémon available outside of raid battles?

Occasionally, special events or research tasks may provide opportunities to encounter and catch legendary Pokémon outside of raid battles. Keep an eye on in-game announcements and events for these unique encounters.

Can I trade legendary Pokémon with other trainers?

Yes, you can trade legendary Pokémon with other trainers. However, there are some restrictions in place, such as high Stardust costs for trading legendary Pokémon that you don’t already own. Coordinate with other trainers and negotiate trades to expand your legendary Pokémon collection.