Melmetal, a powerful Steel-type Pokemon, has made its mark in Pokemon Go as a formidable opponent. With its high base stats, unique evolution method, and versatile movesets, Melmetal has become a sought-after Pokemon for trainers looking to dominate battles. In this article, we will explore Melmetal’s battle potential, weaknesses, best movesets, availability, and strategies to obtain and defeat this mighty Pokemon.  

Stats and Battle Potential of Melmatal


  • Attack226

With a base Attack stat of 226, Melmetal has the capability to deal significant damage. This allows it to unleash powerful attacks against a wide range of opponents. Its high Attack stat, combined with access to moves like “Rock Slide” and “Superpower,” enables Melmetal to hit hard and exploit the weaknesses of various Pokemon types.

  • Defense190

Melmetal’s base Defense stat of 190 makes it a formidable tank on the battlefield. It can withstand several hits, allowing it to stay in battles longer and provide valuable support to its team. Its high Defense stat, combined with its Steel typing, grants Melmetal resistance against a multitude of common move types, further enhancing its durability.

  • HP264

Additionally, Melmetal boasts a base HP stat of 264, providing it with a substantial pool of hit points. This grants it additional survivability, allowing Melmetal to endure attacks and continue battling. The combination of its high HP, Defense, and resistance to popular move types make Melmetal a reliable choice for soaking up damage and maintaining control of the battlefield.

Melmetal’s impressive Attack and Defense stats also make it a formidable contender in raids and gym battles. Its ability to dish out damage while withstanding attacks makes it a valuable asset in raids or gyms.

Furthermore, Melmetal’s stats synergize well with its movesets. Its high Attack stat allows it to make the most of its offensive moves, while its Defense stat enables it to sustain battles and protect its team. Trainers can further optimize Melmetal’s battle potential by selecting movesets that align with their preferred playstyle and battle strategy.

Weakness of Melmetal


While Melmetal is a powerful Pokemon, it is not without weaknesses. Being a Steel-type, Melmetal is susceptible to certain types of moves that can exploit its vulnerabilities and deal significant damage. Understanding these weaknesses is crucial for trainers looking to counter and defeat Melmetal in battles.  

  • Fire-Type Attacks: Fire-type moves are super effective against Melmetal. Pokemon with access to Fire-type moves such as Flamethrower, Fire Blast, or Overheat can deal substantial damage to Melmetal. Fire-type Pokemon like Charizard, Blaziken, or Heatran can exploit this weakness and pose a significant threat to Melmetal.
  • Ground-Type Attacks: Ground-type moves are another weakness for Melmetal. Moves like Earthquake, Earth Power, or Drill Run can hit Melmetal for super effective damage. Pokemon such as Garchomp, Rhyperior, or Excadrill with access to Ground-type moves can take advantage of this weakness and deal heavy blows to Melmetal.
  • Fighting-Type Attacks: Fighting-type moves are also effective against Melmetal. Moves like Dynamic Punch, Close Combat, or Focus Blast can exploit its vulnerability to Fighting-type attacks. Pokemonlike Machamp, Lucario, or Conkeldurr with Fighting-type moves can capitalize on this weakness and deal significant damage to Melmetal.

It’s important to note that Melmetal’s resistance to a variety of move types, including Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Psychic, Grass, Ice, Dragon, Fairy, and Steel, can mitigate some damage. However, its vulnerabilities to Fire, Ground, and Fighting-type moves should be carefully considered when constructing a team to counter Melmetal.

Best Moveset of Melmetal


The best moveset for Melmetal in Pokemon Go depends on the role you want it to fulfill in battles. Melmetal has a variety of moves at its disposal, allowing trainers to customize its moveset based on their preferred playstyle and battle strategy. Here, we will explore a popular and versatile moveset that capitalizes on Melmetal’s strengths and covers a wide range of opponents.

