Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different types is essential for devising winning strategies. Electric-type Pokemon, known for their powerful electrical attacks, can pose a challenge to trainers seeking victory. However, with the right knowledge and strategic planning, it’s possible to find Pokemon that excel in countering these electrifying opponents.

Today, we will embark on a journey of exploration, diving into the realm of Pokemon types to uncover the most effective counters for Electric Pokemon. By arming ourselves with this valuable information, we can enhance our battle prowess and gain a competitive edge in our quest to become Pokemon Masters. 

So, let’s venture forth and discover the secrets of combating Electric Pokemon with precision and finesse.

Electric-Type Pokemon Overview


They possess unique characteristics and strengths that make them both fascinating and formidable in battles. Let’s explore the defining traits of Electric Pokemon and delve into their common moves and abilities:

Characteristics and Strengths of Electric Pokemon

Electric-type Pokemon are known for their association with electricity, granting them a range of special abilities and advantages. Some key characteristics and strengths include:

  • Electric Attacks: Electric Pokemon possess a repertoire of powerful electric-based moves that can deliver shocking amounts of damage to opponents.
  • Speed and Agility: Many Electric Pokemon are known for their exceptional speed and agility, allowing them to swiftly maneuver on the battlefield.
  • Special Attack Focus: They often excel in Special Attack stats, enabling them to unleash devastating electric-based moves with great potency.
  • Paralyzing Abilities: Electric-type moves have a chance to paralyze opponents, reducing their speed and potentially rendering them unable to attack.

Common Electric-Type Moves and Abilities

Electric-type Pokemon have access to a wide array of moves and abilities that further enhance their electric prowess. Some common moves and abilities are:

  • Thunderbolt: A versatile and powerful electric move that delivers a concentrated bolt of lightning upon opponents.
  • Thunder Wave: This move can paralyze the target, hindering their ability to act swiftly in battle.
  • Volt Switch: A strategic move that allows the Pokemon to deal damage and then switch out to another Pokemon, maintaining momentum in the battle.
  • Static: An ability possessed by certain Electric Pokemon, which has a chance to paralyze opponents upon physical contact.
  • Lightning Rod: Another ability found in Electric Pokemon that draws electric-type moves to the Pokemon, nullifying their damage and raising the Pokemon’s Special Attack.

Identifying Electric Pokemon Weaknesses


Electric-type Pokemon may possess formidable power, but they also have specific weaknesses that can be exploited by knowledgeable trainers. Let’s delve into the weaknesses and resistances of Electric Pokemon and discover strategies for countering them effectively.

Electric Pokemon Weaknesses and Resistances

Electric Pokemon are susceptible to certain types of moves, making them vulnerable in battle. Here are their primary weaknesses:

Ground-Type Attacks

Ground-type moves are super effective against Electric Pokemon, dealing significant damage. Ground-type Pokemon can exploit this weakness and deliver devastating blows.

Rock-Type Attacks

Rock-type moves are also highly effective against Electric Pokemon. Pokemon with Rock-type moves can take advantage of this weakness and deal substantial damage.

Dragon-Type Attacks

Dragon-type moves are super effective against Electric Pokemon. Pokemon with Dragon-type moves can unleash powerful attacks that exploit this weakness. On the other hand, Electric Pokemon have an inherent resistance to certain types of moves, reducing the damage they receive. These resistances include:

Electric-Type Attacks

Electric Pokemon have resistance to Electric-type moves, which means they take reduced damage from these attacks.

Flying-Type Attacks

Electric Pokemon also resist Flying-type moves, mitigating the damage they would typically receive. It’s important to note that Electric Pokemon are immune to Electric-type moves when the attacker is also Electric-type, thanks to their ability Levitate. This immunity can provide a significant advantage in battle.

Exploiting Dual-Type Electric Pokemon

Some Electric Pokemon possess dual typings, combining Electric with another type. Identifying their secondary type is crucial for formulating effective strategies. Exploiting the vulnerabilities associated with their secondary type can be a key factor in defeating them. For example:

Electric/Flying Pokemon

Pokemon with this combination are weak to Rock-type moves. Utilizing Rock-type moves can exploit their weakness and deal heavy damage.

