Snapchat, with its unique features and user interface, has become one of the most popular social media platforms for sharing moments with friends and family. Among its many features, one that often confuses users is the “Received” notification. In this article, we’ll delve into what the “Received” notification means on Snapchat.And explore the different status icons you may encounter while using the app. Addressing some common reasons why Snapchat may indicate that a chat was opened when it actually wasn’t.

What Does Received Mean on Snapchat


When you send a message or a snap to someone on Snapchat, you might notice a “Received” notification shortly after. This notification indicates that the recipient has received your message or snap. However, it’s essential to understand that receiving a snap or message doesn’t necessarily mean that the recipient has opened or viewed it. It simply means that the content has been delivered to their device.

Understanding Received and Other Icons mean on Snapchat

Snapchat uses various status icons to provide users with information about the status of their messages and snaps. These icons can appear next to your chats, stories, or snaps, indicating their current status. Here are some of the most common status icons you may encounter while using Snapchat:

Opened: This icon appears when the recipient has opened your snap or message.

Delivered: The “Delivered” icon indicates that your snap or message has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device.

Pending: If you see a “Pending” icon, it means that your snap or message is still in the process of being sent.

Failed to Send: This icon appears when your snap or message fails to send due to connectivity issues or other reasons.

Screenshot: If the recipient takes a screenshot of your snap, you’ll see a “Screenshot” icon next to the chat or snap.

Understanding these status icons can help you better track the status of your messages and snaps on Snapchat.

Status Icons You May See While Using Snapchat


While using Snapchat, you may encounter various status icons indicating the status of your messages and snaps. These icons can appear next to individual chats, stories, or snaps, providing you with valuable information about their status. Here are some common status icons you may see on Snapchat:

Opened Box: When you see an opened box icon, it means that the recipient has opened your snap or message.

Red Heart: The red heart icon appears when you have been best friends with someone for two weeks.

Red Triangle with an Exclamation Mark: This icon indicates that your snap or message failed to send due to an error.

These are just a few examples of the status icons you may encounter while using Snapchat. Understanding what each icon means can help you navigate the app more effectively.

Here are Some Icons You May Seen While Using Snapchat

Sent Icons

The sent icon, which displays as a solid arrow, indicates that your message is delivere to the receiver. However, it does not imply that the letter has been delivered or opened yet.


  • A “red arrow” represents a successfully sent Snap without audio.
  • A “purple arrow” represents a successfully sent Snap with audio.
  • A “blue arrow” represents a successfully sent chat.rewrite this with a introduction part to sent icon,

Received Icon

In Snapchat, the received icon serves as a fundamental indicator, informing users that their message or snap has successfully reached the recipient’s device. It is important to note that the presence of the received icon does not necessarily imply that the recipient has viewed or interacted with the content. Instead, it confirms that the message has been delivered to the intended recipient. Understanding the significance of the received icon is crucial for users to track the delivery status of their messages and snaps. Here’s an overview of the various interpretations of the received icon you may encounter on Snapchat:


  • A “red square” signifies that you have successfully sent a Snap or Snaps without audio.
  • If your Snap includes audio, a “purple square” indicates that it has been successfully received by the recipient.
  • For chats, a “blue square” confirms that your message has been delivered to the intended recipient’s device.

Opened Icon

In Snapchat, the opened icon serves as a pivotal indicator, informing users when their messages or snaps have been viewed by the recipient. This icon, represented by a solid filled-in arrow surrounded by an open square, signifies that the recipient has not only opened but also read the content sent to them. Understanding the nuances of the opened icon is essential for users to gauge the engagement and interaction with their snaps and chats. Here’s a breakdown of the different variations of the opened icon you may encounter on Snapchat:


  • A “hollow red arrow” denotes that your Snap without audio has been opened.
  • If your Snap includes audio, a “hollow purple arrow” signifies that it has been opened by the recipient.
  • For chats, a “hollow blue arrow” indicates that your message has been opened and read.
  • Additionally, a “hollow green arrow” is displayed when your cash gift has been opened by the recipient.