Fast Move

  • Thunder Shock: Thunder Shock is the recommended fast move for Melmetal. While it does not deal the highest damage, it generates energy quickly. This allows Melmetal to charge up its powerful charged moves more frequently, increasing its overall damage output.

Charged Moves

  • Rock Slide: Rock Slide is a rock-type charged move that provides coverage against Flying, Bug, and Fire-type Pokemon. It has a reasonable energy cost and deals solid damage. Rock Slide is particularly useful against Flying-type opponents that are super effective against Melmetal.
  • Superpower: Superpower is a fighting-type charged move that deals heavy damage. It has a high energy cost but inflicts significant damage to a wide range of opponents. Superpower can be used to hit Pokemonthat resist Melmetal’s steel-type moves, such as other Steel or Fairy-types.

This moveset allows Melmetal to leverage its high Attack stat and deal substantial damage to various types of Pokemon. Thunder Shock enables quick energy generation, allowing Melmetal to frequently unleash its charged moves. Rock Slide provides coverage against Flying, Bug, and Fire-types, while Superpower deals heavy damage to a wide range of opponents.

Availability and Events of Melmetal


In Pokemon Go, Melmetal has been made available through a variety of methods, including special events, research tasks, and rewards. Here are some of the ways trainers have had the opportunity to obtain Melmetal:

1、Meltan Box

To obtain Melmetal, trainers first need to acquire Meltan, its pre-evolved form. Initially, the only way to obtain Meltan was by using a Meltan Box, a special item that can be activated by players who have Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Let’s Go, Eevee! on their Nintendo Switch. Opening the Meltan Box spawns Meltan in Pokemon Go for a limited time, allowing trainers to catch them and accumulate enough Candy to evolve one into Melmetal.

2、Limited-Time Research 

Niantic has occasionally introduced special research tasks centered around Meltan and Melmetal. These limited-time research quests provide trainers with an opportunity to encounter and catch Meltan or earn additional Candy for evolving Meltan into Melmetal.

3、Special Events

Niantic has hosted events that featured increased Meltan spawns or increased Meltan Candy rewards. During these events, trainers had an enhanced chance to catch Meltan and accumulate Candy to evolve it into Melmetal.

4、Pokemon Home

Trainers can transfer Meltan from Pokemon Go to Pokemon Home, a cloud-based service that allows players to store and trade Pokemon. Once Meltan is transferred to Pokemon Home, it can be evolved into Melmetal using the Candy accumulated in Pokemon Go.

How to Get Melmetal in Pokemon Go


The only way to obtain Melmetal in Pokemon Go is through evolving Meltan. Below are the steps you need to follow when obtaining a Melmetal:

1、Acquire Meltan: Meltan is the pre-evolutionary form of Melmetal. You can obtain Meltan through using the Meltan Box, Limited-Time Research or trading.

2、Accumulate Meltan Candy: Once you have Meltan, you’ll need to accumulate enough Meltan Candy to evolve it into Melmetal. Catching Meltan, transferring duplicates, or using Pinap Berries while catching Meltan can help you gain Candy faster.

3、Evolve Meltan into Melmetal: Once you have accumulated 400 Meltan Candy, go to Meltan’s evolution screen and choose to evolve it into Melmetal. This transformation is permanent, so make sure you’re ready to evolve your Meltan before proceeding.

It’s important to note that certain methods of obtaining Meltan or evolving it into Melmetal may have been time-limited or require specific conditions. Keep an eye on official Pokemon Go announcements, in-game notifications, and social media channels for updates on events or opportunities related to Meltan and Melmetal.

What is the Fastest Way to Get Melmetal in Pokemon Go

Are you bothering by unable to go out playing Pokemon Go because of the inconvenient location or bad weather? If so, you can use iFoneTool AnyGo to change your location anywhere.

With iFoneTool AnyGo, you can use location-based apps like AR games, social platforms, and more. It will help you to simulate GPS movement with a customized route for free. You can also save your favorite routes by importing/exporting GPX files.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated in your Pokemon Go.

And you can get Melmetal as soon as possible!