Electric/Water Pokemon

Ground-type moves are super effective against Water-type Pokemon, including those with an Electric secondary typing. Exploiting this weakness can turn the tide of battle.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Electric Type Pokemon vs Other Types

    N W R I
Attack N N W N N
  W W N R N
  R N N N I
  I N N W N


N: Normal effectiveness
W: Weakness (2x damage)
R: Resistance (0.5x damage)
I: Immunity (0x damage)
Explanation of the type chart:

Normal Effectiveness (N): Electric type moves have normal effectiveness against Pokémon of these types. They neither deal double damage nor receive double damage.

Weakness (W): Electric type moves are super effective (deal double damage) against Pokémon of Water and Flying types. This means that using Electric type moves against Pokémon of these types can be highly advantageous.

Resistance (R): Electric type moves are resisted (deal half damage) by Pokémon of Electric types. This means that Electric type moves will have reduced effectiveness against Electric type Pokémon.

Immunity (I): Electric type moves have no effect (deal no damage) against Pokémon of Ground types. This is because Ground type Pokémon are immune to Electric type moves.

Understanding the type chart is crucial for building effective teams and countering opponents in battles. By knowing the strengths and weaknesses of Electric type moves against different types, players can make strategic decisions when choosing moves during battles and when building their teams. It allows them to exploit the vulnerabilities of their opponents and protect their own Pokémon from potential threats.

Effective Counters for Electric Pokemon


When facing Electric-type Pokemon, trainers can employ various strategies and utilize Pokemon of specific types that serve as excellent counters. Here are some effective counters to Electric Pokemon:

Ground-Type Pokemon

The Natural Counter Ground-type Pokemon are the most reliable counters against Electric Pokemon due to their immunity to Electric-type moves. They can unleash powerful Ground-type moves that deal significant damage. Pokemon such as Garchomp, Excadrill, and Groudon are formidable choices with their Ground-type moves and high offensive capabilities.

Rock-Type Pokemon

Rocking the Battle Rock-type Pokemon possess a strong advantage against Electric Pokemon, inflicting double damage with their Rock-type moves. Pokemon like Tyranitar, Rhyperior, and Aerodactyl can exploit this weakness and deal with heavy blows. However, it’s essential to be cautious of potential Electric-type moves that Electric Pokemon might possess.

Dragon-Type Pokemon

Harnessing Elemental Power Dragon-type Pokemon can pose a considerable threat to Electric Pokemon. While not super effective, their Dragon-type moves can deal neutral damage and often come with high base power. Salamence, Dragonite, and Garchomp are notable Dragon-type Pokemon capable of holding their own against Electric opponents.

Grass-Type Pokemon

Nature’s Defense Grass-type Pokemon can be effective counters against Electric Pokemon due to their resistance to Electric-type moves. They can use Grass-type moves to deal substantial damage. Pokemon such as Venusaur, Ferrothorn, and Breloom excel in countering Electric types with their Grass-type moves and defensive capabilities.

Other Considerations: Ice, Bug, and Fighting Types

Ice-Type Pokemon

Some Ice-type Pokemon can exploit Electric Pokemon weaknesses, particularly those with dual typings vulnerable to Ice-type moves. Pokemon like Mamoswine, Weavile, and Glaceon can deal heavy damage with their Ice-type moves.

Bug-Type Pokemon

Certain Bug-type Pokemon can provide a strategic advantage against Electric types. Their Bug-type moves, along with potential resistances to Electric-type moves, can turn the tide in battle. Pokemon such as Scizor, Volcarona, and Galvantula are worthy choices.

Fighting-Type Pokemon

While not inherently strong against Electric types, Fighting-type Pokemon can deliver powerful blows with their Fighting-type moves. They can also resist Electric-type moves. Pokemon like Lucario, Conkeldurr, and Machamp can make a significant impact in battles.

How to Get the Best Pokemon Against Electric?

