Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour is an exciting event that offers trainers a chance to encounter an increased number of Pokemon within a limited timeframe. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to making the most of Spotlight Hour, including tips on shiny hunting, maximizing catch rates, and ensuring player safety. By understanding the mechanics of this event and implementing the strategies outlined here, trainers can enhance their Pokemon GO experience.

Overview of Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour


Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour is a popular recurring event in the game that focuses on highlighting a specific Pokemon for one hour each week. During this event, trainers have the opportunity to encounter an increased number of the featured Pokemon, making it an ideal time to catch and collect them.


The purpose of Spotlight Hour is to provide trainers with a concentrated and intensified gameplay experience centered around a particular Pokemon. It allows trainers to focus on hunting and capturing the featured Pokemon, increasing their chances of obtaining rare or hard-to-find species. This event also adds excitement to the gameplay by offering trainers the opportunity to encounter shiny variants of the featured Pokemon with an elevated shiny rate.


Spotlight Hour events occur regularly, typically taking place once a week. Niantic, the developer of Pokemon GO, announces the featured Pokemon for each event in advance, generating anticipation and allowing trainers to prepare accordingly. Trainers can mark their calendars and plan their gameplay around these events to take full advantage of the increased spawns and potential shiny encounters.


The duration of a Spotlight Hour event is precisely one hour. During this timeframe, trainers will notice a significant increase in the number of encounters with the featured Pokemon. The heightened spawn rate enables trainers to encounter a more diverse range of Pokemon and increases their chances of finding rare or desirable species. It is important to note that the increased spawn rate is limited to a specific hour of the event, so trainers need to make the most of this concentrated gameplay opportunity.

Spotlight Hour provides trainers with a chance to focus on specific Pokemon, increasing their collection, and potentially obtaining shiny variants. It offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience within a condensed timeframe, encouraging trainers to participate actively and make the most of the increased spawns. By staying informed about the featured Pokemon and planning their gameplay strategy, trainers can optimize their chances of success during Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour.

Spotlight Hour Spawn Rate & Shiny Rate in Pokemon GO


During Spotlight Hour events, the spawn rate of each Spotlight Hour Pokemon increases for 60 minutes, providing ample possibilities to catch each species, especially using Incense and Lures.

While Spotlight Hours do not enhance a Pokemon’s individual Shiny rate, the fact that there are so many of them makes it more likely to find one during a Spotlight Hour than during normal hours. If you intend to use Spotlight Hours to Shiny hunt, the best strategy is to light an Incense and go exploring.

Click on any Pokemon you see, if they aren’t Shiny, skip the process of catching them; simply leave and continue hunting. You can now use Pokedex classifications to identify Shiny Pokemon in your collection, making it easier to catch them all.

Shiny Pokemon in Spotlight Hour


During Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour, trainers have an increased chance of encountering shiny Pokemon compared to regular gameplay. While the exact shiny rate can vary for each Pokemon and event, the boosted shiny rate during Spotlight Hour significantly improves the odds of encountering a shiny version of the featured Pokemon.

Shiny Rate

The elevated shiny rate means that trainers who actively participate in Spotlight Hour are more likely to encounter shiny variants of the featured Pokemon compared to their regular gameplay sessions. This makes Spotlight Hour an excellent opportunity for trainers who are avid shiny hunters or collectors.

It’s important to note that even with the increased shiny rate, shiny encounters are still relatively rare. Trainers may need to encounter a significant number of Pokemon during Spotlight Hour before encountering a shiny version. The rarity of shiny Pokemon adds to their desirability and makes each shiny encounter a thrilling moment for trainers.

New Shiny Variants Pokemon in Spotlight Hour

Furthermore, Niantic occasionally takes advantage of Spotlight Hour events to release new shiny variants. These newly introduced shinies generate tremendous excitement within the Pokemon GO community. Trainers should stay updated on the latest announcements and news from Niantic to be aware of any newly released shiny Pokemon during Spotlight Hour.

When a new shiny variant is released during Spotlight Hour, it becomes an additional incentive for trainers to participate actively in the event. Trainers can be among the first to encounter and catch these newly released shiny Pokemon, adding them to their collections and showcasing their rare finds to the Pokemon GO community.

How to Find High-Spawn Areas During Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour


Here’s a guide on how to find high-spawn areas during Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour:

Research the Featured Pokemon During Pokemon Spotlight Hour

Before Spotlight Hour begins, find out which Pokemon will be featured during the event. Niantic usually announces the featured Pokemon ahead of time through their official channels or in-game notifications.

Use Pokemon GO Maps and Scanners During Pokemon Spotlight Hour

Utilize Pokemon GO maps and scanners to identify high-spawn areas in your local area. These tools provide real-time information about Pokemon spawns, nests, and hotspots. You can find these maps and scanners through online communities, social media groups, or dedicated Pokemon GO websites.

Join Local Pokemon GO Communities During Pokemon Spotlight Hour

Connect with local Pokemon GO communities, such as Discord servers, Facebook groups, or Reddit threads. These communities often share information about high-spawn areas and nests. Engaging with other trainers can help you discover popular spots in your vicinity.

Explore Parks and Recreation Areas During Pokemon Spotlight Hour

Parks, nature reserves, and recreational areas are known for having abundant Pokemon spawns. These locations often have a higher concentration of Pokéstops and gyms, making them ideal spots for Spotlight Hour. Explore these areas during the event to maximize your chances of encountering the featured Pokemon.

Visit Urban Areas and Shopping Centers During Pokemon Spotlight Hour

Urban areas, downtown districts, and shopping centers tend to have a higher density of Pokéstops and spawn points. These areas attract a larger number of players, resulting in increased Pokemon spawns. During Spotlight Hour, consider exploring these bustling locations to find a greater variety of Pokemon.

