
Our everyday lives now revolve around location services on our gadgets. They provide us with convenience, navigation, and personalized experiences. However, it can be frustrating when your location keep turning off unexpectedly. We will examine the causes of your location keep turning off in this post and provide you with detailed instructions on how to resolve it. Additionally, we will discuss how you can prevent your child from turning off their location.

Can Location Services Be Turned Off by Itself?

Before we delve into the causes of location services turning off, it’s important to understand that location services do not typically disable themselves without any intervention. The most common reason for location services being turned off is a setting change or an issue with the device’s software.

Common Causes for Location Keep Turning Off

Let’s explore some common scenarios that may give the impression of location services keep turning off:

1. Battery-Saving Mode:


 Many devices offer battery-saving features that automatically disable certain functions, including location services, to conserve power. When your device’s battery level drops to a certain threshold, it may activate battery-saving mode and disable location services. This can give the impression that location services have turned off by themselves, but it is a result of the device’s power-saving settings.

2. Airplane Mode:

Enabling airplane mode on your device disables all wireless communications, including location services. If you accidentally activate airplane mode or forget to disable it after a flight, it may give the impression that location services have turned off by themselves. However, this is a deliberate action taken by the user.

3. Software Updates:


Occasionally, software updates for your device’s operating system may introduce changes to the settings or even cause temporary glitches. If you notice that location services are no longer functioning as expected after a software update, it may give the impression that they keep turning off. In reality, the update may have altered the settings or introduced a bug that affects location services.

4. App-Specific Settings:

Some apps have their location settings that can override the system settings. If an app’s location permissions are disabled or restricted, it may prevent location services from functioning within that particular app. This can make it seem like location services have turned off on their own when, in fact, it’s a result of the app’s settings.

5. GPS Signal Issues:


Weak GPS signals or interference can lead to inaccurate location data or the inability to determine your location. If your device is unable to establish a reliable GPS connection, it may appear as if location services have turned off by themselves. In reality, it’s a result of the device’s inability to obtain a sufficient GPS signal.

How to Fix My Location Keeps Turning OFF?


Now that we have identified some common causes, let’s explore step-by-step solutions to resolve the issue:

  • Check location settings:

Open the settings menu on your device and navigate to the location or privacy settings. Ensure that you enable the location services. Additionally, check if any specific apps have restricted access to location services and modify their settings accordingly.

  • Disable battery-saving features:

If your device has battery-saving options enabled, consider disabling or adjusting them. Look for settings related to power management and location services and make sure they are configured to allow location access.

  • Restart your device:

Occasionally, a straightforward restart might fix brief software issues. Turn off your device, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on. This can help refresh the system and potentially resolve any issues with location services.

  • Update the software on your device:

Maintaining the most recent version of your device’s operating system is essential for the best results. Install any updates through checking. Software updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can address issues with location services.

  • Reset location settings:

If none of the above steps work, you can try resetting your device’s location settings. This will revert the settings to their default state. Keep in mind that this will remove any personalized location preferences or permissions you have set. To reset location settings, go to the device’s settings menu, find the location or privacy settings, and look for an option to reset location settings.

How Can I Keep My Child from Turning Off Location?

If you are a parent concerned about your child turning off their location, there are a few measures you can take:

  • Communication:

Talk to your child about the importance of sharing their location and the reasons behind it. Cultivate open and honest communication so they can understand your concerns and the potential risks of turning off location services.

  • Set parental controls:

Many devices and applications offer parental control features that allow you to restrict certain settings, including location services. Enable these controls and set a passcode so that only you can make changes to the settings.

  • Use third-party tracking apps:

There are several third-party applications available that can help you track your child’s location. These apps often provide additional features such as Localizer.

Users can follow the location history of mobile numbers with Localizer, a potent online location tracker. For those who need to keep an eye on the whereabouts of mobile devices, Localizer offers a practical option with its intuitive UI and sophisticated monitoring features. Whether you need to find a misplaced phone, monitor your device, or are worried about a loved one’s safety, Localizer provides the tools to effectively and precisely trace mobile number location history.


Important Characteristics:

Tracking Location History: Localizer gives users access to a mobile number’s historical location data. Through the retrieval of data, including locations and timestamps, users can learn where a certain gadget has been over a given time frame.

  • Real-Time Location Updates: Localizer provides real-time tracking in addition to previous location information. With the help of this tool, users may keep an eye on the most recent location of a cell number.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Localizer’s website is easy to navigate for both inexperienced and seasoned users due to its simple design. Accessing and understanding location history data is made simple by the user-friendly interface.
  • Secure and Private: Localizer places a high priority on its users’ security and privacy. Personal information and tracking activities are kept private thanks to the platform’s encryption and security measures, which apply to all data and information exchanged.

How Can I Make Use of Localizer?

Use Localizer to trace a mobile number’s location history by following these general instructions:

  • Go to the  Localizer website.
  • Sign Up or Log In: To create a Localizer account if you are a new user, use the “Sign Up” button. To finish the registration procedure, supply the necessary data and adhere to the guidelines. If you already have an account, select “Log In” and provide your login information to gain access.
  • Enter cellphone Number: After logging in, look for the space where you may enter the cellphone number you want to follow. For accurate results, make sure the country code is entered correctly.
  • Initiate Tracking: After entering the phone number, click the relevant button to start tracking. The location history information linked to the entered mobile number will be retrieved by Localizer.
  • View Location History: After tracing, the Localizer screen displays the location history details of the phone number. You can examine dates, coordinates, and additional pertinent data pertaining to the tracked device’s previous locations.


The issue of location services turning off on your device can be frustrating, but it is usually solvable by checking and adjusting a few settings. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and keep your location services functioning properly. Additionally, if you’re a parent, you can take steps to ensure that your child does not turn off location services, providing you with peace of mind. Remember to stay informed about the latest software updates and keep your device’s settings optimized for location services.

Why does my location keep turning off on my device?

Several reasons could cause this, including battery-saving settings, app permissions, GPS signal issues, or software glitches.

How can I fix the problem of my location turning off?

Try troubleshooting steps like enabling high-accuracy mode, clearing cache for location-related apps, restarting your device, or updating the software.

Why does my iPhone/Android location keep turning off randomly?

It could be due to settings like “Low Power Mode” on iPhone or “Battery Saver” on Android, or issues with the location services settings.

Can a weak GPS signal cause my location to turn off?

Yes, a weak GPS signal can make it difficult for your device to accurately determine your location and may lead to location turning off.  

Should I consider resetting my device if the location keeps turning off?

Resetting should be your last resort. Before that, try other troubleshooting steps or seek professional assistance to avoid data loss.