Life 360 is a popular family tracking app that allows users to stay connected with their loved ones by sharing their real-time location. However, many users have reported issues with Life 360 not updating their location accurately or at all. This article aims to explore the possible reasons why the Life 360 Not Updating Location and provide detailed steps to fix it.

What Is Life 360?


For families and close-knit groups, Life360 is a smartphone application that offers location-sharing and communication features. It enables users to create private circles consisting of family members or friends and allows them to track each other’s real-time locations on a map. The app offers various features such as location history, safe driving analysis, notifications for arrivals and departures, and a panic alert in case of emergencies. Users can also communicate through private messaging and create custom alerts for specific locations or events.

Life360 aims to provide a sense of security and peace of mind to its users, particularly for families who want to stay connected and ensure the safety of their loved ones. It is available for both iOS and Android devices and has gained popularity as a tool for coordinating and keeping track of family members’ whereabouts.

How Does Life360 Display Location?


Life360 displays location information through its mobile application. When users grant permission, the app utilizes the GPS capabilities of their smartphones to track their real-time locations. The locations are then displayed on a map within the app interface. Each member of a particular circle is represented by a marker or icon on the map, allowing users to see the whereabouts of their family members or close friends.

The markers typically update periodically to reflect the most recent location data. Users can zoom in or out on the map to get a better view and can also switch between different map views, such as satellite or street view, depending on their preferences. Additionally, the app may provide additional details such as the time of each location update and the distance between users within the circle.

Why Is Life 360 Not Updating Location?

There could be several reasons why Life 360 is not updating the location properly. Some of the common factors include:

  • Poor GPS Signal:

Life 360 relies on GPS technology to track the location accurately. If your device has a weak GPS signal or is unable to establish a connection, the app may struggle to update the location.


  • Background App Refresh:

Life 360 requires background app refresh to update the location continuously. If  Life 360 disables or limits this feature, you may not be able to update your location in real time.


  • Battery Optimization:

Some devices have built-in battery optimization settings that restrict background activities to conserve battery life. If Life 360 is optimized in this way, it may not update the location unless the app is actively open.

  • App Permissions:

Life 360 requires certain permissions to function correctly, such as location access and background location. If these permissions are not granted or are restricted, the app may face difficulties in updating the location.

  • App Version or Technical Issues:

Occasionally, Life360 may have bugs or technical issues that affect location updates. Ensure that you have the latest version of the app installed, as updates may include bug fixes and performance improvements.

How to Fix Not Updating Location on Life 360?


If you are experiencing issues with Life 360 not updating the location accurately, the following steps can help you troubleshoot and resolve the problem:

  • Check App Permissions:

Ensure that Life360 has the necessary permissions to access location services on your device. Locate the app permissions or app settings section in the settings on your device, and confirm that Life360 has permission to access your location.


  • Enable Background App Refresh:

Verify that the background app refresh feature is enabled for Life360. This allows the app to update the location even when it’s not actively open. Go to Device Settings, find App Settings or battery Settings, and be sure to turn on background app refresh for the Life360.

  • Check Battery Optimization Settings:

Some devices have battery optimization settings that can limit the background activity of apps. Life360 optimization may have an impact on location updates. Look for battery optimization settings in your device’s settings and ensure that Life360 is not blocked.

  • Restart the App:

Close the Life360 app completely and then reopen it. This can help refresh the app and resolve any temporary issues that may be preventing location updates.

  • Update the App:

Make sure your device is running the most recent version of Life360. Bug fixes and performance enhancements that can resolve location update problems are frequently included in app updates.

  • Check Internet Connection:

Life360 requires a stable internet connection to update location information. Make sure your device is connected to a reliable Wi-Fi network or has a stable cellular data connection.

  • Verify GPS Signal:

Ensure that your device has a strong GPS signal. If you are indoors or in an area with poor GPS reception, try moving to an open outdoor area to improve the signal.

  • Contact Life360 Support:

If the issue persists, it may be helpful to reach out to Life360’s customer support. They can provide specific troubleshooting steps or further assistance to resolve the problem.

Fix Life 360 Not Updating Location by Using iFoneTool AnyGo?

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, you can try using a third-party tool called iFoneTool AnyGo. This tool allows you to change your device’s GPS location easily, which can help in resolving location-related issues in apps like Life 360. Here’s how you can use it:

Step 1: Download and install the iFoneTool AnyGo on your computer. Open AnyGo and click the Start button.


Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer by USB, and then you will see your location on the map.


Step 3: Click the location you want to go on the map or enter where you’d like to go on the top left. And then click “Move”.


With iFoneTool AnyGo, you can fix Not Updating Location on Life 360.


Life 360 is a convenient app for tracking the real-time location of family members and friends. However, if you are facing issues with not updating the location on Life 360 accurately, it can be frustrating. By following the steps mentioned above, such as checking the GPS signal, enabling background app refresh, disabling battery optimization, and ensuring proper app permissions, you can troubleshoot and resolve the Life 360 not updating location issue.

If all else fails, using a tool like iFoneTool AnyGo can help in changing the GPS location and potentially fix the problem. With these fixes, you can enjoy the full functionality of Life 360 and stay connected with your loved ones effortlessly.

Why is my Life 360 app not updating my location?

There could be several reasons, such as poor GPS signal, app permissions, battery optimization settings, or a technical issue.

How can I improve location updates on Life 360?

Ensure that your device has a strong GPS signal, grant necessary permissions to the app, disable battery optimization for Life 360, and keep the app up to date.

Why does Life 360 show an incorrect location?

Inaccurate location can occur due to multiple factors like GPS drift, Wi-Fi interference, or outdated map data. Try refreshing the app, checking your internet connection, or restarting your device.

Is there a way to manually update my location on Life 360?

Yes, you can manually refresh your location by opening the app and tapping the refresh or update button.

What should I do if Life 360 consistently fails to update my location?

If the problem persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app, checking for any available updates, or contacting Life 360 support for further assistance.