Look for Lure Modules During Pokemon Spotlight Hour

Keep an eye out for active Lure Modules during Spotlight Hour. Lure Modules attract Pokemon to a Pokéstop, increasing the number of spawns in the immediate vicinity. Seek out Pokéstops with lures to find areas with higher Pokemon activity.

Experiment and Observe During Pokemon Spotlight Hour

During Spotlight Hour, be open to exploring different areas and observing Pokemon spawns. Pay attention to locations where you consistently encounter a higher number of Pokemon. Over time, you’ll start to recognize patterns and identify reliable high-spawn areas for future Spotlight Hour events.

Remember, Pokemon spawns can vary based on your geographical location, time of day, and other factors. It’s essential to be flexible and adapt your strategies based on the specific conditions in your area.

How to Maximize Catch Rates During Spotlight Hour in Pokemon GO

During Spotlight Hour, trainers aim to catch as many Pokemon as possible within the limited time frame. To maximize catch rates, trainers can search as many places as possible and expand the scale of searching plot. But many of you prefer to play indoors and it is not convenient for you to move. In this case, you can make use of iFoneTool AnyGo to transport your region for extra adventure.

You may use location-based apps such as AR games, social platforms, and more with iFoneTool AnyGo. It will assist you in free GPS mobility simulation with a customizable path. You may also import/export GPX files to store your favorite routes.  

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can enjoy colorful adventures in Pokemon GO with friends!

How to Stay Safe During Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour


While enjoying Spotlight Hour, safety should always be a priority. Here are a few important protection pointers to consider:

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Stay vigilant and privy to your environment in any respect times. Keep an eye out for pedestrians, traffic, obstacles, and potential hazards in the environment. Avoid distractions and stay focused on your surroundings to prevent accidents or unsafe situations.

Observe Traffic Rules and Cross Safely

When crossing streets or intersections, adhere to traffic rules and crosswalk signals. Look both ways before crossing and choose designated crosswalks whenever possible. Avoid crossing busy roads or intersections during Spotlight Hour to minimize the risk of accidents.

Travel in Groups

Consider participating in Spotlight Hour with friends or joining local Pokemon GO communities. Traveling in groups enhances safety by providing additional eyes and support. It also discourages potential incidents or unwanted attention.

Stay in Well-Lit Areas

Choose well-lit areas for Pokemon GO gameplay during Spotlight Hour. Well-lit locations increase visibility and reduce the risk of accidents or encounters with potential hazards. Avoid poorly lit or isolated areas, especially during nighttime events.

Respect Private Property and Restricted Areas

Adhere to signage and respect private property boundaries, restricted areas, or places that are off-limits. Trespassing or entering restricted areas can lead to legal consequences or personal harm. Stick to public spaces and areas accessible to players.

Dress Appropriately for the Weather

Check the weather conditions before heading out for Spotlight Hour. Dress accordingly to ensure comfort and safety. Wear appropriate clothing, footwear, and accessories to protect yourself from extreme temperatures, rain, or other weather conditions.

Stay Hydrated and Take Breaks

Depending on the duration of Spotlight Hour, it’s essential to stay hydrated, especially during hot weather. Carry water with you and take breaks to rest and recharge. Pace yourself to avoid exhaustion and take care of your well-being.

Plan Your Route in Advance

Before the event starts, plan your route and familiarize yourself with the area you’ll be exploring. Identify safe and accessible paths, parks, or public areas that are suitable for gameplay. Having a planned route helps you navigate efficiently and reduces the risk of getting lost or ending up in unsafe areas.

Use Appropriate Lighting

If Spotlight Hour takes place during low-light conditions, ensure you have appropriate lighting. Carry a flashlight or use the flashlight feature on your smartphone to improve visibility and avoid trip hazards. Be considerate of others and avoid shining lights directly into their eyes.

Trust Your Instincts

If you ever feel uncomfortable or sense potential danger during Spotlight Hour, trust your instincts and prioritize your safety. Move to a well-populated area, contact local authorities if necessary, or consider ending your gameplay session if you feel unsafe.


Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour provides trainers with a unique opportunity to catch rare Pokemon, shiny variants, and maximize gameplay within a limited time frame. By understanding the mechanics of Spotlight Hour, trainers can effectively plan their gameplay, increase catch rates, and ensure their safety. With the right strategies and precautions in place, trainers can make the most of this exciting Pokemon GO event. Remember to enjoy the experience responsibly and have fun exploring the Pokemon world!

What is Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour?

Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour is a weekly event in which a specific Pokémon is featured for one hour. During this time, the chosen Pokémon spawns more frequently, providing players with increased opportunities to catch them.

When does Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour occur?

Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour takes place every Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time. It’s a recurring event that players can look forward to each week.

Are there any bonuses or rewards during Spotlight Hour?

Yes, during Spotlight Hour, players can often enjoy various bonuses and rewards. These may include increased Stardust rewards, reduced egg-hatching distances, or other incentives that enhance the gameplay experience.

Can shiny Pokémon be encountered during Spotlight Hour?

Yes, shiny Pokémon have a chance to appear during Spotlight Hour. While the shiny rate is not guaranteed, the increased spawn rate of the featured Pokémon increases the likelihood of encountering a shiny variant.

How can I make the most of Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour?

To maximize your experience during Spotlight Hour, it’s recommended to stock up on Poké Balls and berries, practice accurate throwing techniques, focus on catching the featured Pokémon, and take advantage of any bonuses or rewards offered. Planning your route in advance and being mindful of your surroundings are also important for a successful and safe Spotlight Hour session.