Blocking someone on Snapchat is a significant action that can greatly impact your interactions and privacy within the app. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of what happens when you block someone on Snapchat. We’ll explore various scenarios where blocking is appropriate, provide detailed steps on how to block and unblock users, and conclude with key considerations for using this feature effectively.

What Happens When You Block Someone on Snapchat

When you block someone on Snapchat, it triggers a series of impactful changes that significantly alter your interaction with the blocked user:

Communication Block:


The blocked user is prevented from sending you snaps, chats, or viewing your stories.

This includes both one-on-one and group conversations; the blocked user cannot initiate new chats or send snaps to any group where you’re a member.

Profile Invisibility:


Your profile becomes completely invisible to the blocked user.

They cannot view any updates, changes, or posts you make on your Snapchat profile, including profile pictures, display names, or any added details.

Chat Disappearance:

All existing conversations with the blocked person disappear from your chat history.

This ensures that there is no trace of past communication with the blocked user, maintaining a clean and clutter-free chat interface.

Profile Removal:


The blocked user is unable to search for your profile using Snapchat’s search feature.

They cannot add you as a friend, view your public snaps or stories, or access any information related to your account.

Restriction from Viewing Mutual Content:

If you and the blocked user are part of the same group or have mutual friends, they will no longer see your contributions or activities within those shared spaces.

This extends to group chats, where your messages and presence will not be visible to the blocked user, ensuring a complete disconnection from your shared social circles.

Snap Map Privacy:

Your location and presence on the Snap Map become invisible to the blocked user.

They cannot see your real-time location updates or view your location history on the Snap Map feature.

Call and Video Chat Block:

The blocked user cannot initiate voice calls, video calls, or video chats with you through Snapchat.

This extends to all forms of direct communication within the app, ensuring a complete communication blackout between you and the blocked user.

These comprehensive measures ensure that blocking someone on Snapchat effectively severs all forms of communication and visibility, providing users with control over their interactions and privacy within the app.

When Should You Block Someone on Snapchat


Blocking someone should be considered in various situations, including:

There are several situations in which you might want to consider blocking someone on Snapchat:

Harassment or Abuse: If someone is harassing or bullying you on Snapchat, blocking them can help protect your mental health and well-being.

Privacy Concerns: If you’re uncomfortable with someone having access to your Snapchat content or personal information, blocking them can help maintain your privacy.

Unwanted Contact: If someone is continuously contacting you despite your attempts to ignore them or ask them to stop, blocking them can provide relief from unwanted communication.

Toxic Relationships: If you’re in a toxic or unhealthy relationship with someone on Snapchat, blocking them can help you distance yourself and move on.

Overall, blocking someone on Snapchat is a personal decision that should be made based on your own comfort level and safety concerns.

How to Block Someone on Snapchat

Blocking someone on Snapchat is a necessary step to maintain your privacy and control over your interactions on the platform. There are two primary methods to block someone on Snapchat, both of which are simple and quick to execute.

Method 1: Block from Chat Screen



1.Swipe Right to Access Chat Screen: Open the Snapchat app on your device and swipe right to access the Chat screen.


2.Tap and Hold on Friend’s Name: Locate the friend’s name that you want to block and tap and hold on it.


3.Select ‘Manage Friendship‘: A menu will appear; tap on “Manage Friendship.”

4.Choose ‘Block‘: From the options available, select “Block” to proceed with blocking the user.

Method 2: Block from Chat

1.Swipe Right to Access Chat Screen: Again, open the Snapchat app and swipe right to access the Chat screen.


2.Open Chat with Friend: Tap on the chat with the friend you wish to block to open the conversation.

3.Access Friend’s Profile: Tap on the friend’s profile icon at the top of the chat.

4.Manage Friendship: Tap on the settings icon (represented by three dots) at the top of the friend’s profile, then tap “Manage Friendship.”

5.SelectBlock’: Finally, tap on “Block” to confirm and block the user.

Blocking someone on Snapchat prevents them from viewing your Stories, sending you Snaps or Chats, and accessing your Charms. This action is irreversible, so ensure that you want to block the user before proceeding. If you ever change your mind, you can unblock them following similar steps.

Overall, blocking someone on Snapchat is a crucial tool for maintaining a safe and enjoyable experience on the platform. Whether you’re dealing with harassment, unwanted contact, or privacy concerns, blocking allows you to take control of your interactions and protect yourself from unwanted attention.

What Will Happen to the One I Blocked

When you block someone on Snapchat, the action has several immediate consequences for both parties involved. First and foremost, the blocked individual loses the ability to initiate any form of communication with you on the platform. This means they cannot send you Snaps or Chats anymore. Moreover, any ongoing conversations you had with the blocked user will vanish from your Chat screen, ensuring you no longer have access to their messages.

Furthermore, the person you’ve blocked won’t be able to view your Story, and your username will no longer appear in their Friends list. If they attempt to send you a Snap or Chat after being blocked, they will receive a message notifying them of their blocked status. Essentially, blocking someone on Snapchat serves as a barrier that prevents any interaction between you and the blocked user.

This action effectively severs communication channels and restricts the blocked individual’s access to your Snapchat content and profile. It’s a decisive measure that provides peace of mind and ensures a degree of control over your interactions on the platform.

The Best Way To Change Your Location on Snapchat Safely


Are you looking to spice up your Snapchat experience by adding a new location to your snaps? With iFoneTool AnyGo, you can easily change your location on Snapchat without risking your account’s security. Whether you want to explore new geo-filters or surprise your friends with snaps from exotic locations, iFoneTool AnyGo makes it simple and safe to change your virtual location on Snapchat.

Using advanced GPS spoofing technology, iFoneTool AnyGo allows you to teleport to any location in the world with just a few clicks. Whether you’re planning a virtual vacation or want to impress your friends with snaps from far-flung destinations, iFoneTool AnyGo has you covered. Additionally, with its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with Snapchat, changing your location has never been easier or more convenient.

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Then open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


Now you can get a new fake location!

Say goodbye to boring snaps and hello to endless possibilities with iFoneTool AnyGo. Simply download the app, select your desired location, and start snapping away. With iFoneTool AnyGo, the world is your playground, and your Snapchat adventures are much byond your imagination.


Blocking someone on Snapchat is a significant decision that should be made thoughtfully. By understanding the effects of blocking, knowing when it’s appropriate to block someone, and following the detailed steps to block and unblock users, you can effectively manage your Snapchat experience and maintain a safe and positive online environment.

How do I know if someone blocked me on Snapchat?

You’ll notice a lack of communication, inability to view their profile, and disappearance from mutual spaces.

Can a blocked user still see my old Snaps?

No, all past conversations and content are removed from their view after blocking.

Will the blocked user be notified of the block?

No, Snapchat does not send notifications to the blocked user.

Can I unblock someone after blocking them?

Yes, you can unblock them from your Snapchat settings.

Can a blocked user contact me through a different account?

Yes, blocking only affects communication from the specific account you blocked.