In the world of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Riolu starts as an adorable creature but transforms into the formidable Lucario. This evolution introduces a powerful Fighting and Steel-type Pokemon celebrated for its robust move set. With its hard-hitting capabilities in mind, a common query arises among players: the path to evolving Riolu into Lucario.

Fortunately, unlike previous iterations, achieving this evolution has become a straightforward endeavor. Let’s take a look at how to evolve Riolu legends to Arceus! 

Part 1: A New Approach to Evolving


Shifting Evolution Criteria In the realm of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Riolu’s evolutionary journey takes a unique turn. Unlike the methods adopted in previous generations, a departure from the conventional evolution process is evident.

Traditional Evolution Criteria Revisited

Trainers aiming to transform Riolu into Lucario were tasked with reaching the pinnacle of friendship and then facilitating its evolution by leveling up during the daytime. The first step involved nurturing a deep bond with Riolu, nurturing a friendship that bloomed over battles and shared experiences. The second step often considered the more intricate one, necessitated leveling up Riolu during the daytime.

Streamlined Evolution Process

Notably, a significant alteration has been made to the latter aspect of this evolutionary requirement. The necessity of daytime leveling has been omitted from the equation. The process has been streamlined, with players now only needing to attain the utmost level of friendship. This modification grants the flexibility to elevate Riolu into Lucario at any time of the day, enhancing the accessibility of this evolution.

Part 2: Leveling Up Friendship: The Key to Evolve Riolu

Leveling-Up-Friendship-The Key-to-Evolution

In the expansive landscape of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, the evolution of Riolu into the mighty Lucario hinges on a factor of utmost significance: friendship. Unlike the more traditional evolution methods, where the time of day played a pivotal role, this new approach emphasizes the bond nurtured between a trainer and their Pokemon.

Multiple Avenues to Enhance Friendship

Obtaining maximum friendship with Riolu stands as the foundation for its evolution. Thankfully, Pokemon Legends: Arceus provides trainers with diverse avenues to achieve this goal.

1. Engaging in Battles: A Path to Camaraderie

Battles serve as a crucial means to deepen the connection between a trainer and their Pokemon. Engaging in battles and emerging victorious contributes significantly to raising the friendship level. However, a critical factor must be kept in mind: the well-being of the Pokemon.

2. The Faint-Free Victory

While participating in battles, trainers should prioritize the protection of their Pokemon from fainting. Preventing the Pokemon from fainting during battles not only secures the trainer’s triumph but also optimizes the accumulation of friendship points.

3. Items: Catalysts of Companionship

In Pokemon Legends: Arceus, the use of items can substantially enhance the friendship level of a Pokemon. Items such as berries and XP candy not only bolster a Pokemon’s strength but also contribute to the deepening bond between the trainer and their partner.

4. Gathering Resources: A Shared Endeavor

To expedite the friendship-building process, trainers can venture out to gather resources like berries or stones. These resources can be acquired from nodes or trees scattered throughout the vivid world of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, further solidifying the bond between trainer and Pokemon.

Part 3: How to Evolve Riolu


The journey of Riolu’s evolution into the formidable Lucario hinges on the strength of the bond between trainer and Pokemon. This new approach within Pokemon Legends: Arceus champions the essence of camaraderie, making friendship the catalyst for transformation.

Nurturing Maximum Friendship

To embark on the evolution path, trainers must first cultivate the highest level of friendship with Riolu. This endeavor can be achieved through various means, including battling, resource gathering, and utilizing items.

Battling: A Path to Transformation

Once the pinnacle of friendship is reached, the evolution process kicks into gear. Players are tasked with engaging Riolu in battles, progressing until the moment of evolution is attained.

Signposts of Evolution

A noteworthy indication emerges when Riolu stands poised on the cusp of evolution. An on-screen message affirming its readiness to evolve materializes, acting as a beacon of change. Trainers can also confirm this status by hovering over Riolu in the team menu.

Unveiling Lucario

With the evolutionary moment at hand, trainers are presented with a straightforward choice. The ‘Evolve’ option, a symbolic button of transformation, is within reach. Selecting this option unfurls the evolution of Riolu into the remarkable Lucario.

For more information, you can also take a look at this guide from SportsKeeda.

Part 4: Understanding the Happiness Mechanism


In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Riolu’s evolution into Lucario pivots on the concept of friendship, often referred to as “happiness” in the Pokémon universe. This intangible yet critical metric measures the bond between a trainer and their Pokémon. To unlock the evolution, trainers must navigate the intricate landscape of happiness, ensuring Riolu reaches the required threshold.

The Friendship Scale: Unveiling the Numbers

While “happiness” is a broad concept, in gameplay terms, it’s quantified on a numerical scale. The scale ranges from 0 to 255, with higher numbers indicating greater happiness. For Riolu to evolve into Lucario, trainers must achieve a minimum happiness level of 220.

