Umbreon, the mysterious Dark-type Pokemon, holds a prominent place in the world of Pokemon Go. With its sleek appearance, formidable capabilities, and versatility in battles, Umbreon has become a fan-favorite choice for trainers seeking a reliable and powerful companion. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into Umbreon’s role as a Dark-type Pokemon, the evolution process from Eevee, strategies for obtaining a Shiny Umbreon, PvP moveset considerations, raid battle tactics, and optimizing its potential in different weather conditions.

Umbreon as a Dark-type Pokemon GO


As a Dark-type Pokemon, Umbreon possesses several advantages that contribute to its effectiveness. Firstly, its typing grants it immunity to Psychic-type moves, ensuring it can withstand and counter popular Psychic-type Pokemon. Additionally, its Dark-type moves, such as Foul Play and Dark Pulse, allow it to deal significant damage to Psychic, Ghost, and other vulnerable types. This versatility makes Umbreon a potent asset in battles.

  • Advantage of Umbreon Pokemon GO

Umbreon’s defensive capabilities are equally noteworthy. Its high base Defense and Stamina stats enable it to withstand incoming attacks, making it a reliable tank. This durability, combined with its access to moves like Last Resort, which benefits from the same-type attack bonus (STAB), allows Umbreon to endure prolonged battles and dish out substantial damage in return.

  • performance against different types of opponents

Against different types of opponents, Umbreon excels in various scenarios. Its Dark-type moves are super effective against Psychic and Ghost types, making it a formidable counter to popular Pokemon like Mewtwo and Gengar. Moreover, its resistance to Psychic and Ghost moves further solidifies its role as a reliable opponent against these types. However, trainers must exercise caution when facing Fighting-type Pokemon, as they pose a significant threat to Umbreon due to their vulnerability to Fighting-type moves.

Evolution and Acquisition Requirements of Umbreon Pokemon GO


In Pokemon Go, evolving Eevee into Umbreon involves a specific set of requirements that trainers must fulfill. Unlike other Eevee evolutions, such as Vaporeon or Jolteon, the evolution into Umbreon is dependent on the concept of friendship and the time of evolution. Let’s explore the step-by-step requirements needed to obtain Umbreon.

1、Increase Friendship Level: The first requirement is to raise the friendship level with Eevee. Trainers can build friendships by engaging in various activities with Eevee. These include making Eevee your buddy Pokemon, feeding it Berries, battling together in gyms or raids, and simply spending time with it. The goal is to reach a “Great” friendship level, which features the presence of several hearts displayed on Eevee’s profile.

2、Nighttime Evolution: Once the friendship level is at “Great,” the evolution process can begin. However, it’s important to note that the time of evolution is crucial. Unlike in the main series games, Eevee’s evolution into Umbreon in Pokemon Go is based on the in-game time, not the real-world time. To obtain Umbreon, trainers must evolve Eevee during nighttime within the game.

3、Verify Friendship Level: Before proceeding with the evolution, it is essential to double-check that the friendship level has reached “Great.” Trainers can do this by interacting with Eevee and observing the hearts displayed on its profile. It is crucial to ensure that the friendship level requirement is met before proceeding, as evolving Eevee at any other friendship level will result in a different evolution.

4、Nighttime Evolution Indicator: During the evolution process, trainers can ensure that they are evolving Eevee into Umbreon by paying attention to a specific indicator. When evolving Eevee into Umbreon, there will be a moon icon on the evolve button, signifying a nighttime evolution. This serves as a visual confirmation that the evolution conditions are met.

By following these requirements, trainers can successfully obtain Umbreon in Pokemon Go. This unique evolution process adds depth and strategy to the game, requiring careful planning and timing to acquire the desired Pokemon. So, embrace the power of friendship and the allure of the night to journey towards obtaining the enigmatic Umbreon.

How to Obtain a Shiny Umbreon in Pokemon GO


Obtaining a Shiny Umbreon in Pokemon GO requires some luck and persistence, as Shiny Pokemon have a low encounter rate. Here are the key points to keep in mind:

1、Find Shiny Eevee: Shiny Pokemon have a different coloration from their regular counterparts. To obtain a Shiny Umbreon, you’ll first need to encounter and catch a Shiny Eevee. Shiny Eevee has a different color palette, with its fur appearing more golden instead of brown. 

2、Evolve Shiny Eevee at Night: Once you have a Shiny Eevee, evolve it into Umbreon during nighttime in the game. Ensure that the in-game time is set to nighttime or wait for the game’s day-night cycle to reflect nighttime. This is the same evolution process as obtaining a regular Umbreon.