Trainers can participate in as many raids to get the best Pokemon against Electric. In this case, if you can constantly change your location, you can raid more gyms on a bigger scale. But we notice that many players stay indoors and it is difficult for them to go to other places. If you are in the same trouble, you can utilize iFoneTool AnyGo to transport your region for further adventure.

iFoneTool AnyGo allows you to use location-based apps like augmented reality games, social platforms, and more. It will assist you with free GPS mobility simulation by providing a configurable path. You may also import and export GPX files to save your favorite routes.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can get whatever you want in Pokemon GO as soon as possible!

Legendary and Mythical Pokemon with an Advantage


Legendary and Mythical Pokemon are often revered for their immense power and unique abilities. Some of these extraordinary Pokemon have a type advantage against Electric types, making them formidable choices in battles. Let’s explore Legendary and Mythical Pokemon with type advantages and how to effectively utilize their strengths in battle.

Legendary and Mythical Pokemon with Type Advantage

Certain Legendary and Mythical Pokemon possess typings that grant them an advantage over Electric types. These Pokemon can exploit Electric-type weaknesses, delivering devastating blows. Here are a few notable examples:


Zekrom, a Dragon/Electric-type Pokemon, boasts an advantage against Electric types due to its Dragon typing. Its signature move, Bolt Strike, is a powerful Electric-type move that can deal massive damage.


Raikou is an Electric-type Legendary Pokemon known for its exceptional speed and special attack. With its Electric-type moves like Thunderbolt and Thunder, it can effectively counter other Electric types.


Thundurus, an Electric/Flying-type Legendary Pokemon, combines its Electric attacks with the Flying typing to provide a unique advantage. It can use moves like Thunderbolt and Flying-type moves to exploit weaknesses.

Utilizing Their Strengths in Battle

To make the most of these Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, it’s important to understand their strengths and incorporate them into battle strategies. Here are some key considerations:

Move Sets

Equip these Pokemon with moves that capitalize on their type advantage against Electric types. Consider Electric-type moves like Thunderbolt, Thunder, or their signature moves, if available, for maximum impact.

Team Synergy

Build a team that complements the Legendary or Mythical Pokemon’s strengths. Consider Pokemon that cover its weaknesses or can provide support in battle, such as Pokemon with moves that counter Ground-type Pokemon or can set up entry hazards.

Strategy and Prediction

Utilize the Legendary or Mythical Pokemon strategically, predicting the opponent’s moves and switching in at opportune moments. Take advantage of their high stats and unique abilities to turn the tide of battle.

Coverage Moves

Teach the Legendary or Mythical Pokemon additional moves that provide coverage against types that might pose a threat to them. This will enhance their versatility and make them even more effective against Electric types.

Crafting an Effective Team


Knowing what Pokemon is good against electric allows you to craft an effective team. By carefully selecting Pokemon that complement each other’s strengths and cover weaknesses, trainers can create a formidable team capable of handling any Electric-type threat. Let’s explore the key elements of team building to counter Electric Pokemon:

Building a Balanced Team to Counter Electric Pokemon

When assembling a team, it’s essential to consider a balance of different Pokemon types to cover as many weaknesses as possible. You should keep the following factors in mind:

Ground-Type Pokemon

Including at least one Ground-type Pokemon is highly recommended. Ground types are immune to Electric-type moves and can exploit the Electric Pokemon’s vulnerability. Pokemon like Garchomp, Excadrill, and Swampert can fulfill this role effectively.

Rock-Type Pokemon

Incorporating Rock-type Pokemon provides a solid advantage against Electric types. They can deal significant damage and withstand Electric-type attacks. Pokemon like Tyranitar, Rhyperior, and Aerodactyl are excellent choices.

Other Type Coverage

Electric Pokemon often have dual typings, so it’s crucial to include Pokemon with moves that cover their secondary types. For example, Water or Ice-type moves can counter Water/Electric or Flying/Electric Pokemon respectively.