Viewed Icons

Snapchat employs various icons to provide users with information about the status of their snaps and chats. Among these are the viewed icons, which indicate when a snap or chat has been opened and viewed by the recipient. These icons play a crucial role in helping users track the engagement and interaction with their content. Here’s a breakdown of the viewed icons you may encounter while using Snapchat:


  • A hollow red square signifies that you have opened a snap or snaps without audio.
  • If you’ve opened a snap or snaps with audio, Snapchat displays a hollow purple square.
  • For opened chats, Snapchat utilizes a hollow blue square icon.
  • Additionally, a hollow gray square denotes that a snap you were sent has expired, indicating that you can no longer view it.

Screenshot Icons


In Snapchat, the ability to take screenshots of snaps or chats raises concerns about privacy and confidentiality. To address this, Snapchat incorporates screenshot icons to notify users when their content has been screenshotted by another user. These icons serve as visual indicators, alerting users to the actions taken by recipients. Here’s a breakdown of the screenshot icons you may encounter while using Snapchat:

  • When someone takes a screenshot of your snap without audio, you’ll see a pair of crossed, hollow red arrows.
  • If your snap with audio is screenshotted, Snapchat will display a pair of crossed, hollow purple arrows.
  • For chats that are screenshotted, Snapchat utilizes a pair of crossed, hollow blue arrows to indicate the action.

Repaly Icons


Replay icons on Snapchat serve as indicators that your content has been viewed multiple times by the recipient. These icons provide valuable insights into how engaging your snaps are and whether recipients are revisiting them. Understanding the significance of replay icons can help users gauge the impact of their content and tailor their future snaps accordingly. Here’s an overview of the replay icons and their interpretations on Snapchat.

  • The red replay icon signifies that a Snap without audio has been replayed by the recipient, indicating heightened interest in the content.
  • Similarly, the purple replay icon denotes that a Snap with audio has been replayed, suggesting that the recipient found the content engaging enough to view again.

Possible Reasons for Snapchat Saying a Chat Was Opened When It Wasn’t

Sometimes, Snapchat may indicate that a chat was opened when it actually wasn’t. There could be several reasons for this, including:

Glitch: Like any other app, Snapchat may experience glitches or bugs that cause it to display incorrect information.

Delayed Notification: In some cases, the “Opened” notification may appear delayed. Leading users to believe that the chat was opened when it wasn’t.

User Error: It’s also possible that the recipient accidentally opened the chat without realizing it. Especially if they have a habit of quickly tapping on notifications.

It’s essential to remember that occasional discrepancies can occur, and they don’t necessarily indicate a problem with the app.

How to Change Your GPS Location on Snapchat Safely


As you navigate through the intricacies of Snapchat’s status icons.You may find yourself intrigued by the platform’s dynamic features and capabilities. Yet, alongside understanding the nuances of message delivery and interaction, you might also seek greater control over your virtual presence. This desire for autonomy extends beyond message status to encompass aspects like location sharing.

With tools like iFoneTool AnyGo, you can seamlessly alter your GPS location on Snapchat, allowing for a more tailored and private experience.

By harnessing the power of iFoneTool AnyGo, users can unlock a new dimension of exploration and interaction on Snapchat, allowing them to virtually transport themselves to any location of their choice. With this groundbreaking tool, users can experience the freedom to navigate Snapchat’s geo-specific features and engage with friends and followers in entirely new ways. Let’s delve into how iFoneTool AnyGo revolutionizes the Snapchat experience with its location-changing capabilities.

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Then open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location!


Understanding the “Received” notification and other status icons on Snapchat can help users navigate the app more effectively and avoid misunderstandings. While Snapchat provides valuable features for communicating and sharing moments with friends,it’s essential to be aware of how the app functions and interpret its notifications correctly. By understanding the different status icons and possible reasons for discrepancies, users can make the most of their Snapchat experience while staying informed and in control.

What does the “Received” status mean on Snapchat?

The “Received” status indicates that your message or snap has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s device.

Does “Received” mean the recipient has seen my message?

No, “Received” simply means that the message has been delivered, but it doesn’t confirm whether the recipient has viewed it.

Can I tell if someone has opened my snap based on the “Received” status?

No, the “Received” status only signifies that the message has reached the recipient’s device, not whether it has been opened or viewed.

What if my snap shows as “Received” but the recipient claims they haven’t received it?

Occasionally, technical issues or delays may occur, leading to discrepancies in message delivery. You can try resending the snap or contacting Snapchat support for assistance.

How long does it take for a snap to change from “Sent” to “Received”?

The duration varies depending on factors like network connectivity and recipient’s device status, but typically, it’s almost instantaneous once the message is sent.