3、Use Name Trick (Once): In Pokemon GO, there is a name trick that allows you to guarantee the evolution of Eevee into Umbreon or Espeon. Renaming your Shiny Eevee to “Tamao” before evolving will guarantee it evolves into a Shiny Umbreon. Remember, this name trick only works once, so if you’ve used it before, subsequent evolutions will be random.

4、Participate in Eevee Community Day: Eevee Community Day events occasionally take place in Pokemon GO. During these events, the Shiny rate for Eevee significantly increases, making it easier to encounter a Shiny Eevee. Keep an eye out for Eevee Community Day announcements and make the most of the increased odds.

5、Participate in Special Events: Pokemon GO frequently organizes special events that feature increased Shiny rates for specific Pokemon. Check for events that focus on Eevee or Dark-type Pokemon, as they may increase your chances of encountering a Shiny Eevee and subsequently evolving it into Shiny Umbreon.

What is the Fastest Way to Get a Shiny Umbreon in Pokemon GO

For trainers seeking efficiency, changing your location continually is probably the fastest method to acquire a Shiny Umbreon. Maybe you are unable to go out playing Pokemon Go due to an inconvenient location or inclement weather, but you may utilize iFoneTool AnyGo to move your location anywhere.

You may use location-based apps such as AR games, social platforms, and more with iFoneTool AnyGo. It will assist you in free GPS mobility simulation with a customizable path. You may also import/export GPX files to store your favorite routes.

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your phone map.

And you can get a Shiny Umbreon in Pokemon GO as soon as possible!

Umbreon Pokemon Go PvP Moveset


When building an optimal Umbreon for PvP battles in Pokemon Go, it’s crucial to consider its strengths as a Dark-type tank with impressive defensive capabilities. Here’s an in-depth analysis of an ideal PvP moveset for Umbreon:

·Fast Move

1、Snarl: Snarl is the top recommended fast move for Umbreon in PvP battles. It generates energy quickly, allowing Umbreon to charge its charged moves more frequently. Additionally, Snarl benefits from STAB (same-type attack bonus) due to Umbreon’s Dark typing.

·Charged Moves

2、Foul Play: Foul Play is an excellent choice for Umbreon’s charged move. It has low energy cost and deals Dark-type damage, which is super effective against popular Psychic and Ghost types. Foul Play allows Umbreon to hit hard while benefiting from STAB, making it a reliable choice.

3、Last Resort: Last Resort is an exclusive charged move that Umbreon can only learn during specific events. It benefits from STAB and provides coverage against various types. Last Resort is especially valuable because it can be used when Umbreon has depleted its energy and is unable to use other charged moves effectively.

4、Dark Pulse: Dark Pulse is an alternative charged move option for Umbreon. It has a higher energy cost compared to Foul Play but deals more damage. Dark Pulse can be useful against certain matchups, such as neutral damage scenarios or opponents weak to Dark-type moves.

The recommended strategy for using Umbreon in PvP battles is to capitalize on its defensive capabilities and longevity. Umbreon’s high Defense and Stamina stats allow it to withstand incoming attacks and outlast opponents.

During battles, use Snarl as the fast move to quickly charge Umbreon’s charged moves. Foul Play should be the primary choice for dealing damage, as it offers good coverage against Psychic and Ghost types. Utilize Last Resort when Umbreon’s energy is low or when facing specific matchups where neutral damage is more valuable. Use Dark Pulse situationally, depending on the battle scenario.

How to Use Umbreon in Raid Battles


Umbreon, a Dark-type Pokemon, may not be the most optimal choice for raid battles due to its lower offensive capabilities compared to other Pokemon. However, if you still want to utilize Umbreon effectively in raid battles, here are some instructions:

Raid Selection: Choose raid battles where Umbreon has a type advantage. Look for raids featuring Psychic, Ghost, or other Pokemon weak to Dark-type attacks. This will allow Umbreon to deal more damage and have a higher chance of success.

Optimal Moveset: Equip Umbreon with the following moves for raid battles:

  • Fast Move: Snarl
  • Charged Moves: Foul Play and Dark Pulse

Snarl is the advisable fast move as it generates energy quickly. Foul Play is the primary charged move, providing solid Dark-type damage. Dark Pulse can be used as a secondary charged move for additional coverage but is not as efficient as Foul Play.

Team Composition: Build a team of Pokemon that complement Umbreon’s weaknesses. Since Umbreon lacks offensive power, consider including Pokemon with high DPS (damage per second) and type advantages against the raid boss. This will help compensate for Umbreon’s lower damage output.

