Snapchat, a popular photo-sharing app with 363 million daily active users worldwide, has evolved significantly. Users can post Snap Stories lasting 24 hours, exchange messages, and even play games.  

The app introduces frequent updates, which can sometimes be confusing for users. One such feature is the X icon next to someone’s name on Snapchat on the Chat screen. Sometimes, the camera and chat icons are replaced by an ‘X’ symbol, which makes users curious about its meaning.

So let’s unravel the mystery behind the X icon and learn all about What Does the X Mean On Snapchat? This guide aims to clear up any confusion and explain what does the X mean on Snapchat.

What is Snapchat?

Millions of users actively use Snapchat, a popular and free social media application, to send messages, photos, and video clips under Snapchat story names. One unique feature of Snapchat is that the content sent through the app disappears after 24 hours. It offers a wide range of features, including filters, lenses, charms, and trophies.

Now that we have a brief understanding of what Snapchat is let’s explore what does the ‘X’ mean on Snapchat. Snapchat’s X symbol can have various meanings, depending on the context in which it appears, such as in text messages, snaps, etc.

What Does the X Mean on Snapchat?

The little X on Snapchat next to a person’s name is a question that intrigues many Snapchat users. This grey X symbol appears next to a contact’s name, which is not your friend on Snapchat.


Not all Snapchat contacts have the grey X button next to their names; it appears only for some of them. Indeed, the meaning of the Grey X on Snapchat is not always straightforward, as it could indicate various situations. These possible reasons are listed down below.

1. If someone blocks you

On Snapchat, if someone blocks you, it may result in your chats being completely wiped, although this may not always happen. If you have saved conversations with that person, they might not be removed. In such cases, you will notice an X next to the Snapchat user’s name who has blocked you.

When someone blocks you, you lose the ability to send them snaps, texts, or friend requests, and you won’t be able to view their posts either. Likewise, the person who blocked you cannot send you snaps, view your images, or send you texts.

If this occurs, unless they unblock you, you won’t be able to remove the X next to the Snapchat name of that specific conversation. In such situations, addressing the matter with your friend and trying to resolve it together is essential.

2. If the person deletes you from their friend list

Another possibility for the appearance of the grey X is that the person has deleted you from their list of friends on Snapchat or blocked you on Snapchat. In this case, you are no longer included in their Snapchat friends list.


3. You haven’t accepted their request

Alternatively, it could imply that you have not yet accepted a friend request from that specific individual. If you see an X next to a Snapchat user’s name and you haven’t spoken to them before, it might mean that they recently added you as a friend, but you haven’t accepted their request yet. 

When you tap on the Snapchat username with the X icon, two buttons will be displayed: an ‘Okay’ button to accept the friend request and a ‘Report or Block’ button to report or block the person if needed. This feature allows you to effectively manage your friend requests and connections on Snapchat.

4. You removed the person from your friend list

Furthermore, the grey X might indicate that you have unfriended `’the person, meaning they are no longer on your list of Snapchat friends. You removed the person from your friends list but haven’t blocked them, allowing them to still send you messages. 

5. They didn’t add you to their friend list

It is also possible that you and a friend have been chatting for some time but have never added each other to your friend lists. If you eventually request to add them, and they decline the friend request, you will also notice an X next to their Snapchat name. While it may be disappointing, it is essential to acknowledge the situation as it is.

In this case, even if you continue to communicate with this individual, you won’t have access to certain features if you are not on each other’s friends list.

The common factor in all the situations mentioned above is that you are not friends on Snapchat.

Seeing an X with a grey background next to a Snapchat name in a conversation can be a cause for concern and confusion. Normally, a camera-shaped indicator appears next to conversations. Still, when an X appears, it indicates that you have been chatting with someone, not on your friend list.

Now that we’ve understood what does the X mean on Snapchat let’s explore the steps you can take to get rid of it.

How to Remove the Grey X Icon From Snapchat?


Understanding what does the X mean on Snapchat, you can easily take specific actions to remove it from the Chats section. Depending on the scenario, you can try the following methods to get rid of the X mark.

First of all, you should first check if you have added that person as a friend on Snapchat. If not, go ahead and add them.

In essence, to remove the Grey X icon, you and the other person need to add each other as friends on Snapchat.

These are the ways you can remove Grey X on Snapchat.

  • If you haven’t accepted their friend request yet, simply accept it to remove the X mark next to their name.
  • If you have removed that person from your Friends list, you can add them back to remove the X mark. Alternatively, you can choose to block them, report them, or clear the conversation to eliminate the X mark without adding them back.
  • If the other person has removed you from their friend list, you can request them to add you back to get rid of the X mark.

Depending on your situation, you can easily remove the X mark from Snapchat and resolve any annoyance it may cause in the Chats section by using one of these methods.

