Gallade, the Psychic and Fighting-type Pokemon, is a powerful and versatile addition to any trainer’s team in Pokemon Go. With its unique typing and impressive stats, Gallade boasts a formidable presence in battles, particularly in raids. In this article, we will explore Gallade’s typing and stats, its evolution line, how to obtain and evolve Ralts into Gallade, the best moveset to maximize its potential, the allure of Shiny Gallade, and effective strategies for utilizing Gallade in raid battles.   

Gallade’s Typing and Stats in Pokemon Go


Gallade, the Psychic and Fighting-type Pokemon, possesses a unique and powerful typing that sets it apart from many other Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

Psychic typing

The Psychic typing grants Gallade access to powerful Psychic-type moves, such as Psychic and Future Sight, which allows it to deal significant damage to a variety of Pokemon. Psychic-type moves are super effective against Fighting and Poison-types, providing Gallade with an advantage in battles against Pokemon of these typings.

Fighting typing

The Fighting typing further enhances Gallade’s effectiveness in battles. Fighting-type moves, like Close Combat and Low Kick, give Gallade the ability to deal heavy damage to Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, Steel, and other Fighting-type Pokemon. This makes Gallade a valuable asset when countering popular Gym defenders, such as Blissey, Snorlax, and Tyranitar.

Base Stats   

In terms of its base stats, Gallade boasts impressive numbers that contribute to its overall strength. With a base Attack stat of 237, Gallade hits hard and can quickly whittle down the HP of opposing Pokemon. Its base Defense stat of 195 provides a decent amount of durability, allowing it to withstand attacks from opponents. Additionally, Gallade has a Stamina stat of 169, which determines its overall HP pool, giving it a reasonable amount of endurance in battles.

Gallade’s well-rounded stats make it an excellent choice for various battle scenarios. Its high Attack stat allows it to dish out substantial damage, while its decent Defense and Stamina stats provide it with enough durability to survive encounters. This combination of offensive and defensive prowess makes Gallade a versatile Pokemon that can excel in both raid battles and PvP battles.

Evolution Line of Gallade


Gallade is the final evolution in the Ralts evolutionary line, which includes Ralts, Kirlia, and Gallade. This evolution line offers trainers the opportunity to nurture and develop a modest Ralts into a powerful and majestic Gallade.


Ralts is the first stage of the evolutionary line. It is a Psychic and Fairy-type Pokemon known for its timid and sensitive nature. Ralts has a small, humanoid appearance with a green body and white hair-like protrusions on its head. It possesses the ability to sense the emotions of others and can communicate through the use of telepathy.


At level 20, Ralts evolves into Kirlia. Kirlia retains its Psychic and Fairy typing and undergoes a noticeable transformation in appearance. It becomes taller and gains more defined features. Female Kirlia have a more elegant and flowing appearance, while male Kirlia have a more angular and stoic appearance. Kirlia possesses the innate ability to sense people’s emotions and reflect them back, often resulting in a calming effect on those around it.


To evolve Kirlia into Gallade, trainers must provide a Sinnoh Stone, alongside 100 Ralts candies. This evolution process unlocks Gallade’s full potential, transforming Kirlia into a powerful Psychic and Fighting-type Pokemon. Gallade possesses a more masculine and knight-like appearance, with a striking combination of white, blue, and red coloration. It has a proud and dignified demeanor, often seen as a protector and guardian.

How to Evolve Ralts into Gallade in Pokemon Go


To evolve Ralts into Gallade in Pokemon Go, you need to follow these steps:

Catch or hatch a Ralts

Ralts can be found in the wild, primarily in areas with a Psychic or Fairy-type Pokemon habitat. It can also be obtained by hatching 2km Eggs.

Collect Ralts candies

Each time you catch a Ralts, you will receive three Ralts candies. Additionally, you can obtain Ralts candies by transferring extra Ralts to Professor Willow or by walking with Ralts as your buddy Pokemon.

Evolve Ralts into Kirlia

To evolve Ralts into Kirlia, you will need 25 Ralts candies. You can do this by selecting the Ralts in your Pokemon collection, scrolling down to the “Evolve” button, and confirming the evolution.

Acquire a Sinnoh Stone

In order to evolve Kirlia into Gallade, you need a Sinnoh Stone. Sinnoh Stones are special evolution items that can be obtained through various means, such as completing Research Breakthroughs or by battling in PvP battles. Keep in mind that Sinnoh Stones are relatively rare, so you may need to be patient in acquiring one.