How to Evolve Melmetal in Pokemon Go


Melmatal cannot be evolved anymore in Pokemon Go. But trainers can evolve the pre-evolution form of Melmetal, Meltan, into Melmetal. To evolve Meltan into Melmetal, you must gather 400 Meltan candies. Once you have acquired the required candies, select the Meltan in your Pokemon collection and choose the evolve option. Take pride in the culmination of your efforts as Meltan evolves into the mighty Melmetal, ready to unleash its power on opponents.

How to Beat Melmetal in Pokemon Go


To defeat Melmetal in Pokemon Go, you can employ various strategies and exploit its weaknesses. Here are some tips on how to effectively counter Melmetal:

  • Fire-Type Pokemon: Melmetal is weak to Fire-type moves, so utilizing Fire-type Pokemon is an excellent strategy. Pokemon such as Reshiram, Chandelure, Moltres, and Heatran can deal significant damage to Melmetal with their Fire-type moves. Moves like Fire Blast, Flamethrower, or Overheat can exploit Melmetal’s vulnerability.
  • Ground-Type Pokemon: Ground-type Pokemon are also strong against Melmetal since its Steel typing makes it susceptible to Ground-type moves. Garchomp, Excadrill, Rhyperior, and Groudon are examples of powerful Ground-type Pokemonthat can deal considerable damage to Melmetal. Moves like Earthquake or Earth Power can be effective in wearing down Melmetal’s defenses.
  • Fighting-Type Pokemon: Melmetal’s Rock Slide and Superpower moves can be threatening, but Fighting-type Pokemon can resist these attacks. Pokemon like Lucario, Conkeldurr, Machamp, and Hariyama can withstand Melmetal’s assaults while dishing out significant damage with their Fighting-type moves like Dynamic Punch or Close Combat.
  • Other Strategies: In addition to the types mentioned above, there are other strategies that can be effective against Melmetal. For example, using Pokemon with high Attack stats, utilizing moves that lower Melmetal’s Defense or increase your Pokemon’s Attack, or employing fast and hard-hitting Pokemon can help you defeat Melmetal.

It’s also important to consider Melmetal’s moveset and plan your battle strategy accordingly. Melmetal commonly uses moves like Thunder Shock, Rock Slide, Superpower, or Thunderbolt. Knowing its moves can help you anticipate its actions and prepare your team accordingly.

Remember to dodge Melmetal’s charged moves when possible to minimize damage and make your Pokemon last longer in battle. Additionally, having a well-rounded team with a mix of different types and movesets will increase your chances of success.


Melmetal’s dominance in Pokemon Go battles is undeniable. With its impressive base stats, versatile movesets, and availability through unique evolution methods and events, Melmetal has become a prized Pokemon for trainers. By understanding its strengths, weaknesses, and optimal strategies, trainers can harness the true potential of Melmetal, elevating their battle prowess and conquering opponents with this mighty Steel-type force.

How do I obtain Melmetal in Pokémon Go?

To obtain Melmetal, you need to first acquire its pre-evolved form, Meltan. You can obtain Meltan by using the Meltan Box, participating in limited-time research tasks, or trading with other trainers.

What are Melmetal’s weaknesses in Pokémon Go?

Melmetal is weak to Fire and Ground-type moves. Using Pokémon with these types and their corresponding moves can deal significant damage to Melmetal.

Can Melmetal be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Yes, Melmetal has a shiny variant in Pokémon Go. However, obtaining a shiny Melmetal requires evolving a shiny Meltan, which can be quite rare.

What are the best moves for Melmetal in battles?

The optimal moveset for Melmetal in battles includes Thunder Shock as the fast move and Rock Slide and Superpower as charged moves. This combination provides good coverage and damage output.

Can I use Melmetal in PvP battles?

Yes, Melmetal can be used in PvP battles. Its high Defense and Attack stats, along with access to strong moves like Rock Slide, make it a formidable choice for both Great League and Ultra League battles.