The Role of the “X” in Streak Snapchat

When it comes to maintaining Snapchat streaks, the appearance of the “X” symbol holds particular significance. The “X” serves as a warning or notification for users that their streak is about to end. Here’s an explanation of the conditions under which the “X” is displayed and its role in alerting users:

1. Time Limit

Snapchat streaks require consistent communication between two users. To keep a streak alive, both users must exchange snaps (photos or videos) within a specific time window. This time limit is typically set at 24 hours.

2. Impending Expiration

When the 24-hour deadline approaches and a user hasn’t received a snap from their streak partner, Snapchat displays an hourglass emoji next to the streak to indicate that time is running out. This is a warning sign that the streak is at risk of ending.

3. The Arrival of the “X”

If a user fails to send or receive a snap within the required time frame, the hourglass emoji is replaced by the “X” symbol. The appearance of the “X” signifies that the streak has officially ended.

4. Losing the Streak

Once the “X” appears, the streak is broken, and the number representing the streak count disappears as well. Users will no longer see the streak in their chat list, and any associated streak rewards, such as special emojis or trophies, are lost.

5. Rebuilding Streaks

If users wish to reestablish a streak with the same person after it ends, they must start from scratch. Sending a snap to the previous streak partner will not revive the old streak count. Instead, a new streak will begin, and the count will be reset to zero.

The “X” symbol plays a vital role in alerting users to the imminent end of a Snapchat streak. It serves as a visual indicator that prompts users to take action and send a snap to keep the streak alive before the time limit expires. However, it’s essential to note that the “X” can be disappointing for users who value their streaks, as it signifies the loss of a significant accomplishment and connection within the Snapchat community.

X Icon: Unopened vs. Opened Messages

When it comes to differentiating between unopened and opened messages on Snapchat, the X icon plays a significant role. Understanding the variations of the X icon can help users determine the status of a message. Here’s an explanation of how the X icon changes based on the message’s status:

1. Unopened Messages

When you receive a new message on Snapchat that you haven’t opened yet, the X icon appears next to the sender’s name.
The X symbol indicates that the message is unopened and awaiting your attention.
It serves as a visual cue that there is a message waiting for you to view.

2. Opened Messages

After you open a message, the X icon changes to indicate that the message has been viewed.
Once you have viewed the message, the X icon transforms into a different indicator.
Instead of the X icon, you will see other symbols such as a filled-in square, a filled-in triangle, or sometimes no symbol at all.
These icons represent different statuses related to the message, such as replayed, screenshots taken, or no additional actions.

It’s important to note that the exact symbol that replaces the X varies depending on the actions taken within the conversation. For example, a filled-in square might indicate that you replayed the message, while a filled-in triangle could signify that you took a screenshot of the message. These symbols provide additional context regarding the actions you or the sender have taken within the conversation.


This concludes the guide on what does the X mean on Snapchat.

To summarize, the X icon on Snapchat signifies that you and a friend are no longer connected as Snapchat friends. This means that your messages and snaps may go unanswered by them, and the same applies to their communications sent to you. Additionally, the word “Pending” will appear below their Snapchat message, indicating that your friendship request is yet to be accepted.

We hope that you now have a clear understanding of what does the X mean on Snapchat and how you can remove it from your conversations.

Bonus Tip: How to Change Your Location on Snapchat For Free?

Snapchat relies on your phone’s GPS or internet connection to determine your location and apply it to the location filter. Maybe you don’t wanna be seen in your real location for privacy protection. iFoneTool AnyGo is a stable and powerful tool for location spoofing, making it easier to change a device’s GPS location. It allows users to create their movement pathways, giving the impression that their phone is moving between several GPS locations.

Here are 3 easy steps to download it:

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location! It will also be updated on your Snap map.

How do you know if someone unadded you on Snapchat?

  1. You are unable to see their Snap score.
  2. They are not visible in your friend list.
  3. Their name doesn’t appear in the search bar.
  4. Snaps or videos you sent to them are still pending.

What does the X on Snapchat but still friends mean?

If there is an X on Snapchat next to someone’s name, but you were friends with them before, it means they have now unfriended you.

Why is there an X next to someone’s name on Snapchat?

If you see an X next to someone’s name on Snapchat, it means either you have not accepted their friend request or they haven’t accepted yours yet.

What does “new contact” mean on Snapchat?

“New contact” on Snapchat refers to a new contact you have on your phone, which is also on Snapchat, and they have their phone number connected to their Snapchat account.

How do I add new contacts on Snapchat?

To add new contacts on Snapchat, follow these steps:
  • Tap the Profile icon at the top to go to your Profile.
  • Tap “Add Friends” and then select “All Contacts.”
  • Finally, tap “+ Add” next to the contact you want to add as a friend on Snapchat.