Use a Sinnoh Stone to evolve Kirlia into Gallade

Once you have obtained a Sinnoh Stone, go to your Pokemon collection, select the Kirlia you want to evolve, scroll down to the “Evolve” button, and confirm the evolution. With the necessary 100 Ralts candies and the Sinnoh Stone, Kirlia will evolve into Gallade.

It’s important to note that the evolution from Kirlia to Gallade is gender-dependent. Only male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade. If you have a female Kirlia, it can evolve into Gardevoir instead.

By following these steps and fulfilling the requirements, you can successfully evolve Ralts into the powerful Gallade in Pokemon Go.

How to Get Gallade in Pokemon Go


To obtain Gallade in Pokemon Go, you need to follow these steps:

1、Catch or hatch a Ralts

Ralts is the first stage of the evolutionary line that leads to Gallade. Ralts can be found in the wild, primarily in areas with a Psychic or Fairy-type Pokemon habitat. It can also be obtained by hatching 2km Eggs. Keep catching Ralts until you have enough candies to evolve it.

2、Collect Ralts candies

Each time you catch a Ralts, you will receive three Ralts candies. Additionally, you can obtain Ralts candies by transferring extra Ralts to Professor Willow or by walking with Ralts as your buddy Pokemon. You will need a total of 100 Ralts candies to evolve it into Gallade.

3、Evolve Ralts into Kirlia

To evolve Ralts into Kirlia, you will need 25 Ralts candies. You can do this by selecting the Ralts in your Pokemon collection, scrolling down to the “Evolve” button, and confirming the evolution.

4、Acquire a Sinnoh Stone

To evolve Kirlia into Gallade, you need a Sinnoh Stone. Sinnoh Stones are special evolution items that can be obtained through various means. You can obtain a Sinnoh Stone by completing Research Breakthroughs, as a reward for achieving a certain rank in PvP battles, or occasionally as a reward for special events. Keep in mind that Sinnoh Stones are relatively rare, so you may need to be patient in acquiring one.

5、Use a Sinnoh Stone to evolve Kirlia into Gallade

Once you have obtained a Sinnoh Stone, go to your Pokemon collection, select the Kirlia you want to evolve, scroll down to the “Evolve” button, and confirm the evolution. With the necessary 100 Ralts candies and the Sinnoh Stone, Kirlia will evolve into Gallade.

What is the Fastest Way to Get Gallade in Pokemon Go

The fastest way to obtain Gallade is by utilizing a combination of methods. To speed up the process, trainers can focus on hatching 10km eggs, which have a chance to contain Ralts. However, maybe you can’t go out to play Pokemon Go because of the inconvenient location or bad weather. If so, you can use iFoneTool AnyGo to change your location anywhere.

With iFoneTool AnyGo, you can use location-based apps like AR games, social platforms, and more. It will help you to simulate GPS movement with a customized route for free. You can also save your favorite routes by importing/exporting GPX files.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated in your Pokemon Go.

And you can get Gallade as soon as possible!

Best Moveset for Gallade in Pokemon Go


The best moveset for Gallade in Pokemon Go depends on its intended use, whether it’s for raid battles, gym battles, or PvP battles. Here’s a recommended moveset for Gallade that showcases its strengths:

  • Fast Move: Confusion

Confusion is a Psychic-type fast move that benefits from Gallade’s high Attack stat. It deals solid damage and generates energy quickly, allowing Gallade to charge up its charged moves efficiently.

  • Charged Move: Leaf Blade

Leaf Blade is a powerful Grass-type move that benefits from Gallade’s Fighting-type STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus). It has a relatively low energy cost and deals massive damage, making it a great choice for dealing with Water, Ground, and Rock-type Pokemon.

  • Charged Move: Close Combat

Close Combat is a Fighting-type move that takes advantage of Gallade’s Fighting-type STAB. It has a high damage output and can be used to hit a wide range of Pokemon for super effective damage, particularly Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, and Steel-types.

Alternative Charged Move

If you prefer a Psychic-type move, you can consider using Psychic instead of Close Combat. Psychic is a reliable move that provides coverage against Poison and Fighting-type Pokemon, as well as neutral damage against many other types.

It’s worth noting that Gallade’s movesets can vary depending on the available moves and the specific Pokemon Go meta at any given time. The moves mentioned above represent a strong combination for Gallade’s offensive capabilities.

Availability and Appearance of Shiny Gallade


Shiny Gallade is a special variant of Gallade with a different coloration than its regular counterpart. In Pokemon Go, the shiny version of Gallade has a distinct color scheme that sets it apart from its normal form.