Cultivating Friendship through Activities

Raising Riolu’s happiness level necessitates a series of activities and interactions that mirror the camaraderie shared between a trainer and their Pokémon. These include:

  • Battling Together: Engaging Riolu in battles, particularly victorious ones, contributes significantly to its happiness level.
  • Feeding Berries: Offering Riolu berries, which can be obtained from nodes and trees throughout the game world, enhances its happiness.
  • Using Items: Employing items like berries or XP candy on Riolu is another avenue to bolster its happiness.
  • Resource Gathering: Trainers can gather resources, such as berries or stones, from nodes and trees, solidifying the bond through shared exploration.

The Impending Evolution

As Riolu’s happiness level inches toward the magic number of 220, a pivotal moment arrives. When the required threshold is met, Riolu stands on the precipice of evolution, ready to transform into the formidable Lucario.

The Rewards of Dedication

Evolving Riolu into Lucario isn’t just a feat of gameplay; it’s a testament to the investment of time, effort, and the emotional connection forged between a trainer and their Pokémon. The evolution process embodies the essence of Pokémon, encapsulating the partnership that fuels battles and victories.

Part 5: Elevating Your Team: Lucario’s Impact


In the diverse realm of Pokemon teams, the inclusion of Lucario stands as a prized asset, capable of bolstering a player’s strategy and prowess. Its evolution from the endearing Riolu opens doors to a world of possibilities within Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

1. From Cute to Formidable

The transformation of many charming Pokemon into potent evolutions is a hallmark of the Pokemon series. This transition from cuteness to power finds its embodiment in Lucario, an evolution that resonates with strength and capability.

2. A Journey to ‘Best Friends

While the journey to evolve Riolu into Lucario demands effort, it’s an endeavor laden with rewards. Elevating Riolu’s friendship to the esteemed ‘Best Friends’ status serves as the stepping stone for its transformation. The effort invested becomes a testament to the trainer’s dedication.

3. Lucario: Unleashing Potent Power

The result of this journey is a Pokemon that radiates power. Lucario’s abilities transcend the ordinary, allowing players to wield devastating damage that can shift the tide of battles. Its potency makes it a coveted asset for any trainer’s roster.

4. Aesthetic Excellence

Beyond its prowess, Lucario’s visual appeal further underscores its significance. Its distinct appearance captures attention, encapsulating the essence of both strength and aesthetics in a single package.

Unlocking the Future: Riolu’s Evolution

Riolu’s evolution into Lucario is akin to unlocking a door to greater heights within Pokemon Legends: Arceus. It’s a transformation that transcends cuteness, tapping into the latent power that lies within. For players seeking to elevate their team and engage in battles of unparalleled magnitude, Lucario proves to be not only a valuable ally but also a testament to the rewards of dedication and camaraderie.


In the evolving world of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, the journey from Riolu to Lucario represents more than just a transformation. It’s a testament to the enduring bond between trainers and their Pokemon, a bond that surpasses battles and time of day. This evolution approach encapsulates the essence of camaraderie and dedication, redefining the evolution process within the game.

As trainers venture forth to achieve the coveted evolution, the narrative shifts from mere gameplay to a story of growth and partnership. The power of Lucario becomes more than just its stats and moves; it becomes symbolic of the journey shared with Riolu.

So, as you set out on this path, remember that the evolution of Riolu into Lucario isn’t just about enhancing your team’s strength. It’s about nurturing a bond that transcends battles and time, embodying the heart of the Pokemon journey.

Have you found unique strategies for enhancing friendship with Riolu and guiding it towards its evolution into Lucario? Share your experiences about how to evolve Riolu with us in the comments!

Bonus Tip

So now you know how to Evolve Sneasel, I wanna introduce you to a bonus tip: iFoneTool AnyGo is a tool that can change location without moving outside, allowing players to explore different features of the game at home However, it’s important to note that using such tools may violate the terms of service of Pokemon Go, potentially leading to penalties or bans from the game. Players should consider the risks and implications before utilizing such tools.

How to evolve riolu legends arceus?

To evolve Riolu into Lucario in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, you need to focus on increasing Riolu’s friendship level to the maximum. Once the friendship level is at its peak, engage Riolu in battles until it’s on the brink of evolution. At that point, a message indicating its readiness to evolve will appear, allowing you to initiate the evolution process.

Can I evolve Riolu into Lucario at any time of day?

Yes, unlike in previous generations, the time of day no longer plays a role in evolving Riolu into Lucario in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. You only need to attain the maximum friendship level with Riolu to trigger its evolution, regardless of the time of day.

What are the methods to increase friendship with Riolu?

There are several ways to increase friendship with Riolu in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Engaging in battles and emerging victorious, while ensuring Riolu doesn’t faint, is a primary method. You can also use items like berries or XP candy on Riolu, or gather resources like berries and stones from nodes and trees in the game world.

Can I see an indication that Riolu is ready to evolve?

Yes, when Riolu is at the point of evolution, you’ll receive an on-screen message that signifies its readiness to evolve. Additionally, hovering over Riolu in the team menu will also confirm its impending evolution.

Is evolving Riolu into Lucario worth the effort?

Absolutely. Lucario is a powerful Fighting and Steel-type Pokemon with a range of devastating moves. Evolving Riolu into Lucario can significantly enhance your team’s battle capabilities in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Its impressive strength and visual appeal make the effort to achieve maximum friendship well worth the investment.