Synergy and Strategy

Creating synergy among team members is vital for maximizing the effectiveness of your team against Electric types. Here are some strategies to consider:

Movepool Diversity

Ensure that your team members have a wide range of moves to cover various types. This allows for flexibility and adaptability during battles.

Status Effects and Support Moves

Consider Pokemon that can inflict status conditions like paralysis or lower the opponent’s stats. These moves can disrupt the opponent’s strategy and provide a tactical advantage.

Entry Hazards

Setting up entry hazards like Stealth Rock can wear down Electric Pokemon and weaken them as they switch in and out of battle.

Team Strategy

Develop a cohesive battle plan that capitalizes on the strengths of your team members. Coordinate moves, switches, and predictions to gain the upper hand in battles.

Remember, team building is not solely limited to countering Electric types. It’s essential to consider the overall metagame, potential threats from other types, and the synergy among team members. Flexibility and adaptability are key as you fine-tune your team composition based on your preferred battling style.

Notable Electric Type Moves

Here’s an overview of notable Electric type moves that players should be aware of:

1. Thunderbolt:

Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effect: Thunderbolt has a 10% chance to paralyze the target, which can cause them to be unable to move occasionally.

2. Thunder:

Power: 110
Accuracy: 70%
Secondary Effect: Thunder has a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Additionally, Thunder’s accuracy increases to 100% during rain or when used by a Pokémon with the ability “No Guard.”

3. Volt Switch:

Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effect: Volt Switch allows the user to attack and then switch out to another Pokémon in the player’s party. This move can provide both offensive pressure and strategic momentum by allowing the player to bring in a better matchup against the opponent.

4. Wild Charge:

Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effect: Wild Charge does not have a secondary effect, but it deals damage to the target. It is a powerful physical Electric type move that can be used to hit opponents hard.

5. Thunder Punch:

Power: 75
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effect: Thunder Punch has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

6. Discharge:

Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
Secondary Effect: Discharge has a 30% chance to paralyze all opposing Pokémon in double battles or all adjacent Pokémon in triple battles. This move can provide crowd control by potentially paralyzing multiple opponents at once.

7. Thunder Wave:

Power: –
Accuracy: 90%
Secondary Effect: Thunder Wave doesn’t deal damage, but it paralyzes the target with 100% accuracy. This move is particularly useful for slowing down fast or threatening Pokémon, as paralysis reduces the target’s speed and has a chance of causing them to be unable to move.

These moves offer a variety of offensive and strategic options for Electric type Pokémon. They have different power, accuracy, and potential secondary effects that can influence battles. It’s important for players to consider their team composition, the opponent’s Pokémon, and the overall battle strategy when selecting and utilizing these moves effectively.


Now, you know what Pokemon is good against electric. You have all the knowledge of Electric Pokemon weaknesses and effective counters. Ground, Rock, Dragon, Grass, and other types provide a range of options to exploit the vulnerabilities of Electric Pokemon. Remember to consider move sets, abilities, and team composition for a well-rounded battle strategy. If you are looking to find electric or other Pokemon, you can use tools like iFoneTool AnyGo to spoof your location.

So, go forth, choose your team wisely, and embrace the thrill of overcoming Electric Pokemon in your quest for victory.

What type of Pokemon do you use to counter the electric types? Let us know in the comments!

Are Ground-type Pokemon the only effective counters against Electric types?

Ground-type Pokemon have a clear advantage with their immunity to Electric-type moves, there are other types that can also be effective counters. Rock-type, Dragon-type, Grass-type, Ice-type, Bug-type, and Fighting-type Pokemon can all play a role in countering Electric types depending on their move sets and abilities.

Can Electric Pokemon be countered by using Electric-type moves?

Electric-type moves are not effective against Electric types due to their immunity. It’s recommended to use moves of other types that exploit Electric Pokemon weaknesses, such as Ground, Rock, Dragon, Grass, or Ice types.

Can I rely solely on Legendary and Mythical Pokemon to counter Electric types?

While Legendary and Mythical Pokemon often possess powerful abilities and advantages, building a balanced team is crucial. Depending solely on Legendary and Mythical Pokemon may leave your team vulnerable to other types.