Dodge Strategically: Umbreon’s strength lies in its durability and ability to sustain damage. During raid battles, focus on dodging charged moves from the raid boss to avoid unnecessary damage. This will help prolong Umbreon’s lifespan and maximize its contribution to the battle.

Sync with Weather Boosts: Take advantage of weather conditions that boost Umbreon’s Dark-type moves. In cloudy or foggy weather, Dark-type moves receive a boost, increasing Umbreon’s damage output. Keep an eye on the in-game weather feature and plan your raids accordingly.

Utilize Team Contributions: While Umbreon may not be the primary damage dealer, its presence can still benefit the team. Umbreon’s tackiness allows it to soak up damage, giving your other Pokemon more time to deal damage. Deploy Umbreon strategically to maximize its support role in the raid battle.

Remember, while Umbreon can contribute to raid battles, it’s essential to consider its limitations and choose battles where it has a type advantage. Raid battles are generally more suited for Pokemon with higher offensive capabilities.

How to Optimize Umbreon’s Potential in Different Weather Conditions


Umbreon, being a Dark-type Pokemon, can benefit from specific weather conditions in Pokemon Go. Optimizing Umbreon’s potential in different weather conditions involves understanding how weather boosts affect its performance. Here’s a guide on utilizing Umbreon in various weather conditions:

Cloudy/Foggy Weather

In cloudy or foggy weather, Dark-type moves receive a boost, increasing Umbreon’s damage output. To optimize Umbreon’s potential in this weather, focus on utilizing its Dark-type charged moves, such as Foul Play or Dark Pulse. These moves will deal increased damage during cloudy or foggy weather, allowing Umbreon to hit harder and contribute more effectively to battles.

Rainy Weather

While rainy weather doesn’t directly boost Dark-type moves, it does boost Water-type moves. This can be advantageous for Umbreon if it has a Water-type charged move like Aqua Tail. You can use a Water-type move to counter certain raid bosses or provide coverage against specific Pokemon. Consider using Aqua Tail in rainy weather to take advantage of the increased damage output of Water-type moves.

Sunny/Clear Weather

Sunny or clear weather doesn’t provide a direct boost to Dark-type moves. However, it can still be beneficial for Umbreon in certain scenarios. Sunny weather boosts Fire-type moves, so if Umbreon has a Fire-type charged move like Flamethrower, it can be used to exploit the weather boost and deal additional damage to specific raid bosses weak to Fire-type attacks.

Other Weather Conditions

In weather conditions that do not directly boost Dark-type moves or moves that Umbreon can learn, focus on its overall tackiness and defensive capabilities. Umbreon’s high Defense and Stamina stats allow it to withstand attacks and serve as a reliable option for battles, regardless of weather conditions.


Umbreon stands as an embodiment of elegance and power in Pokemon Go. By understanding its role as a Dark-type Pokemon, mastering the evolution process, optimizing its potential in PvP battles and raids, and adapting to different weather conditions, trainers can unlock the true potential of Umbreon and establish themselves as formidable opponents. Embrace the shadows and embark on a journey with Umbreon, the guardian of twilight.

How do I evolve Eevee into Umbreon in Pokémon Go?

  1. To evolve Eevee into Umbreon, you need to make it your Buddy and earn at least two Affection Hearts. Then, while it is still your Buddy, evolve it at night in the game. Ensure that the in-game time reflects nighttime for a successful evolution.

What is the best moveset for Umbreon in Pokémon Go PvP battles?

The optimal PvP moveset for Umbreon consists of Snarl as the fast move and Foul Play and Last Resort as the charged moves. Snarl generates energy quickly, while Foul Play provides good Dark-type damage. Last Resort is an exclusive move that can be used as a backup when other moves are unavailable.

Can Umbreon be shiny in Pokémon Go?

Yes, Umbreon can be shiny in Pokémon Go. Shiny Umbreon has a different coloration, with its fur appearing more golden instead of brown. However, obtaining a shiny Umbreon requires luck, as shiny encounters have a low rate.

Is Umbreon a good Pokémon for raid battles in Pokémon Go?

While Umbreon is not typically considered a top choice for raid battles due to its lower offensive capabilities, it can still be utilized effectively in raids where it has type advantages. Look for raid battles featuring Psychic or Ghost-type Pokémon that are weak to Umbreon’s Dark-type attacks to maximize its potential.

How do weather conditions affect Umbreon’s performance in Pokémon Go?

Weather conditions in Pokémon Go can influence Umbreon’s performance. For example, in cloudy or foggy weather, Dark-type moves receive a boost, increasing Umbreon’s damage output. Likewise, sunny or clear weather does not directly boost Umbreon’s moves, but it can still be advantageous for other types of moves it may have, such as Fire or Water-type moves.