Shiny Gallade was first introduced in Pokemon Go during the Psychic Spectacular event in October 2019. During this event, Ralts and its evolutions, including Gallade, had an increased chance of being encountered as shiny Pokemon. Since then, shiny Gallade can still be encountered in the game, although the chances of encountering one are relatively rare.


Shiny Gallade has a noticeable color variation compared to its regular form. Normally, Gallade has a blue body with white and red accents. In its shiny form, the blue coloration is replaced with a teal or turquoise color, giving it a more vibrant and striking appearance. The white accents on its chest and head remain, while the red accents become more of a pink or magenta shade. Overall, the shiny variant of Gallade has a unique and eye-catching color scheme that makes it highly sought after by collectors and trainers.

How to Use Gallade Effectively in Raid Battles


Gallade’s unique typing and impressive stats make it a valuable asset in raid battles. To utilize Gallade effectively, trainers should consider the following strategies:

  1. Identify Raid Boss Weaknesses

Before participating in a raid battle, research the raid boss’s typing and identify its weaknesses. Gallade’s dual Psychic and Fighting typing allows it to exploit various vulnerabilities. For example, Gallade is particularly effective against Raid Bosses weak to Fighting-type moves, such as Tyranitar or Lapras.

  1. Optimize Moveset Selection

Choose the moveset that best suits the raid boss’s weaknesses. As mentioned earlier, Gallade’s fast move, Confusion, coupled with charge moves like Close Combat, Leaf Blade, or Psychic, can deal significant damage to specific raid bosses. Tailor your Gallade’s moveset to exploit the raid boss’s weaknesses for maximum effectiveness.

  1. Formulate a Strong Raid Team

Building a well-rounded team is crucial for raid battles. Consider including Pokemon that complement Gallade’s weaknesses and cover its vulnerabilities. For instance, pairing Gallade with Pokemon that have strong resistance to Psychic, Flying, or Fairy-type moves can provide additional protection and increase overall battle efficiency.

  1. Implement Dodging and Timing

During raid battles, mastering dodging techniques is essential. Gallade’s defenses, while decent, are not impervious to damage. Timing dodges correctly can help Gallade survive longer and deal more damage over the course of the battle.

  1. Utilize Weather Boost

Take advantage of weather conditions that boost Gallade’s moves. For example, if the weather is cloudy, Gallade’s Fighting-type moves will receive a boost in power, further enhancing its effectiveness in raid battles against specific raid bosses weak to Fighting-type moves.


Gallade is a formidable Pokemon in Pokemon Go, thanks to its unique typing, impressive stats, and versatile moveset. By understanding Gallade’s typing and evolution line, knowing how to obtain and evolve Ralts, grasping the best moveset options, and recognizing the strategies for using Gallade effectively in raid battles, trainers can optimize their gameplay and unleash the full potential of this Psychic and Fighting-type powerhouse. Embrace the power of Gallade, and conquer raid battles with the grace of a true Psychic Knight.

How do I evolve Kirlia into Gallade in Pokémon Go?

To evolve Kirlia into Gallade, you need a Sinnoh Stone, which is a special evolution item. You also need 100 Ralts candies. Once you have the Sinnoh Stone, select the Kirlia in your Pokémon collection and use the Sinnoh Stone to evolve it into Gallade.

Can female Kirlia evolve into Gallade?

No, only male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade. Female Kirlia have the option to evolve into Gardevoir instead. This gender difference is consistent with the main series Pokémon games.

What are the best moves for Gallade in Pokémon Go?

A recommended moveset for Gallade includes the fast move Confusion and the charged moves Leaf Blade and Close Combat. Confusion is a Psychic-type move, while Leaf Blade and Close Combat are Fighting-type moves. These moves take advantage of Gallade’s strengths and provide good coverage.

Where can I find a shiny Gallade in Pokémon Go?

Shiny Gallade can be encountered in Pokémon Go, but the chances of finding one are relatively rare. The shiny variant of Gallade was initially introduced during the Psychic Spectacular event, where Ralts and its evolutions had increased shiny rates. Since then, shiny Gallade can still be found, but it requires luck and persistence.

What are the strengths of Gallade in battles?

Gallade has a high Attack stat and benefits from its dual Psychic/Fighting typing. This allows it to deal significant damage to a variety of Pokémon. Its moveset options provide good coverage against different types, making it a formidable attacker in raids, gym battles, and PvP battles.